Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1597: One step ahead

In the past, in order to hide the city of guardianship, Feng Qingming and Forge River joined forces to create a convulsive **** array.

This array is called Zhetian. It is a flawless and perfect array. Even if it is a simplified version with only 30% power, it is also perfect in accumulating interest rates.

Therefore, Ling Xian quietly left the first area, and no one was found.

After that, he followed the route of enquiry and flew towards the sacred temple.

Half an hour later, he saw the heart of the sacred island, where the dark incense was placed.

I saw that it was a magnificent palace, not expensive, but full of vicissitudes. That is the precious mark that only time can leave.

Among the buildings that Ling Xian has seen, this temple can definitely be ranked in the top three, like a sleeping ancient beast, which gives people a huge pressure.

"Is this the sacred temple? It really is magnificent."

Ling Xian sighed softly, and frowned as she was feeling.

Because there are too many strong men in the vicinity, not to say far away, just talking about the main hall, there are no less than ten sixth-state strong men. There are several shares that are not inferior to him.

As a result, he naturally felt tricky.

"The guards are too strict. These people are okay to say that with my strength, it is not difficult to deal with them. But if I am shocked by the power of the seventh realm, even if I have a hundred lives, it is not enough."

Ling Xian sighed softly, and had a headache.

Under the care of more than a dozen monks in the sixth realm, he wanted to sneak in and retreat from his body, which is undoubtedly as difficult as ever.

Therefore, Ling Xian was in trouble. He had to think about it and there was only one way.

That is to keep the original plan unchanged, and steal the subtle Qi Luo.

Although the risk is high, he will die once he is found. But apart from this, he really has no way at all, and he has to take advantage of it now, otherwise he may not be able to wait until the next time.

"Spelled it, it's dead all the time."

Ling Xian murmured to himself, his eyes gradually became firm, and then he moved forward and landed in front of the temple.

Yes, you don't hide your body, you can even say it.

It happened, no one noticed, and no one showed up.

This is the habit of the practitioners. After the spirits can be released, most practitioners are used to using the spirits to perceive. Because the soul has a wide range of perception, at least it is wider than the eyes.

Therefore, the strong men who guard the place are hiding everywhere, but they are monitored by the spirits and not guarded in person.

If you change someone else, it is natural that you can't escape the perception of these strong ones, but Lingxian is a different kind. In other words, it is too perfect to cover the sky.

Although it is only a simplified version of 30% of the power, it is perfect and perfect, let alone a monk in the sixth realm. Even with the power of the seventh realm, Lingxian cannot be found by perception.

Therefore, Shi Shiran stood at the entrance of the main hall, as if he had come to his own back garden.

If this scene is seen, especially by the people on the sacred island, I am afraid that the lungs will explode.

This temple is the most important place on the sacred island. There is no one. It was actually walked to the door by the people. This is simply unthinkable!

"Easier than expected, just this ban ..."

Seeing no one appearing, Ling Xian was slightly relieved, but frowned when he saw the prohibition on the gate.

I saw a total of 108 forbidden gates, 54 for matrix formations, and the other half for Fu Yan. The two are combined into one, complementing each other, which is quite natural.

In other words, it is perfect.

Therefore, even with Ling Xian's profound accomplishments on the two lines of Rune, it is still tricky.

Fortunately, this prohibition is not truly perfect, but he is a genuine Master Dao Dao and a master Dao Dao!

"It is indeed a sacred island, and it really has deep roots."

With a sigh, Ling Xian no longer hesitated and began to crack the ban.

With his accomplishments in the two battle arrays, cracking the restraint is not difficult, but it is destined to take a short time.

Therefore, Lingxian raced against time and tried its best to break the ban. At the same time, he secretly prayed that he would not be found.

When he cracked a quarter, he suddenly discovered that the subsequent prohibition was incomplete, as if it had been cracked.

"Is the book incomplete, or did someone crack it first?" Ling Xian frowned, dispelling the previous guess.

You know, this temple is the most important part of the sacred island. If the prohibition is incomplete, how can it be placed here?

Therefore, the possibility of the latter is undoubtedly greater. In other words, someone has already stepped into the sacred temple first. The purpose is obviously to steal.

"Someone had the same idea as me ..."

Ling Xian's mouth raised, suddenly there was a feeling that I was not alone, but the next moment, the smile turned to urgent.

Cracking the banned man obviously had the same thoughts as him, but the man had already gone in. This means that if you don't rush in, you won't even be able to drink the soup.

At that moment, Ling Xian carefully opened the door and walked in.

After that, he saw a picture that made him stumble.

I saw a unkempt old man suspended in mid-air, preparing to say that he was tied in the air by four golden ropes. Around him, the rune array permeated, blessing on the golden rope, and locked him firmly.

Taking Lingxian's runes as two practices, one can see at a glance that these rune formations are extraordinary and stronger than the prohibition on the door.

At the same time, he also recognized the golden rope, and could not help exclaiming: "Bundle of fairy rope!"

When the voice landed, the old man was a little surprised, and Huo Ran moved his eyes to Lingxian. In addition to being alert, he was surprised.

He asked himself if he had good strength, and he had a deep understanding of the art of convergence, but he did not feel the breath of Lingxian, as if standing in front of him was just a ghost.

In this way, the elderly are naturally quite surprised.

"It's not a real immortal rope. It's just an imitation. But with four full lines and the rune formation, even if it is the seventh peak, you don't want to break free."

Ling Xian frowned, and the shock gradually faded.

Bundles of immortal ropes are well-known treasures. Even through the ages, they are the top magic weapon in the row. It is said that in the ancient times, even the true immortals could be restrained.

Therefore, Lingxian will exclaim, but for now, naturally nothing is left.

"Boy, my eyesight is good. I can see at a glance that this is an imitation." The surprise in the old man's eyes became more intense, but the color of vigilance decreased a little.

Because of this, he confirmed the identity of Ling Xian.

If he is a man on the sacred island, it is impossible to exclaim with golden rope, but he has entered the sacred temple again. In this way, the answer came out.


Ling Xian smiled and waved his hands. If he couldn't even see the imitation, then he would also call himself a master of Taoism.

"If I guessed right, you have the same thoughts."

The old man smiled and said, "Even so, we are also destined, we should help each other."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled.

From a certain point of view, he is indeed related to the elderly, but he is also a competitor with conflicts of interest. Why should he take the rescue?

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