Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1566: Earthen Totem

In the endless abyss, the Yin soldiers carried the coffin and walked forward, strange and cold, mysterious and unpredictable.

The black coffin was weird to the extreme, the evil flow turned, and the mysterious Wuguang shrouded Lingxian.

The next moment, he was in a horrible mood, only feeling top-heavy and almost losing his mind.

This changed Ling Xian's face greatly, and felt cold in his eyes, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

It's terrible. It's just a moment that makes him almost lose his mind and no resistance at all. What a horror?

Ling Xian was cold, and immediately counterattacked.

No matter what level the opponent is, he will not be allowed to lose. At the moment, his eyebrows glowed, setting off a storm of spirits, sweeping all directions.

It is a pity that it is useless at all.

This mysterious power is strange and powerful, making Ling Xian's consciousness more and more blurred, which may be completely lost at any time.

At that time, he will be taken away by the creatures in the coffin and completely disappeared in the world.

Ling Xian was unwilling to do so, but he had no resistance at all. Even if his determination is firm, it will be difficult to resist the mysterious power, only to feel heavier and heavier.

In the end, he even closed his eyes and his body wobbled.

Obviously, he is on the verge of dying, and once he has completely lost his will, he will surely be taken away by the creatures in the coffin.

This made the Void Beast frightened by one side, but it was helpless.

The same is true of Lingxian.

He knew how critical he was at the moment, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Facing the mysterious and strange power, besides waiting for death, he can only lament that his luck is too bad, and he actually encountered the legendary draft soldier to lift the coffin!

And just as Ling Xianxin was desperate, the earth totem on his body suddenly lit up, but instead of resisting this strange power, he blessed the black coffin.

Suddenly, the black coffin manifested a mysterious pattern, instantly suppressing the creatures in the coffin, and the strange power of invading Lingxian's soul also disappeared.

This sudden change left Ling Xian a little dull, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

It is too dangerous. It is definitely the most insecure crisis he has encountered since his debut. If it was not for the inferior totem to shine, he would definitely be lost at this moment.

Therefore, Ling Xian breathed a long sigh of relief, and her face was filled with happiness.

At the same time, it was full of doubts.

He really couldn't figure out why the Earthen Totem would suddenly glow, and it could activate the repressive power of the black coffin.

"The posterior totem on my body was realized during the Wangtu tribe. The rank is the highest."

"That is to say, there is a hint of magic in the totem of the witch god."

"Perhaps because of this magical power, but what is the connection between the Hou God Hou Tu and the Yin soldier carrying the coffin?"

Ling Xian's brow froze, he couldn't figure it out, but he was too lazy to think. It is a blessing to be able to survive.

At the moment, his body flickered, and he lifted the coffin around the Yin soldier.

This thing is terrible. Even if the post-terrestrial power inspired the repressive power of the black coffin, he didn't want to be too close.

"Ghost fire, Yin soldiers carry the coffin, the back soil, what is the relationship between these three ..."

Watching as the Yin soldier lifted the coffin and gradually disappeared, Ling Xian muttered to himself, full of fog.

However, it is imperative to pass Tianyuan as soon as possible, this place is too weird, and even he can't guarantee that he can retreat. Therefore, he suppressed his doubts and continued to walk forward.

This time, he was more cautious. Not only did he run Honghuang Tiangong, but he even got ready to fight.

No way, this place is terrible. Be careful, you don't even know how to die.

What surprised Ling Xian was that the subsequent journey was calm, let alone dangerous, and there were no abnormalities.

However, after about two hours, he suddenly felt the repulsive force, similar to that of the ladder, but no doubt stronger!

Strong enough to Lingxian not even take a step!

You know, he is the top five evils who add to the top evil spirits, deep-rooted scary. However, it is difficult. How powerful is this repulsion?

It's unimaginable!

"What a terrible repulsion, is the Emperor in White falling on this ..."

Ling Xian's brow froze tightly, she only felt that she was carrying 100,000 mountains, let alone taking a step, even breathing became extremely difficult.

What made him even more discolored was the sudden emergence of a cursing force invading his body.

You know, the curse is terrifying and troublesome. Once infected, most of this life will be gone.

Therefore, Lingxian's complexion changed drastically, and the flowers of the avenue and Zhu Rong's real fire were running wildly, resisting the power of curse.

Fortunately, the power of cursing is not strong, and Zhu Rong's true fire also contains the power of exorcising evil spirits, so it is not a problem in a short time.

However, Ling Xian still couldn't take a step.

The repulsive force is too strong, as if the entire universe is down, let alone a step, it is not easy for him to straighten the waist.

"If I'm not bad, as long as I pass here, I will be on another planet, but how do I pass ..." Ling Xian smiled bitterly, her face full of unwillingness.

Obviously the end point is ahead, but he can't take a step. Who can change it?

At this moment, the Void Beast flew over Lingxian as if without encountering resistance.

This made it stunned, and Ling Xian was stunned.

His strength is obviously better than that of the Void Beast, but he can't even take a step, let alone fly, naturally he is shocked. However, when he thought about the words of the Emperor in White, he was relieved.

"The lower the strength, the easier it is to pass ..." Ling Xian grinned bitterly, but did not expect that the strength became his own obstacle.

The situation is very clear, even if he was spared his life, he would not want to pass Tianyuan. However, the Void Beast can.

So he smiled bitterly: "You go, don't worry about me."

Hearing that the Void Beast shook his head again and again, unwilling to leave Lingxian.

At the same time, it also exerts its talents and tries to build a space channel. Unfortunately, in this weird place, its talents are not used at all.

In this regard, Lingxian had long expected.

He sighed softly and waved his hand: "Don't try it, leave yourself."

"No, I can't leave you alone." The Void Beast shook his huge head.

"Don't waste time, and leave now while I can stop the curse."

Ling Xian carefully looked at the Void Beast, and she said, "Otherwise, you won't be able to walk until you break through to the sixth realm."

After hearing that, the Void Beast was silent, and I didn't know what to do.

"Let's go, you can go to that world first to fight the mountains and mountains, and cover me when I arrive in the future." Ling Xian smiled slightly, but the star eyes were dim.

"Okay, that's all right, I'm waiting for you in that world!"

The Void Beast made a decision, turned and flew forward, while tears shed.

This made Ling Xian sigh, protecting the Void Beast with the flowers of the Avenue and the true fire of evil, lest it be attacked by the curse.

As a result, his power against the curse was weakened a little, and the curse immediately invaded his body.


Lingxian spurted blood, black monster, black scary.

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