Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1475: Three strokes

The sun rises high on the forest path.

A wild woman, like a leopard, raised her eyebrows, and she was breathless: "He is the kid who made my father salute?"

"Yes, I really don't see how extraordinary he is."

"Even if he is powerful in the seventh realm, he is not qualified to salute the patriarch, let alone a monk in the sixth realm."

"Yeah, we have to follow the salute. It's really atmosphere."

Several men spoke in succession, with pleasing and fearful voices.

Not only because she is the daughter of the patriarch, but also because she is extremely powerful, and is ranked as the strongest Tianjiao with Qingtian!


The woman turned her eyes to Lingxian, and the aggression was full of meaning: "I was in retreat for three years, and I just went out the other day. As soon as I came out, I heard the whole family talking about you.

Hearing that Ling Xian frowned slightly, too lazy to talk nonsense, he said lightly: "So what?"

"and so?"

The woman froze slightly, did not expect Lingxian to be so direct.

She did come here to find fault, but she always had a reason, otherwise, she couldn't tell her like her father. Therefore, Ling Xian's direct way of dialogue actually made her a little dazed.

But soon she came back and said, "I want to know why you can make my father salute."

"Go ask your dad." Ling Xian said lightly, not wanting to be in the limelight.

This made the woman's eyebrows frowned, and a little coldness appeared on Qiao's face: "If my father told me, could it be for you?"

"Then I won't tell you any more."

Ling Xian glanced at the woman lightly, not too lazy to talk nonsense: "Trouble to let go."


The woman's expression cooled down, her pair of dazzling eyes showed her sharp edge, and she looked directly at Lingxian.

"It seems that you are reluctant to say it."

"I don't want to be true. It's not false if you want to find fault."

Ling Xian's expression was calm, and she said, "So, why not talk nonsense? Just do it."

"You are very happy."

The woman's face was gloomy, and the others were cold.

"Not happy, don't you find fault?"

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed. From the moment he saw women and others, they saw their intentions and made it clear that they were looking for faults.

"Huh, you have some eyesight." The woman snorted coldly, always feeling the first to be captured.

The same is true of the others.

In the situation they originally envisaged, Ling Xian should first show surprise, then scorn, and finally show fear. But the real situation is that he is light and light, shaking his head and laughing.

This made a few people feel a sense of frustration, and felt that it was not very successful to find the difference.

"There is no need to talk nonsense. Since you are here to find faults, let's do it. I have no time to waste with you."

Ling Xian shook her head with a smile and smiled. He knew the strength of several people, so the woman could do two tricks with him. If it was before the change, it would be natural to start a life-and-death showdown with him, but nowadays, both tricks are said more.

Such strength, he naturally does not mind.

"It seems that I have been underestimated."

The woman's face was frosty, and the whole person released a coldness, making this place suddenly become a cold winter moon.

"Don't underestimate Miss, I'm really impatient."

"That is, Miss is not only the strongest descendant of my soul-kill tribe for thousands of years, but also one of the strongest Tianjiao in Witch God Realm!"

"The young lady's debut has not been defeated so far, even the few evildoers who are equal to her, dare not underestimate, what are you?"

Several people spoke with anger and ridicule.

However, the words are true. This woman is indeed one of the strongest Tianjiao in Witch God Realm. Being as famous as Qingtian, she can be described as powerful and outrageous.

Just in front of Ling Xian, the most, even if it is not bad.

Not to mention that he is now a monk at the peak of meditation. Even in the later period, he is not afraid of this woman. Don't forget, Optimus has lost to his hands.

Therefore, Lingxian still looked calm and light.

This made the woman's coldness stronger, saying: "The strong man's style is quite enough, but I don't know if there is any comparable strength."

"You can try."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and did not take the woman seriously. If he is at the same level as him, then he must be treated with care, but in the case of lowering him to a small realm, there is really no need to be serious.

"Very well, I'd like to see, where are you going?"

The woman was angry, she was powerful, she had an extraordinary background, and she was always beautiful. Not to mention being despised, even if you are negligent, you never have.

However, Ling Xian clearly showed her inattention. How could she not be angry?

At the moment, the mighty divine power swept across ten squares, shaking the whole jungle shivering.

"I should say this."

Ling Xian couldn't help crying and laughing, he also wanted to ask, where is the confidence of women and others, dare to find their own stubble?

Even if they think they have enough power, did the patriarch think about it? Don't forget, the patriarch has to salute him!

Regardless of the result, whether he hanged everyone or was beaten by a woman or someone else, several people would be exempt from punishment.

In this way, Ling Xian naturally couldn't laugh or cry.

"Strength is my confidence!"

The woman rose into the sky, the golden light shone, the armor was clothed, and the power was magnificent. Like the same goddess of war, she is proud of the world, ancient and modern.

This refreshed the spirits of several men, and a strong expectation emerged in their eyes. Obviously, it was hoped that she would teach Ling Xian a good meal.

"This sentence should also be said by me."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, did not release the momentum, Ren Feng blows the hair white robe, chic and extraordinary.

"You are not qualified to say this!"

The woman looked indifferent, and the moment she left, she appeared in front of Ling Xian.

This is a real moment, truly crossing space, and we can see how deep her understanding on the avenue of space.

And when she flashed in front of Ling Xian, a blue short dagger emerged silently, trembling with coldness, almost hitting his brows.

"Good space skills, good assassination."

Ling Xian praised him. If he wanted to change, he could only use the three flowers in the road to defend him.

But at this moment, he has been ten times more powerful, naturally it is not necessary.

Therefore, Ling Xian just caught her dagger with just two fingers.

This scene left a few people in the room, eyes widened one after another, full of incredible.

Women, in particular, find it incredible.

In the scene she envisioned, she should use Ling to hold Ling Xian's eyebrows and make a move.

But the fact is that Ling Xian was easily blocked by the dagger. How could she accept her with pride?

"one move."

Slightly spit out two words, Lingxian burst out of the monstrous power, while breaking the dagger, but also shocked the woman to fly.

"Two tricks."

This is Ling Xian's second sentence. After that, he flashed in front of the woman, holding her goose neck with her long right hand.

"Three moves."

The bland voice sounded again, Ling Xian looked down at Huarong's eccentric woman, and spit out a word.

"Three tricks can't stop it. What qualifications do you have to come to trouble me?"

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