Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1480: Affectionate

Da Ri is hung high, the soul empty tribe is in front.

Fifty Seventh Powers were lined up in a row, magnificent and earth-shattering.

This made Ling Xian's heart sink, her eyes filled with worry.

The disparity is too great, even if he has old-fashioned monsters such as the old man with animal skin and the mother-in-law of the golden snake, he has no chance of winning.

When he saw Gu Chen, Guna and other familiar people, his expression suddenly gloomed.

Hundreds of people were kneeling in front of them, everyone was covered with blood, their eyes were scattered, apparently, they were tortured severely.

Especially Guchen and Guna, at this moment are already suffocated and are dying.

This made Ling Xian angry and rushed to the crown with a violent emotion in her heart.

You know, he is kind and will not hurt innocent people even if he is angry again. However, at this moment, he wants to kill the Qinglei Tribe, but imagine how angry he is now!

At the same time, my heart was full of self-blame.

The reason why the ancient fire tribe had this calamity was entirely because of him, naturally it made him feel guilty.

Seeing Lingxian's anger, Qingwu immediately smiled, cruel and happy.

The same is true of the two old men around him.

"Haha, Lingxian, I'll give you half a column of time to consider."

Qing Wu laughed loudly and said, "If you break yourself, I can let these people go. If I don't want to, I will kill them."

Hearing that Ling Xian's double fists clenched immediately, looking at Qing Wuhui's eyes full of killing intention.

The same goes for the old mankind, but other than that, it is full of worries.

Although they haven't been in Lingxian for a long time, they have learned a little about his character, and the most basic point is to be serious.

Therefore, they were afraid that he would be impulsive in exchange for his own life in return for Gu Chen and others.

"Brother Wuhui, don't be so unkind, at least, give him more time."

An old man in a black robe turned his eyes to Lingxian, jokingly, "But you remember, if I have more time, I will kill someone."

The words fell, and everyone on Lingxian's side was angry.

Killing one more time, what's the difference with Banzhu Xiang?

"Too much bullying!"

The old animal skin roared, and the blood and blood collapsed, shaking Jiuzhong Sky.

This shocked everyone in the enemy army, and even the old monsters at the same level were dignified.

There is no way, the old man with animal skin is the oldest monster in Witch God Realm with the longest life. It is one of the most powerful existence in Witch God Realm.

"Strange soul, you don't have to scare me. With so many people in the coalition, are you still afraid that you will not succeed?" Qing Wu sneered, fearless.

One was as many as fifty coalition forces, many of whom were able to counteract the existence of old people with animal skins, and the other was hostages.

"Seniors, please anger, and today's situation is not suitable for war."

Ling Xian forced herself to calm down, and at the same time stopped the old animal skin, also because of those two points.

It is too unfavorable for the side to deal with him on the side. If it really hits, it is definitely his side that suffers. Moreover, the coalition hostage was held hostage, he must not sit idly by and wait for Gu Chen and others to die.

As a result of his involvement, the Guhuo tribe has lost their home. How can Lingxian let them lose their lives?

Therefore, he had to stop the old man from animal skin.

"Haha, that's right, think about it, whether to sacrifice their own lives or to sacrifice their lives."

Seeing Ling Xian blocking the old animal skin, Qing Wu laughed loudly, full of pride.

The same is true of the elders of the other two Qinglei tribes.

"Do n’t you think it is mean to do this kind of thing?" Ling Xian forced down her anger and tried to keep herself calm.

However, he wasn't even sure how long he could calm down.

"The winner, the prince, the loser, the important thing is the result. What is the process, and who cares?"

Qing Wu sneered, and said, "Lingxian, you are destined to fail in this game."

Hearing that, Ling Xian was silent.

Although he didn't want to admit it, it was so. Even if the hostages were not talked about, he had no chance of winning.

"Damn, fight with them!"

"Yes, the sons of the ancestors don't have to hesitate, the big deal is to die, I'm not afraid!"

"Whether you win or lose, you have to fight before you know. Even if the numbers are very different, you may not have a battle!"

The crowd spoke with anger.

Not only because Qinglei tribe took Lingxian as hostage, but also because these people abandoned the ancestral witch Pangu!

For those of them who are faithful, this is the greatest disrespect, the biggest damn!

Therefore, everyone was filled with anger. If Ling Xian had not spoken, they would have rushed forward.

"Can't fight."

Ling Xian sighed softly. Once the war started, hundreds of lives of the ancient fire tribe would have to die. What made him tolerate?

Even if he stepped back 10,000 steps, he really relented, regardless of the lives of those people, this battle did not win.

Therefore, Lingxian was entangled in a dilemma.

This made everyone in the coalition forces smile, especially Qing Wuhui's return to the two old men, and they did not hide their pride.

In fact, they do not want to go to war. After all, the seven major tribes such as the soul empty tribe are not easy to mess with. If the war starts, even if it wins, there will be heavy casualties.

Therefore, Qing Wuhui will use hostages to coerce Lingxian, so that the losses can be minimized. It might even cost him no effort.

The current scene undoubtedly proves that this method is effective.

There is no way, Ling Xian is too affectionate and righteous. This is his strength, but also his fatal weakness!

"Banzhuxiang is coming, can you make a decision?"

Qing Wu smiled and said, "If you don't think about it, I can give you some more time, but don't forget to kill someone in one breath."

Hearing that Ling Xian was even more angry, and anxious to smash this person into slag. But thinking of Gu Chen and others, he could only put up with it for the time being.

"Too deceitful! You never die, you die!"

"What a Qinglei tribe, my lone sword here swears to kill the Qinglei tribe without killing any grass!"

"Count me, if you don't die today, you will come to the door!"

A few people roared, except for the killing in the words, they were determined.

In this regard, Qing Wuhui directly ignored.

He Qinglei tribe is one of the most powerful top tribes in Witch God Realm. If there are old monsters who haven't known how many years to sit in the town, how can they care about the threat of several people?

"Ban Zhuxiang will be here soon. Let's make a decision."

Qing Wu made a joke, and floated on Gu Chen and others. Suddenly, they were shrouded in majestic mighty power, and with a slight shock, they could be broken into pieces.

This changed Ling Xian's complexion, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you."

The words fell and everyone's face changed.

Animal skin elders and others were frightened, while the coalition forces were overjoyed.

"Ha ha ha, Ling Xian, Ling Xian, I really don't know what to say to you."

Qingwu laughed proudly and looked at Ling Xian with a playful expression, and said, "Is it that you are serious about righteousness, or that you are too stupid?"

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