Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1561: A year ago

On the moist ground, Lingxian sat cross-legged, her black hair in white dancing gently, and if a fairy was ridiculed, she was exquisite.

That style is really heartbreaking.

Even as enemies, those monks in the Sixth Realm had to admire, but faster, but resentful.

In order to find Lingxian, they waste a year not to say, but they also became disgraceful, naturally resentful.

At the moment, every sentence echoed, except for coldness, it was sneer.

"Finally found you, I see where else you can escape!"

"Haha, boy, your luck is over!"

"This time, even if you actively surrender your heritage, it's useless. I want you to die!"

Everyone laughed loudly, full of confidence and arrogance.


Ling Xian slowly opened her eyes, shining like a star, shining.

He glanced at everyone one by one, showing a bit of fun: "Who said that I was about to run away?"

Hearing the words, everyone stunned a little, and then laughed loudly.

"Don't run away is death, you only use these two options."

"Yes, today, you are destined to die."

"Haha, you don't even have the right to choose the method of death. Let me think whether it is better for you to smash corpses, or to make you better than death."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled.

If it was a year ago, he really only had these two options, but at this moment, he has returned to the peak state!

In other words, his two choices have become one, and that is to cut out the best!

At the moment, he smiled gradually and said lightly, "Remember what I said a year ago?"


The crowd froze, remembering what he had said a year ago and couldn't help laughing out loud.

What Ling Xian said at that time clearly revealed a message, that is, one year later, they did not dare to presumptuously.

Therefore, everyone laughed and couldn't tell the taunt.

"A year has passed, and I can still say what it was then, how can you treat me?"

"Yes, it's ridiculous to say that you are a monk in the fifth realm.

"Don't talk nonsense to him, quickly catch him, or we will be in trouble when the big demon king arrives."

"Fifth Realm?"

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, too lazy to talk nonsense with everyone. At the moment, he condensed his mana, and unbridled his momentum.

At the same time, an icy discourse rang through the sky.

"Now you tell me, what is my realm?"

The words fell and everyone was sluggish.

Just because this momentum is too powerful, like the Supreme Awakening, the Emperor of God came to life and swallowed up the world!

This shocked everyone and plunged into an unprecedented shock.

In their eyes, Lingxian is the monk in the fifth realm, but now, he has burst out of the power of the sixth realm. How can they not be shocked?

"You ... you are not the fifth state!"

"It is a monk in the sixth realm, and it still exists at its peak!"

"Damn, how could he be the sixth-best peak powerhouse?"

The crowd was horrified, and the expression on their faces was quite wonderful.

In this regard, Ling Xian expressed satisfaction.

He looked at everyone with a joke, and said, "I never said that I am a monk in the fifth realm, and the peak of the sixth realm is my true cultivation."

Hearing that everyone was cold, like falling ice cave.

Especially middle-aged men are even shaking a bit.

The reason they are arrogant is because Lingxian is a lower level than them. Even if he is only in the early stage of the sixth level, they dare not presumptuously. Because he is a matchless demon who can fight with the Emperor of God, enough to fight beyond the ranks!

But at this moment, he soared to the peak of the sixth realm, and even if he left aside the combat power, he was far superior to any of them, and naturally made them feel cold.

"I said that after one year, you would never dare to be arrogant again."

Ling Xian's smile gradually narrowed, and her cold eyes glanced at the audience: "Now, I'm here to fulfill my promise."

As the words fell, he shot strongly, swarming mountains and rivers like a wild beast, shaking Tianyu.

This changed everyone's face, and it was instantly determined that they were not Ling Xian's opponents. Even if everyone went together, the odds of winning were very poor.

And indeed it is.

In the face of Lingxian's strong offense, everyone seemed so fragile, like a scarecrow, that he couldn't stop his edge.

Boom boom!

Blood splattered, and the men were trembling.

Lingxian went into a no-man's realm, raised his hands to split the sky, and everyone shook his blood, and trembled backwards.

He is too powerful, just like a fierce beast, a powerful mess!

Although everyone is not weak, the one who cultivates to the highest level is just the later stage of meditation. This is undoubtedly more vulnerable than Lingxian, the pinnacle of Rongdao, and the same invincible.

Therefore, no one can stop his edge, even a move, it is difficult to resist.

Click! Click!

Fractured bones and blood splatter.

Ling Xian's eyes were cold and without compassion.

When these people see their fortune, if he fails to escape, one can imagine the end. So why did he show mercy?


The snoring shouted loudly. Ling Xianru was like a wolf in the lamb herd, and no one could stop him from hitting him. His bones were shattered and his blood coughed.

For a time, there were only two sounds left in this space.

Fractured bones and screams.

"Damn, everyone fights with him!"

The middle-aged man yelled and called on everyone to work together.

This is their only way at the moment. In the face of the powerful and invincible Lingxian, only by doing their best can they have a vitality.

At the moment, everyone was fierce, and they showed their strongest methods, and even Wu Hun took them out.


In the face of everyone's sudden offensive, Ling Xian not only did not move, but showed a little ridicule.

"What do you fight with me? Do you rely on your strongest method and martial arts?"

"Dare to look down on me and wait, kill me!"

Middle-aged men are extremely angry, and so are the rest.

Right now, they don't care, they go crazy.


The magical powers spread the sky, the martial arts shook the world, and everyone shed their lives. That kind of mighty power can be considered good.

Unfortunately, Ling Xian couldn't move.

Although both in terms of number and strength, everyone can be regarded as good. But don't forget, he not only crushed everyone in cultivation, but also in combat power.

With his current strength, the number does not make any sense. Even a hundred sixth-level monks cannot threaten him.

Therefore, Ling Xian used only one punch to destroy the supernatural martial arts soul.

This shocked everyone, and the whole person shivered uncontrollably.

It's terrible. It's terrible.

They are also monks in the sixth realm, and there are as many as twenty or thirty people. However, they were defeated by Ling Xianyi's boxing. How could they not be shocked?

At this moment, the scene was quiet.

Everyone was full of bitterness, and finally realized how big the gap between themselves and Lingxian was, and they dared not be arrogant.

In front of Ling Xian, they have no qualification for wantonness at all!

"My words have been fulfilled, and now I should not dare to be arrogant again."

Looking at the horrified crowd, Ling Xian smiled and was brilliant.

It's cold.

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