Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1511: three methods

On the square, Ling Xian looked indifferent and extremely cold.

"Natural calculations, Ling Daoyou passed the test, naturally qualified to use my treasures of the Fan family." Fan Li nodded gently.

"Very good, then please ask the Patriarch to take me." Ling Xian raised his mouth, and smiled with joy.

Although the process was very difficult, he did not suffer, and now he was assured of brazenness, and he was naturally a bit happy.

"Ling Daoyou, please wait." Fan Li blinked, his face hesitated.

This made Ling Xian frown, and said, "Why, the Patriarch repented?"

"That's not, but my Vatican has three ways to improve the body, and I want Taoists to choose." Varian smiled slightly.

"Three methods?" Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed a strange color.

You know, in this age of physical decline, trying to find a way is extremely difficult. However, the Brahma had three kinds, which naturally made him shake.

"No wonder the fanaticism in the flesh is recognized as the strongest in the world, and it is truly extraordinary."

Ling Xian was intrigued and said, "Tell me about the three."

"The first method is to take strong bones and bones, which can strengthen bones and indirectly strengthen the body."

"With Ling Daoyou's current physical state, after taking this medicine, he can reach the peak of choice."

"After that, Qianjin Jiangu Cao lost its effect and it was useless to take more. Therefore, this method is the worst, but the cost is relatively small."

"Ling Daoyou only needs to pay 100 million spirit stones, and I can give you one."

Vatican opened his mouth one after another and briefly introduced it.

This caused Ling Xian to frown slightly, ignoring this method directly.

Although the strong-strength and strong-bone grass is good and the cost is small, but his expectation is the sixth state, naturally this method will not be used.

Right now, he said lightly, "Keep talking."

"The second method is to enter the mysterious realm of the Brahma family, where there is a golden dragon carp. After taking it, Ling Daoyou can reach the sixth realm."

"Similarly, after taking one, you cannot continue to take it."

"This method is medium and expensive. It requires Ling Daoyou to come up with a treasure of equal value."

Brahmi briefly said.

"Jinlong Carp?"

Ling Xianxing's eyes lit up. I didn't expect the Fan family to have this.

Jinlong carp is a rare thing in the world, and it has great benefit for the flesh. It is rare even in the ancient times when the body was flourishing, let alone now.

Therefore, Lingxian is a little tempted.

However, even the middle method can make him break through to the sixth level, how amazing is the third method?

At the moment, he laughed: "The patriarch of Sanskrit talks about the third one."

"The third is the best method, but Ling Daoyou may not be able to pay the price." Fan Li smiled, his eyes looming deep in his eyes.

"The San Patriarch talks first."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, improving his body is his top priority at present, and even if he pays the price, he will not hesitate.

"My Vatican has a secret treasure named Zhenlongchi."

"Every one hundred years, a drop of true dragon blood emerges from the pool. The blood of pure dragon blood is not a descendant of impure blood."

"As long as this blood is taken, Ling Daoyou's physical body will definitely reach the sixth stage."

Fan Li smiled a little, showing a little pride, proud of having the true dragon blood.

"True dragon blood?"

Ling Xian froze, and after that, her breathing was a little quick.

In this day and age, pure blood true dragons no longer exist, all of them are descendants of the dragon race, and their blood is extremely thin.

The real dragon blood can greatly enhance the body, even if it is only one drop, the effect is extremely powerful.

Therefore, Ling Xian did not doubt the words of Brahmi, and was completely tempted.

As long as you take one drop, you can lift your body to the mid-sixth stage. This is several times better than the previous two methods. Who can refuse if you change it?

At the moment, he said in a deep voice: "I will choose this method, and the Patriarch will talk about the price."

"Is Ling Daoyou sure? You have to pay a lot of money to get true dragon blood."

Fan Li said quietly, "In my opinion, it is better to choose the second one, which has met your expectations and the cost is not great."

"The patriarch of the Vatican speaks frankly. If Zhuyu is ahead, would I choose a hard stone?"

Ling Xianxing's eyes are hot. Compared with the real dragon blood, the first two methods are indeed no different from the stubborn stones, worthless.

"Well, if you want to get the real dragon blood, you can exchange it for the supreme fairy." Van left.


Ling Xian frowned, but did not expect that the price was so high.

In terms of value alone, the supreme immortal is higher than the true dragon blood. After all, this is a fetish that can be refined into the treasure. It is by no means a drop of true dragon blood.

Although he has several kinds of Supreme Immortal Gold, he has already been made into the Asking Immortal Sword, and he will definitely not exchange it for True Dragon Blood.

Therefore, Ling Xian hesitated.

Seeing this, Fan Li laughed: "If Ling Daoyou can't get the supreme fairy, I have another choice."


Ling Xian raised an eyebrow and said, "Please say, the patriarch of Sanskrit."

Hearing that Vatican cleared his throat and slowly spit out a word that made the audience silent.

"Marry my daughter of Brahman and be my son-in-law of the Brahma family."

The words fell, everyone was holding back, and Ling Xian was no exception.

He never imagined that this is what the Brahman's request is, which is the price?

After that, the scene fry.

"I'm not mistaken, the patriarch actually wants to assign Miss Van Gogh to Ling Xian? And a drop of true dragon blood?"

"What a joke, is there such a good thing in this world?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I must have heard it wrong."

Everyone exclaimed, full of incredible.

Not to mention the real dragon blood in vain, just to say that Fan Li assigned his daughter to Ling Xian is a matter of sufficient sensation in the eternal life world.

Because the daughter of Brahma is Brahma, a woman-like name, a woman who does not lose a boy.

She has many titles. The Waki ​​family has not been born for thousands of years. It is one of the ten young beauties in the eternal life.

In short, she is an extremely dazzling woman, and she is at the top of the world in all aspects.

It is no exaggeration to say that her followers, such as river fish carps, can be lined up from the front door of the Fan family to the back door, and still stand in two rows!

At the moment, Brahma intends to allocate Brahma Xu to Ling Xian, how can everyone not be shocked?

"Exquisite request." Ling Xian shook her head and smiled.

"I don't know what Ling Daoyou's thinking?" Fan Li smiled slightly, looking forward to it, but also determined.

The reason he made such a request was to win over Lingxian. After all, he is too good, especially the physical body, to reach the limit that no one in the Fan family has reached for ten thousand years.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lingxian has a bright future, and if he is not good, he can become a Xeon. In this way, Brahmi naturally moved the idea of ​​draw.

Especially in the case of doubt, marriage is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Sorry, I won't accept inexplicable, profitable marriages."

Ling Xian shook her head with a smile and a flat tone, but it was not difficult to hear how determined he was.

This made the scene silent again, and everyone's eyes were almost staring out.

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