Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1521: Join forces temporarily

There are three thousand steps in the sky ladder. After reaching the summit, you can see the sky.

Of course, to be precise, it is a space barrier between the two realms.

Lingxian at this moment stood under the barrier and reached out with her hand.

This made him sigh and shake.

The former is because he never thought that he could be so close to the sky, and the latter is because of the strength of this space barrier.

In Lingxian's perception, this layer of space barrier is no different from Cangtian, and it is also not penetrated or shaken.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if all the creatures on the fifteen sky ladders shot together, they could not shake the barrier at all.

"It's a strong barrier. No wonder no one can penetrate it and go to the starry sky."

Ling Xian sighed, and said, "The sky ladder really has this power, can it penetrate the barriers of the two realms?"

"That's natural."

Brahma nodded his head and said, "Although I am not very clear, this is an indisputable fact, just be patient."

Hearing the words, Ling Xian no longer spoke, staring in anticipation.

I look forward to stepping into the stars and looking back at the two realms, in what form does it exist.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Everyone's eyes were hot, and they could not wait to cross the barrier immediately, and land on the mysterious starry sky.

It's a pity that the sky ladder hasn't been moving.

This is because there are still many people who have not reached the summit and are still struggling.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Three days later, the Heavenly Ladder no longer waited, and there were signs of dissipation. It dissipated from bottom to top, and within a few breaths of time, it disappeared three hundred steps.

This made the creatures staying within three hundred levels fall, and their eyes were full of unwillingness and helplessness.

The rest of the creatures were frightened, and they went all out to climb the ladder.

It's a pity that they can move at a slower speed than the ladder dissipates.

Therefore, in addition to the souls who have reached the top, the others have fallen, just like dumplings.

"Cruel Skyscraper."

Looking at the ladder that is dissipating faster and faster, Brahma expresses his sincerity and can't bear it.

"I think the ladder is compassionate."

"First, the sky ladder gives them enough time, because they are not strong enough to blame others."

"Second, people with insufficient strength will be reduced to cannon fodder even if they land on the sky."

"So, for these beings, isn't failure a blessing?"

Ling Xian faintly spoke, letting Brahma be choked, speechless.

He's right, people with insufficient strength will go for nothing if they don't, and they will lose their lives if they don't. In this way, failure is indeed lucky.

"Ready, Tongtian Ladder has begun to dissipate, and soon, it's time to break the barrier." Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed a fiery scorch, and then the Honghuang Tiangong was operated to put himself at the peak.

When the ladder is completely dissipated, it is when the ascent to heaven opens, which means that someone must take the opportunity to get rid of the souls that threaten themselves.

Although Ling Xian is the last of the top ten young supremacy, but he is definitely a threatening person. In this case, how can he not be prepared?

The same was true of all the people present, all of them were secretly alert and waiting.

At this moment, the sky ladder had dissipated 2,999 steps, turned into an indescribable force, and hit the barrier.

There is no bright light and no horror. This strange power is no different from Xu Xu Qingfeng, neither magnificent nor powerful.

However, the barrier twisted instantly, forming a black hole.

To be precise, there are fifteen black holes.

They slowly rotate, dark and deep, attracting everyone's attention and shocking everyone's mind.

How strong the barriers between the two realms are, each being is very clear, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is like a sky, and cannot be penetrated.

However, the sky ladder instantly broke through the barrier, so how could everyone not be shocked?

"So amazing sky ladder ..."

Ling Xianmulu marveled, and then turned to joy.

The barrier between the two realms has cracked, meaning that he can set foot on the starry sky.

Everyone followed with ecstasy, and at the moment they showed their stature and entered the black hole.

Immediately thereafter, a scream of screams rang out in this space, and blood was constantly scattered, and the black holes were almost dyed red.

It's not that there is danger in the black hole, but that someone took the opportunity and quietly shot.


Ling Xian's brows frowned. It had long been expected that this would be the case. Therefore, he did not enter the black hole for the first time.

"Bad humanity." Brahma's face was frosty, and she ignored those who sneaked in secretly.

"That's the nature of humanity, there is a despicable side and a noble side."

Ling Xian said faintly, "Let's go, the last step of the sky ladder is about to dissipate. If we don't enter the black hole, we have to fall."


Brahma raised her eyebrows and ranked sixth among the top ten young supremacy, which is a threatening existence. If she enters the black hole, she will definitely encounter secret calculations.

"I know what you are worrying about, and you and I will inevitably encounter secret calculations."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "So, let's join hands and give the back to each other."

"Cooperating with you? Impossible." Brahma rebuffed, and it would be good if she did not take the opportunity to kill Lingxian. How could she join forces with him?

"Just join hands temporarily."

Ling Xian seriously looked at Brahma and said, "The situation is severe. Let go of your third uncle's hatred first. Is it possible that you want to miss this opportunity?"

Upon hearing that, Brahma was silent.

Since she is coming, she does not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Today's situation, she and Ling Xian are very dangerous, only by joining forces can have a little bit of self-protection.

At the moment, she gritted her teeth fiercely: "Okay, but you remember, just temporarily joining forces, after landing in the sky, you and I are still enemies."

"With you, I just want to be now."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, and then the smile turned cold: "Let's go, I want to see, you and I can join hands, who can plan?"

As the words fell, he took a big step and headed into the black hole.

After that, he frowned.

Because it is too dark here, even if he has a sky eye, he cannot see his five fingers.

"No wonder someone secretly shots. This place is so suitable for sneak attacks." Ling Xian sighed slightly, her brows glowed, and she looked around with a spirit.

The same is true of Brahma.

"Be careful, if nothing unexpected happens, the killing will come soon." Ling Xian warned, took a step and walked forward.

According to his speculation, this should be a similar space channel, and only when it comes to an end can it really reach the starry sky.

And just as he stepped forward, a horrific sword came quietly, coldly killing, and was about to hit his brows.

At the same time, several good attacks emerged towards Brahma.

But compared to that horrible sword light, it is undoubtedly inferior.

"Here, I block Jianguang."

Ling Xian's expression was condensed, the mountains and rivers appeared, the power of the town was strongly depressed, and the forest was destroyed.

At the same time, Brahma jade's hand seals, the **** of terror can break all directions to attack.

The next moment, the two rushed forward like a golden-winged roc bird, letting the sneak attacker suddenly change color.

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