Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1595: Ten regions

The sacred island is located at the deepest end of the endless sea. It is a famous behemoth on the basaltic continent. Even the top forces must respect it by three points.

At this moment, when the sacred island is about to open, creatures from all over the world gather here, looking at it, it is dark.

Expectations and fieryness were written on each of their faces. If it were not for the rules of the sacred island, I am afraid they would have rushed in already.

No way, the sacred island is a paradise in the hearts of all monks. Not only are there treasures of heaven and earth, but there are many strange places. Even if only one place is found, it will be of tremendous benefit.

Therefore, everyone was eager, but did not dare to speak, for fear of disturbing the souls on the island.

In this way, time passed little by little.

One after another landed on the coast. Like everyone else, they closed their mouths and waited quietly.

Two hours later, a young man, a young man, and a young man came in clouds, all wearing white robes.

"The years don't wait for anyone, it's another century when we blink."

The old man sighed with emotion, countless jade cards appeared among the sleeves.

Then he turned his eyes to the crowd and said, "Perhaps you already know the rules of the trial of my sacred island, but as usual, I still have to say it again."

"The rules are simple. In a year, whoever has more points will be ranked first."

"Points can be obtained in two ways, one is to break into the area, and the other is to kill the monster."

"Let me talk about the latter first. There is no point for killing a monster below the fourth level, one point for killing a monster in the fourth level, ten points for killing a monster in the fifth level, and so on."

"Attention, killing the peak demon king will double the points. That is two points for the fourth demon king and twenty points for the fifth demon king."

The old man cleared his throat and continued to explain.

"Let ’s talk about the former. My sacred island divided the trial land into ten areas, and one hundred points across the first area, two hundred in the second area, four hundred in the third area, and so on."

"Compared to beheading monsters, crossing the area is undoubtedly a faster and better way."

"However, I don't recommend it, at least people who don't have the strength, don't try it."

"The top ten areas are more dangerous than the first. The first few are better said, but the last few, even candidates for the Emperor of the Emperor, are best not to try."

The old man looked serious and warned in a loud voice.

Hearing that everyone remained silent, no one refuted.

The content of the trial of the Sacred Island is not a secret. Everyone in the world knows it, so they know that the old man is right.

The top ten areas are the trial sites strictly divided by the sacred island. The first few are good to say that there is basically no danger. But the last few are horrible forbidden places with scalp even the seventh power.

There was a candidate for God Emperor who did not believe in evil and had to break through ten major areas to prove himself. As a result, only broke into the eighth area, and forever sleep there.

Therefore, everyone is silent, and even if the elderly do not say, they will not set foot easily.

"Very well, listen to me, absolutely right." The old man chuckled.

"Dare to ask the seniors, where is the Xijianchi?" A man said suddenly.

"Washing the sword pond." The old man glanced at the rusty sword tied around his waist, and slowly spit out the words that made everyone discolored.

"Sixth area."

The short four words made everyone look different, and then they smiled bitterly.

Especially men, they sighed and were helpless.

He is a very self-aware person, knowing that with his own strength, he would break into the fifth area at most. It is not impossible to break into the sixth area. It just ends, it can only be death.

"Although the sword is good, it's not as good as life. Listen to me and give up." The old man said lightly.

"Thank you for your advice." The man smiled bitterly and stopped talking.

Seeing this, the old man glanced at the crowd and said, "Are there any questions? If not, I will start."

"I have a question. Can the island be forbidden to kill people?" A man in a black robe opened his **** side to keep people around him away.

"Not forbidden, who you want to kill, that's your freedom, but you have to keep two things in mind."

"First, the people on my sacred island are not allowed to move, otherwise, no matter who you are, I want you to die without a burial place."

"Second, killing and winning treasures can be done, but the points can't be taken away. So I advise you all to be attuned to each other.

The old man spoke in succession, letting everyone sigh of relief.

The most important point of the trial is the points. As long as it cannot be taken away, there is no conflict of interest.

Although the bleeding is certain, it will undoubtedly be reduced a lot, so everyone will naturally relax a little.

"Dare to ask my predecessors, I heard that points can be exchanged for various artifacts of the sacred island, I don't know if it is true?" A young girl began, her eyes full of hope.

"Of course it's true, but you can't wait until the trial is over." The old man nodded gently and smiled. "My sacred island has countless good things. You can get them as long as you have enough points."

After hearing the words, everyone's heart was beating violently, and their eyes became stronger and stronger.

The sacred island is a treasure of feng shui, and it is bred with too many gods born in nature. Without exception, it is the treasure that the world dreams of.

Therefore, when I heard that points can be exchanged for fetish, everyone naturally became hotter.

"No problem at all."

The old man in white robes glanced at everyone and said, "Now, you consciously line up, come to the three of us to register here, and get your identity card."

Hearing the words, everyone obediently obediently, consciously stood in three rows.

After that, the names are reported in turn.

The old man and two other men also began to be busy. The three of them used fingertips to write the name of the tester on the jade card, and engraved a magic circle.

Jade card itself is a bizarre magic weapon, plus magic formation method, you can accurately record the points earned by the tester, do not worry about mistakes. In addition, Jade can also feed information to the big screen, so that all testers can see their rankings with others at any time.


The old man used a finger pen to engrave the name and magic circle on the jade plate, as if a tireless robot, repeating the work at hand.

I have to say that this is a time-consuming and tedious process.

There is no way, there are too many people who come to participate in the trials, making a second child and a sluggish one, and in the end, they are about to fall asleep.

However, they can only be strong, mechanically repeating the work at hand.

After two hours, the old man's spirit was refreshed. On the one hand, there was only one person left in the long line before him. On the other hand, the temperament of this person was too outstanding.

Even if he is used to big people, he has to admire.

I saw this man in white as snow. Although he was surrounded by nobleness and horror, he was so immortal and extraordinary.

His black hair was scattered casually, the star eyes were deep and vast, and in white dancing lightly, if the heavens came to dust, return to normal.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly and he spoke softly.

"My name is Xianling, and I'm in trouble."

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