"Let's go, I take a step back."

"Three treasures, one person and one half, cannot be cut, and they are exchanged for equivalent treasures."

"How about you have the right to choose and exchange?"

The old man sighed helplessly and said, "This is the biggest concession I can make. If you don't agree, then the net will be broken."

Hearing that, Ling Xian was silent.

The meaning of the old man is half of one person. If the third treasure cannot be separated, then the other person will be compensated with an equivalent baby. And he has the right to choose and exchange, which is undoubtedly a very favorable distribution method for him.

Right now, he took it when he saw it, and smiled lightly: "A good distribution method, I promise."

"It's good for you, it's exploitation for me."

The old man glanced at Ling Xian and sighed softly: "If I were not trapped here, how could I make such a concession?"

"Who made you trapped? You can only blame yourself," said Ling Xian with a smile on her mouth, and said, "I promise you, I don't trust you."

"Every one another." The old man glanced at Ling Xian lightly, and said, "I don't trust you little fox."

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, especially when facing the old fox." Ling Xian smiled slightly and made a vow of heaven.

The old man did the same, and then he sank, "Now, you can save me."

"Naturally, you are my partner." Ling Xian smiled slightly, raised her hand, and the rune array came out.

The runes are nothing, but the faculty are flowing, the spirit is pervasive, revealing his masterly accomplishments.

This shocked the old man. You must know that the great master is extremely rare. Even if you look at the entire Xuanwu continent, there are not many.

As a result, he was naturally shocked, and at the same time, he was a little happy.

There is a gurus master, and the rune formation here is not a problem at all, in other words, he can get out of trouble.

And it is true.

Although the rune formations here are strong, in front of Ling Xian, they are nothing.

Therefore, it took him only a moment to break it down completely.

"Good boy, I am indeed the right person." The old man laughed loudly, the four golden ropes broke and fell off automatically.

"You see the wrong person, and you have no choice." Ling Xian said lightly, and there was a dignity in the star eyes.

Because the old man broke the imitation imitation rope very easily, as simple as drinking water to eat. This kind of strength is definitely called powerful, but when you think of the rules of the sacred island, there is nothing.

Only monks below the seventh realm can land on the island, and as long as they are under the seventh realm, he has no fear.

"Fortunately, you and I are both capable people." The old man looked at Ling Xian with a smile.

"I've proven myself and fulfilled my promises. It's your turn."

Ling Xian glanced at the old man and shifted his eyes to the three light balls.

"Rest assured that I have stolen all eternity, but no one dares to question it." The old man smiled proudly.

"Stolen forever?"

Ling Xian froze for a moment, thinking of stealing the world from the immortal world. From the name alone, the two were absolutely connected.

"Haha, wasn't he scared by this name?" The old man laughed heartily, thinking that Ling Xian was stunned because he had heard of his name.

He is famous in the Xuanwu continent, known as the pirate saint, and even the top forces fear him by three points.

Of course, it's not because of his strength, but because of his ingenious theft.

"Disappointing you, I have never heard of the name at all, how come it scares me?" Ling Xian shook her head and smiled.

Now, it was the old man's turn to hold him back. He pointed at Ling Xian and said, "You haven't heard of my name, are you from the Xuanwu continent?"

"Are you famous?" Ling Xian glanced briefly at stealing Wangu.

"What is famous? Quite famous. Do you understand?"

Stealing the eternal spirit with a beard and staring, he said, "In the name of stealing the saint, who knows who does not know in the Xuanwu continent?"

"I don't know, well, don't brag in front of me, hurry up to break the ball of light." Ling Xian urged, without asking the person's relationship with stealing the world.

Because the two of them only have the same last name, and lack direct evidence, they hurriedly asked, and it would inevitably be a bit abrupt.

"Unsightly little devil." Pirates vanquished his mouth, then stepped on a mysterious footwork, flashed in front of the light ball.

This allowed Lingxian's expression to freeze, confirming that there must be some connection between this person and stealing the world.

Because he has seen the mysterious footwork of stealing the world, exactly the same as the show of stealing Wangu at the moment, no different!

"Don't you say that stealing vanguards is also Yongxingxing?"

Ling Xian was shocked. In addition to the doubts in Xingmu, she also had some expectations.

At the moment, he no longer hesitated, saying: "I know a woman named Thief."

Hearing, Pirates frowned slightly, saying: "Is this woman stealing magic?"

"Yes, she will show your footwork, too." Ling Xian stared tightly at Stealing Wangu, trying to find the shocked emotion on his face.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

In addition to doubts, stealing vanguards has no other emotions.

He pondered for a moment, and said, "If I didn't expect it to be wrong, the woman in your mouth should have inherited my stolen door."

"Legend of stolen doors? Please state clearly." Ling Xian frowned, somewhat disappointed.

Because of the look of stealing all ages, he has proved that he is not a person of Yongxianxing, and he does not know stealing the world.

"My stolen door has a mysterious history and a long history. Its ancestors have great powers, and they have been passed down in many places."

Pirates of all ages gave Lingxian a profound look and said, "Many places in my mouth do not refer to one world, but many worlds."

Hearing that Ling Xian understood and was excited.

Pirates of all ages have made it very clear that he has been inherited by the ancestors of Pirates of the Gate, as well as the world. In other words, the ancestors have inherited both in Yongxianxing and Xuanwu continents.

This means that the Pirate Ancestor must know the way to travel between the two realms. In this way, can Lingxian not be excited?

"Everyone in the burglar door has a burglar as his surname. The little girl in your mouth has a bit of courage and dares to take the name of the world."

"But it's still a little worse than the old man."

"Hey, the old man is in the name of eternity, and has the courage to chase the ancestors!"

Stealing all kinds of people, laughing, it's hard to hide the pride.

Unfortunately, Ling Xian didn't hear what he was talking about, and his mind was completely occupied by the pirate ancestors at this moment.

Pirates of the ancients have said that Pirates of the ancestors have been passed down in many worlds, which not only proves that he has great power, but also means that he has a way to leave the Xuanwu continent.

Therefore, Ling Xian turned her eyes to Pirates and said, "How do you know how Pirates left the Xuanwu continent?"

"I don't even know how many generations of the pirate ancestors, how could I know such secrets?" Pirates Wan Gu rolled his eyes.

"Can I borrow the ancient books of stolen doors for me?" Ling Xian did not give up.

"I don't have any. How can I borrow you?"

Stealing Wangu continued to roll his eyes, and said, "All I get is stealth magic skills, and the secret inside the door is unknown."

Hearing, Ling Xianguang dim.

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