Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1530: Release water

"I think you are dreaming. You want to kill me, next life."

The joke dropped, and the **** almost vomited blood.

They shot with all their strength, and the mighty power can shake the world and shake the world. It is a pity that the four **** arrays are mainly for defense against sleepy people, especially the Qiankun **** arrays. Even if they are smashed, they will be reorganized within a few time periods.

This made several giants more angry, and at the same time, they felt a strong shock.

They really want to know how strong Lingxian's tactics are, so that God can lay down God's array without knowing it, and there are as many as four!

This is simply incredible!

"Damn! Step elder, start a seal formation for me and imprison him!"

The town's magic city owner was angry, but he had no choice but to order the elders to start a large array of mountains.

This made the elders hesitant to face a dilemma, but then he gritted his teeth fiercely: "My little friend, don't blame me, your soul hunting team is too important for the town of magic.

Hearing that Ling Xian knew that this person had made a decision, but instead of panic, he showed a playful smile.

He had known for a long time that he would face the intimidation of the nine giants, so he secretly laid out four **** arrays, and he had made all possible preparations, how could he miss the formation of this mountain?

Right now, he joked: "You can try."

Hearing that the elder stepped frowning and moved his hands, which prompted the array here.

However, France and India have come out, but the large array has never appeared.

This allowed the elders to discolor, and tried again. As a result, the large array was still not visible.

"Don't waste any effort, I have already ruined the formation in this place, of course, not all have been destroyed."

Ling Xian raised his mouth and laughed teasingly: "I just broke a little, but this point, enough to make this array invalid for three hours."

The words fell, the step elders were shocked, and the nine giants were shocked to the extreme.

For this reason, this team was laid down by the master of the town magic city, and even if all the masters of the town magic city came together, they would never want to destroy it.

However, Ling Xian did it. Although it only destroyed a little, it was enough to make it invalid for three hours. What an incredible thing?

Don't forget, in the process of breaking the battle, he also laid four **** arrays!

What an incredible formation speed? What a terrible accomplishment? It's simply against the sky!

"I said, you can't kill me."

Ling Xian's smile gradually narrowed, and she said, "The array method here cannot be used, and you can't come out for the time being. I really want to see, what else can you do?"


The anger of the town's magic city owner was irresistible. Since he landed in the city, he has never been as embarrassed as he is today. However, at the moment, he is ashamed by a sixth monk, how can he not be angry?

The same is true of the remaining giants.

In their eyes, Lingxian is no different from ants, and can be crushed by raising their hands. But at this moment, he was beaten face repeatedly, this is a shame!

"What the **** can you do, you can't kill me."

Ling Xian taunted, and then fully operated Jiutianyi and flew towards the gate.

He wanted to ridicule a few more points and collect some interest first, but the four **** arrays can trap a few people for a few moments at most.

No way, the nine giants are too powerful to be able to use the cultivation of the sixth realm to trap them for a moment. It is already against the sky.

After they came out, Ling Xian could no longer resist.

Therefore, he must race against time and escape at full speed.


The Lord of the Town Magic City drank swiftly and guarded the soldiers with the voice of the soul, asking them to stop Ling Xian with all their strength.

The same is true of several other giants.

Later, on the way of Ling Xian, there were many powerful monks, and the lowest was in the late stage of meditation. However, the highest one is only the peak of Rongdao. For the time being, there is no seventh-level power.

As soon as these people showed up, they used the Divine Channel Method to kill Ling Xian with all their strength.

"The ghosts stay."

Ling Xian's eyes were cold, his hands were invincible, and he was strong.

At the same time, the imperial clothing and the flower of the avenue have manifested one after another, setting him up like an invincible war immortal, standing proudly at the top of all ages.

And relying on the defense of the same level that is difficult to shake, Lingxian opened up and closed, regardless of disregard, such as a great beast of wildness, fierce to the extreme.


His black hair danced wildly, the sky was broken up between his hands, and the tremor of the barren land shook all the people who blocked the road.

He is the five evil spirits who add up to the extreme realm.

Therefore, if Ling Xian is in a no-man's land, no matter how many people are blocking the road, he cannot stop his pace.

The void burst, the tremor was nine, the blood was falling, and it stretched for 30,000 miles.

Ling Xian passed five levels and cut six generals. Although he was seriously injured, he finally reached the gate and showed invincibility.

"You did break into here ..."

Yun Zhen stood on the city wall and looked at Ling Xian, who was covered in blood, with shock and shame.

"You want to stop me too?"

Ling Xian glanced at Yun Zhen lightly, without any intention of killing, but the evil spirit formed by this journey came to make Yun Zhen shudder.

"I don't want to stop you, but ..."

Yun bowed his head in shame, saying, "It's all my fault. If I didn't take you to see Elder Bu, you wouldn't be in trouble."

"What's the point of saying this now?"

Ling Xian said indifferently, saying: "No need to talk nonsense, if you want to stop, hurry up."

Hearing that Yun Zhen was getting more and more ashamed, but due to the orders of the town's magic city master and the eyes of the chase behind him, he could only brace his head and shoot.


Shocking in the void, this man rushed forward like a gold-winged roc bird, and was so shocking that he was also a young supreme!

In this regard, Ling Xian was not surprised, as early as when he stepped into the elder's residence in front of Yunzhen, he noticed the extraordinaryness of this person.

Therefore, he was neither surprised nor afraid, and made a strong invincible punch!

Suddenly, the ten-mile radius turned into nothingness, and the terror wave swept away, shocking the rear chaser.

So is Yun Zhen.

He knew Lingxian was strong, but he didn't expect that he could be shocked with himself in the face of injury!

"Stop me!"

Lingxian screamed, immeasurable light burst into the sky, Emperor Boxing blasted out, and shook the Nine Heavens.

This made Yun Zhen sigh, raised his hand and blasted out, shaking with Ling Xian.

After that, he spurted blood and flew out.


Ling Xian frowned, knowing that Yun had deliberately let out water, otherwise, with this young and supreme strength, she could definitely fight against herself.

"I can only do so much, hurry up!"

Yun Zhen murmured secretly, and even when his head was tilted, he pretended to faint.

This made Ling Xian's heart slightly warm, took a deep look at Yun Zhen, and then operated the nine-day **** wing.

It has been a while since he arrived at the gate, which means that the nine giants are about to break out. If you don't leave quickly, you will die.

Therefore, Lingxian raced against time, moving at full speed.

Unfortunately, he was still a step slower.

The moment he stepped over the gate of the city, a light of God whistled from behind and banged on Ling Xian.

At the very beginning, he had no time to use the flowers of the road to protect himself.

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