"Looks like I still have to cheat."

Ling Xian murmured to herself, chills surged in the eyes of the stars.

Because the man in the black robe secretly cast a spell, raising the treasure refined by Sima Yun by one level.


Divine light burst into the sky, overwhelming the audience, and the treasures made by Sima Yun formed quickly. No matter the speed or momentum, all the participants were suppressed.

Even the treasures made by Su Xiu were suppressed.

This sudden change made everyone's eyes widened, shocked and puzzled.

"What's going on? Why did Sima Yun's treasures suddenly become stronger?"

"Can he hide his strength? So strong, he even suppressed the magic weapon made by Su Xiu."

"There is definitely something weird, otherwise, Sima Yun's magic weapon will never suddenly become stronger."

Everyone talked about it, and everyone with a discerning eye could see it. The matter revealed weirdness.

However, no one can figure it out, let alone find the source of the weirdness.

"Cheating! This is cheating!"

Su Qin was furious, and the two masters of Qin Zhao were also frowning, somewhat unhappy.

Only the chief of the Sima group laughed loudly and was full of pleasure: "The statement of the chief of the Su family was bad. This is the strength of my grandson and has nothing to do with cheating."


Su Qin was completely angry. If Sima Yun really depended on his own strength, he would have nothing to say. But obviously everyone can see that this must be a secret help from an expert.

How can he not be angry?

"Hey, the fact is in front of you, even if you don't want to accept it anymore, you have to accept it." Chief Sima hey sneered, full of pride.

This caused Su Qin's lungs to explode quickly: "Do you feel glorious for the champion who cheated?"

"Don't cheat by one bite. I said, this is the strength of my grandchildren." The chief of the Sima sneered, and said, "With patience, you can find out who secretly shot. Without evidence, don't bite.


Su Qin was furious, but had nothing to say.

Regardless of whether he is a man of cultivation or skill, he is far inferior to that man in black, and is naturally imperceptible.

The same is true of Qin Zhao's two masters.

Looking at the audience, only Ling Xian noticed it. Although the man in black is good in strength and skill, he wants to conceal his soul, and it is tantamount to dreaming.

"Hahaha, shut me up without evidence!" The patriarch Sima laughed loudly, full of pride.

This made Su Qin even more angry, and the two Qin Zhao masters also showed coldness.

Because according to the current situation, Sima Yun won the championship is a matter of course, Su Xiu also locked second. In other words, the two of them are in danger and one is destined to be out.

Just because they are helpless.

The means of helping someone in secret is so clever that they can't detect it at all, how can you find out?

"Haha, the champion, our Sima family wants it!"

The Sima patriarch laughed more and more, showing his full heart and showing arrogance.

This caused Ling Xian's brows to frown, and the coldness in her eyes was a bit strong. He gave a slight glance at the man in black and said, "A master of refiners, if I let you shake your power in front of me, why do I have a face?"

As the words fell, he squeezed a strange method with his left hand, and quietly poured into the hearth of Su Xiu.

This is the secret of forging mountains and rivers, called forging treasure seal.

As the name implies, it is a forged magic weapon, but instead of helping the smelter to forge it, it forges it again on the already formed magic weapon.

In this way, an enhanced effect can be achieved.

You are welcome to say that this is a very magical technique, because once the magic weapon is formed, it is difficult to forge it. But this method can do it, and it can have an enhanced effect. How amazing is this?

Only those who are astonishing and brilliant like the forging mountains and rivers can create it.

When the Indian method flooded into the Su embroidery furnace, she suddenly released the mysterious power and re-forged the treasure she had made.

After a few breaths of time, the treasure she refined was upgraded, and a terror broke out, squeezing the magic weapon refined by Sima Yun.

This sudden change shocked everyone again.

"I rely! What's the situation ?!"

"Inconceivable, how did the treasures made by Su Xiu become stronger? And also suppressed the magic weapon made by Sima Yun?"

"There is definitely something weird, just don't know, who is the best shot."

Everyone spoke, full of shock and doubt.

The same is true of Su Qin and Su Xiu, but soon they understand that Lingxian must be helping in secret!

This made the grandparents very happy, even a little excited.

Originally, they all thought that the championship was no good, after all, the magic weapon refined by Sima Yun obviously surpassed Su Xiu.

Right now, after Ling Xian's help in secret, Su Xiu's treasure has surpassed Sima Yun, which is equivalent to locking the championship. Naturally, they are excited.

The patriarch of Sima is unbelievable.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The chief of Sima yelled, "She cheated, she absolutely cheated!"

The words fell, everyone laughed, full of irony.


Su Qin smiled, and repeated the words of the chief Sima: "Please also ask the chief Sima to show evidence. If there is no evidence, don't bite."


The lungs of the Sima tribe were blown up, and they couldn't be refuted.

He didn't even notice that the man in black shot secretly. How could he detect Ling Xian's shot?

The man in black never noticed that he was standing still at the moment, but felt that his body was cold and his hands and feet were cold.

On the one hand, he never noticed Lingxian's shot; on the other hand, it was a treasure refined by Su Xiu, far better than the magic weapon made by Sima Yun.

In other words, Ling Xian is far better than him in both cultivation and skill!

In this case, how can people in black not get cold all over?

"After all, my granddaughter is the champion."

Su Qin turned his attention to the chief of Sima, sarcastically: "Even if you cheat, you can't change this fact."


The patriarch of Sima was furious. At this moment, he finally realized the feeling of Su Qin. But even with anger, there was nothing he could do.

Unless he can find someone to help in secret, otherwise, the fact that Su Xiu won the championship will not be changed at all.

Therefore, he can only comfort himself, even if he cannot win the championship, he can hold the second, which is enough.

"Damn, I didn't expect this refiner meeting, it turned out that you and I were facing the situation of elimination." The master of the Qin family looked gloomy.

The same is true of the Lord of the Zhao family.

Because of the current situation, Su Xiu has locked the championship and Sima Yun has locked the second. The person in charge only takes the top three.

In other words, Qin Zhao is destined to have one out.

As a result, the two masters were naturally gloomy and extremely angry.

At this moment, a clear laugh sounded suddenly, making them immediately rejoice.

"I don't think it's fair. Everyone knows that Su Xiu and Sima Yun are abnormal.

"So I suggest that the two be re-refined. If there is any abnormality, then they will be disqualified."

"In this way, it is truly fair."

Ling Xian's mouth raised, and Xingmu stared directly at the chief of Sima, flashing a playful color.

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