Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1555: Light of the beginning

The stars burst, the universe returned to chaos, and the world was vast.

However, a bright light emerged, and the whole universe was illuminated in the blink of an eye.

It is an indescribable splendor and an indescribable mystery, as if it contains heaven and earth, and once it is understood, it can rise to the sky.

This caused Ling Xian to hold back. After a few breaths, he suddenly thought of something and murmured: "Is this the light of the beginning in the legend?"


"This is the first light, the first light after the birth of heaven and earth."

"In the past, I got two strands by chance, and one strand was used on me, and the rest was given to you."

Bai Huang, the God Emperor, was surprised, but did not expect Ling Xian to know the light of the beginning.

"It turned out to be ..." Ling Xian Xin Shen Zhen Zhen, although he hasn't seen the light of the beginning, but its name is as thunderous.

Legend has it that it was the first ray of light after the first days of heaven and earth, with all sorts of incredible abilities.

Of course, this is just a legend, no one knows its specific capabilities, but there is one thing that can be true.

Therefore, Ling Xian was happy, and at the same time guessed the ability of this thing. Want to come, it should be able to help him gather Wuhun, otherwise, the **** in white will not take out this thing.

At the moment, he smiled slightly: "If I didn't expect it to be bad, it should help me to gather the Wuhun."


"If the people of Yongxianxing want to consolidate the martial spirit, they must meet two conditions, one is to change the shape of the Yuanying, and the other is to empower the soul."

"The former is easy to say, but it is not difficult to do so, but the latter is as difficult as ever."

"Because power is given by heaven, we can't get the recognition of this world, that is, we can only give the soul power by ourselves. But this kind of thing, even the true fairy, can't do it."

"But the light of the beginning is OK."

"It is the first ray of light after the beginning of heaven and earth, and it has a certain will to God. If you run the method of condensing Wuhun that I created, and then shine by this light, you can condense Wuhun.

The emperor in white with a smile on his mouth made Ling Xianmu look hot and full of expectations.

Ever since he learned that Wu Hun started, he has always wanted to have it, and now hope has finally appeared, naturally fiery.

At the moment, he opened Jade Jane without saying a word and began to understand the method of condensing Wuhun.

Seeing this, the Emperor Baiyi smiled slightly, and then closed his eyes and raised his soul.

He estimated that Ling Xian would have to take at least half a day to understand the method of condensing Wuhun.

To his surprise, Ling Xian opened his eyes after only two hours.

"It is worthy of being the Emperor of God. If you change someone else, you definitely cannot think of such a method."

Ling Xianmulu was amazed, and at the same time, she looked forward to it.

Although this method is wild, in the eyes of others, it may be a crazy idea. But in his opinion, there is a 90% chance of success!

"You are also good. It took only two hours." The Emperor in White was surprised and did not expect Ling Xian's perception to be so high.

"you flatter me."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and turned her eyes to the light of the beginning: "I can try now."


The Emperor of the White Dress smiled at the corner of his mouth, and when he swung his sleeves, the light in the beginning changed into a cylinder, which covered Lingxian.

Seeing this, Ling Xian converged and smiled, and then operated the method of condensing Wuhun.

This method is very simple, that is, condensing the power of the soul into a point, and then transforming it into a special ability by the mysterious power of the light of the beginning.

This method is also difficult, because when power is in one place, it means that it is difficult to control. In particular, the power of the soul will explode a little carelessly.

Therefore, Ling Xian looked dignified and cautious.

It was a pity that he failed, and was shocked by the blood and became very embarrassed.

In this regard, the Emperor Baiyi was not surprised. When he was united, he failed three times before succeeding.

Ling Xian was no accident.

He calmed down his mood, and once again operated the method of condensing Wuhun.

This time, he was more careful, and in the end, he succeeded in gathering the power of the soul. It can be seen that how powerful he is in controlling the power of the soul, it is definitely stronger than the white **** in the past!

"Nice little guy, he succeeded twice."

The Emperor Bailu in White was surprised, and then turned to expectation.

He wanted to see if Ling Xian could gather the imperial martial spirit, and what kind of martial spirit.

The same is true of Lingxian.

He hung with colorful Yuanying, bathed in the light of the beginning, like a living deity, proud of the world for nine days and ten places.

The next moment, the endless divine light flooded the entire universe.

In that dazzling light, the colorful Yuanying baby changed one after another, one was a weapon, one was a flower, and one was a monster. In the end, it stayed the way it was.

After that, the light of the early days gradually dissipated, and Ling Xian opened her eyes with it, shining like a star.

This made the Emperor of White smile, and said, "Success?"

Hearing that Ling Xian was silent, not because she didn't want to say it, but she didn't know what to say.

He did succeed. Although Yuanying has not changed in form, he has special abilities. However, this ability is weird and not very powerful.

"Why don't you speak?" God in white frowned.

"Look at it for yourself." Ling Xian was helpless, running Yuan Ying villain, no, it should be said Wu Wu soul.

The next instant, Yuan Ying glowed, releasing a great momentum.

However, it made the Emperor Baiyi frown.

Because of this impressive momentum, most of it is due to Ling Xian's own strength. In terms of Wuhun alone, it can be said to be weak and pathetic.

"It's an ordinary martial spirit ..."

The Emperor in White was puzzled, but Ling Xian would have condensed a martial spirit of all ranks.

You know, he can persist in the evil spirits of the two great emperors for half a quarter of an hour, and his understanding is also good. How can the lowest-level martial spirit be condensed?

Ling Xian couldn't figure it out, and his talent was unquestionable. Even if he could not gather the strongest Emperor Wuhun, there was no reason to awaken the worst Emperor Wuhun.

But this is the truth, he has no other way than accept.

"Every level is any level, it's lucky to have a martial arts soul." Ling Xian comforted herself, but the staring eyes were a little unwilling.

He tried hard, but in the end he gathered the lowest-level martial arts soul. Who can change it?

"What's wrong."

The emperor in white frowned and said, "What about your ability, what is your ability to martial arts?"

Hearing that, Ling Xian shook her head with a bitter smile, and then urged Wu Hun.

I saw the Yuanying villain slowly settle the seal, and spit out a milky light, neither dazzling nor rhyme.

What's most speechless is that the speed of light is as slow as a snail. After a long while, it hits a star not far away.

After that, the light faded, but the stars remained unchanged.

"See it, I don't know what the light is for, let's not talk about the power, but just the slow speed, who can you hit?" Ling Xian smiled bitterly.

However, the Emperor Baiyi came to the spirit. He stared at the star tightly, and sighed slightly after a while.

"Your boy really is in a blessing and he doesn't know how to bless him. This ability, this martial spirit, can't be sought by many people."

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