In the setting sun, a reddish afterglow fell, shining in the mountains.

At the top of the mountain, Ling Xian sat cross-legged, looking pale.

No way, the opponent he encountered recently is not ordinary, definitely younger than Brahma. And this man's supernatural powers are even unheard of and extremely powerful.

There are two supernatural powers alone, which really brings great pressure to Lingxian.

Therefore, although he won and left his opponent sadly away, he was also not badly injured.

At this moment, Ling Xian was healing.

A trace of the essence of the world emerged from the void, nourishing his internal organs and limbs.

Just two hours later, Ling Xian opened her eyes and looked rosy.

Afterwards, he looked at the increasingly solid ladder of heaven, with expectations and emotions.

"The road to heaven has not yet officially begun, it has already begun to bleed."

Ling Xian sighed softly. Although he didn't know what was happening to the outside world, it can be seen from the challenge that someone came to the door that the two realms must be turbulent at this moment.

In fact, it is true.

The temptation to climb the sky is so great that too many powerful Tianjiao emerge.

These people haven't been born for a long time, and now in this world, it is naturally difficult to suppress the warfare in their hearts. Especially those young and arrogant, seeing the names of people at the same level moving around the world, will inevitably be somewhat dissatisfied.

Therefore, things are getting worse, and in the end, it is not just a battle between Tianjiao. Even those old monsters in the seventh realm are not willing to be lonely, they have shot.

At this moment, the two circles are even more lively.

It is no exaggeration to say that basically every hour, there will be news of the war, or the confrontation between the young supremacy, or the battle between the seventh realm.

In a word, the war is not going on anytime.

And fighting often means bleeding.

Although there is no injustice between the two parties, but the sword has no eyes, it is inevitable that they will accidentally kill the opponent by accident.

As a result, the two realms became even more chaotic. In the end, it has evolved into a battle between two forces, or even several forces.

For a time, the war engulfed the two realms, causing casualties and bleeding.

Gradually, the leaders of the major forces realized the seriousness of the problem and announced an armistice and did not want to engage in meaningless disputes.

After some discussion, the war finally subsided. Whether it was the young supreme or the old monster in the seventh realm, they calmed down and no longer challenged everywhere.

After that, Tianjige jumped out, to be precise, it released two new lists.

One is the top ten young supreme in the world.

Six of them are the strongest heirs to the hermit family or the family. They were not well-known before, but in a few days they lost the youngest Supreme and became famous figures.

The remaining four were Tianjiao who had already become famous.

Ao Hongchen is the highest, ranking third, the king of humans fifth, and Brahma sixth.

Ling Xian was also listed, but he was ranked last by Tianjige.

This list came out single, and the two circles immediately burst into an uproar.

People in the world have expressed doubts and do not agree with the correctness of this list.

In this regard, Tianjige did not explain, and does not need to explain.

Because of its endless years, it has three mysterious cabinet owners, and each list released is well-founded and authentic.

Therefore, Tianjige did not explain. After the initial questioning, the world gradually agreed with this list.

One is because of the prestige of Tianji Pavilion, and the other is that ten people's record is placed there, which is justified.

Although there is not much difference between the young and supreme, any list can not be guaranteed to be 100% accurate, but the record is there, and it is somewhat credible.

In other words, this list of Tianji Pavilion was originally ranked according to the record.

Among the well-known young Supremes, Ao Hongchen has the most wins, so she is ranked third, and Ling Xian has the least wins, so she is ranked last.

This sounds valid and cannot be refuted.

The same is true for the second list, which is named the Top Ten Mingdao Powers in the World, and most of them are faces.

The Monarch of Red Dust was listed prominently, and he ranked not low, ranking fourth.

Although the world has doubts about this, the record is there, and no one can say anything.

Therefore, the world recognized these two lists.

At one time, a total of twenty names from the two lists spread across the two realms. No one knew it, no one knew it.

Even Lingxian, who hadn't heard anything outside the window, learned two lists.

This made him quite surprised, not because he was ranked last among the top ten young supremacy, but because the red dust monarch ranked fourth.

You know, in this era where the eighth realm does not exist, the seventh realm is already the peak power. Since the Red Dust monarch can be ranked fourth, one can imagine how powerful this person is.

As for his last place among the top ten young supremacy, Ling Xian did not take it seriously.

A list, if it can really be accurate, what kind of immortal is it? If it is ranked first in the world, wouldn't it be invincible?

However, Ling Xian could not deny this list.

Although there will definitely be errors, after all, they are listed in Tianjige, and they are ranked according to their records, and they have some credibility.

Therefore, he kept the nine names on the list in his heart and was afraid to carelessly, especially when he was on the list.

Although the name on the list is glory, it is also trouble, which means that Ling Xian will become the target of criticism and be remembered by many people. Fortunately, he has very few records and is ranked last. If he is at the top of the list, the trouble is even greater.

Therefore, Ling Xian smiled a little, and then stopped paying attention to this matter and waited patiently.

Time goes by bit by bit.

Two months later, the Heavenly Ladder was finally solidified, releasing an extremely bright light, and even the great daylight was suppressed.

It is too dazzling, especially in the eyes of the world, it has an unparalleled temptation.

Therefore, at the moment when the ladder of solidarity was solidified, some creatures rushed up.

However, he was shocked by the blood and his bones were almost scattered.

No way, the ladder is not for anyone to climb. Do n’t even think about the creatures who are below the meditation level. Even in the sixth realm, you may not be able to reach the top.

"It's finally about to start ..."

Ling Xian slowly got up at the top of the mountain, staring at the huge stairway, which was so hot in the eyes.

Although he had learned in advance that there would be no immortals on the road to the sky, no matter whether it was the mysterious starry sky or the invincible **** of the same order, he was impressed.

"The road is about to start, and the war is about to begin. All I can do is move forward steadily."

Muttered, Ling Xian no longer hesitated, Jiutian Shenyi cut through the sky, and took him to the ladder.

Suddenly, the mysterious mighty power came up and turned into a huge force, wanting to knock Ling Xian down.

"This pressure can't stop me."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and allowed herself to join in, still so calm and gentle.

It seems that the pressure of the ladder is a faint breeze that cannot be weakened, and even his hair cannot be shaken.

This surprised the surrounding creatures. I didn't expect that Ling Xian could ignore the pressure of the ladder, which is by no means what ordinary people can do.

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