Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1570: Cold ink

"You're dying."

The indifferent man spoke, and Ling Xian's brow froze tightly. Unexpectedly, the man glanced at him and saw that his life was dying soon.

Although the ghost-faced elixir has eliminated half of the curse, the remaining curse is still eating away at his birthday, which can indeed be described by his life.

At present, there was a dignity in Ling Xianxing's eyes, but he hadn't said anything, but the big girl and daughter-in-law on the riverside quit first.

"What are you talking about? You're dying!"

"You dare to curse, you're impatient."

"Although you look pretty, but it looks like a piece of ice, how can it be one tenth of a million?"

The sons-in-law were unhappy.

There is no way, in their hearts, Lingxian is the eternal sun, and they are the stars that orbit him.

Right now, some people say he is dying, and they are naturally unhappy.

This made Ling Xian shook her head with a bitter smile, and did not expect this group of women to defend themselves so.

However, the indifferent man is telling the truth. Although exaggerated, he has been hooked by death. No one can dispute this.

At the moment, he waved at the girls and said, "He's right, I'm about to die."

It was said that the daughters were choking, and then they expressed a bit of sorrow. Many women even started to cry.

This made the cold man speechless, and for a long time he uttered a sentence: "You ... you really have a feminine fate."

"I would rather not."

Ling Xian shook her head with a bitter smile and said, "I don't know your high name?"

"Cold ink."

The iceberg man opened his mouth and stood proudly on the flat boat. As the iceberg stood, the whole circle cooled down.

"As the name suggests."

Ling Xian laughed a little, then converged to smile, and said positively: "I want to come, sir, not just to say a word to me."

"Of course not. I boarded the ship for you."

Leng Mo said faintly: "I know you, a horrible evil born in the sky."


Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "I just want to know. Now that you can see that I have died soon, how can I remove the hidden dangers on me?"

"Everyone knows the Emperor of God. How many people can become the Emperor of God?" Leng Mo asked.

"I see." Ling Xian smiled slightly, not disappointed.

How can the invincible God Emperor's curse be easily removed?

"I boarded the ship, just wanted to see what the evildoers can pass the test of the God Emperor, by the way, for you." Leng Mo said faintly, as it really is, as the name suggests, indifference was extremely extreme.


Ling Xian was intrigued, chuckling: "Interesting, I wonder what you want to do for me?"

"Counting your battle with Tuoba Liufeng, it is good or bad, success or failure." Leng Mo stood against his hands, his black hair in white dancing lightly, showing the master's spirit.

"Interesting, you count, I'd like to see if it's accurate."

Ling Xian smiled faintly, and she was peerless. She was even better than cold ink, even before.

"My gossip has never been miscalculated."

The cold ink faintly opened, the eyebrow glowed, and the mysterious symbol emerged, like a star, which illuminated Tianyu.

When the time passed, Daoyun flowed and mysterious.

"Will the soul of the soul ..."

Ling Xian raised an eyebrow, saying that Wu Soul was really magical, and it could be as good as deduction.

"Strange hexagrams."

Looking at the strange symbol of Tao Yun, Leng Mo frowned slightly, and then stopped encouraging Wuhun.

"What does this hexagram say, success or failure?" Ling Xian was interested.

"Undefeated, or in other words, opportunity and risk coexist." Leng Mo shook his head.

"That is to say, there are opportunities here, but there are also dangers?" Ling Xian smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously.

It is not to deny Leng Mo's deduction ability, but no matter what is calculated, he must go to this battle.

Not only because he has made an appointment, but also because he is eager to have a strong opponent, especially when his life is short, he is even more eager.

And Tuoba Liufeng is undoubtedly the best candidate.

He is one of the most dazzling stars in the Xuanwu continent. His combat power is definitely the top of the merging path and he can definitely let Lingxian enjoy a battle!


Leng Mo nodded gently and said, "It looks like you will be fighting Tuoba Liufeng, something interesting will happen."

"Maybe." Ling Xian smiled lightly, staring in anticipation.

"Not maybe, it's doomed."

Leng Mo corrected, and said, "My hexagrams, never go wrong."

"Well, you said it was doomed."

Ling Xian was too lazy to argue with this person and said, "So, would you go to watch the war?"

"Natural." Cold ink cherishes words like gold, concise.

"I think so, how to say, Tuoba Liufeng is your competitor." Ling Xian gave a deep look of indifference.

This caused Leng Mo to frown slightly, and said, "Indeed, it's not just Tuoba Liufeng, you and the seventh demon are my competitors."


Ling Xian smiled lightly. Only the Emperor Candidate had the confidence to regard the Emperor Candidate as a competitor. In other words, it is cold ink, and it is also one of the brightest stars in Xuanwu continent.

He knew this already.

Although cold ink looks imposing, what kind of eyesight is he? At a glance, you can see that the cold ink is like a fierce beast, powerful and outrageous!

"You are very nice. I'm here to meet you." Leng Mo's expression was calm and extremely flat, but he could hear that his praise came from the heart.

"You're good too."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "How, do you want to go?"

"That's the intention." Leng Mo did not refuse.

Although he and Ling Xian are competitors from a certain perspective, at least they are not.

"Let's go then, just take a look and see if your hexagrams are accurate."

Ling Xian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and lightly touched the hull of his toes.

This made everyone on the shore of the Jianghuai Lake stunned.

Because of this, there is the power of forbidden air, and creatures lower than the sixth realm cannot fly at all. In other words, Lingxian is a powerhouse above the sixth level.

Although Leng Mo is also, it is not as strong as Ling Xian's shock, because in the hearts of everyone, he is just a low-ranking grandfather.

However, at this moment, he has become a sixth-level powerhouse. How can everyone not feel shocked?

"My God, my son turned out to be the sixth strongest!"

"No wonder I think he looks like a deep sea, unpredictable. It turns out to be stronger than my ancestor!"

"It's so handsome, it's just heaven and earth!"

The sons-in-law looked at Lingxian, and their obsession became more and more intense, but soon they turned to dim.

On the one hand, he was too good, and they consciously did not deserve it. On the other hand, his life was short.

"Well, it's such a shame that such a good person would die soon."

"This is probably the jealousy."

The women sighed, and many women even quietly wiped their tears.

This made Lingxian hesitate and almost did not fall from the air.

He does have an unsolved curse in his body, but anyway, there are still 20 years to live, how come to their mouths and feel that he is running out of time?

Ling Xian smiled bitterly, and didn't bother to bother, and flew straight towards the Izumo Mountains.

Cold ink followed closely behind.

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