Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1473: establish confidence

Soul empty tribe, is the top power of Witch God Realm.

It has been passed down for many years, and it is recognized as a monster in Witch God Realm. Few people dare to provoke it.

The old man with animal skin is also the oldest monster with the longest life in Witch God Realm. Its repair is unfathomable, and it can be said to be one of the most powerful people in Witch God Realm.

Therefore, Lingxian is at ease.

When he came to the soul empty tribe, he ignored the external disturbances and began to retreat.

Because the three drops of Tianzun have not really merged with his blood.

At that time, Lingxian was in a state of crisis, and naturally there was no time to refine the ancient blood of Tianzun. Today is calm, at least for now, there will be no waves in a short time.

In this way, it is natural that he should refine the ancient blood of Tianzun. Only in this way can he truly grasp three drops of ancient blood.

At this moment, the rising sun was rising, and the pale golden afterglow sprinkled, and this high peak was plated with a layer of gold.

At the top of the mountain, in the sea of ​​clouds, Lingxian sits cross-legged, devouring the essence of the sun and the spirit of heaven and earth.

He is healing, to be precise, adjusting his condition.

After all, Tianzun's ancient blood is not so well refined. Even if he is the son of the ancestor and witch, he cannot easily be refined. Therefore, he must adjust his status to the highest level to ensure foolproof.

In this way, time passed little by little.

After half a year, Ling Xian slowly opened her eyes, the light was shining and shining. That dazzling light is enough to be comparable to the indomitable sun in the sky.

This means that his injuries have all recovered, and his condition has returned to its peak.


Slowly spit out a stale gas, Ling Xian's expression showed a bit of joy, at the same time, there was also a bit of expectation.

Tianzun's ancient blood is precious. Even if there is only one drop, it will definitely bring him huge gains, let alone three drops?

According to Ling Xian's estimation, if these three drops of Tianzun ancient blood are refined, they may break through to the top of the meditation!

In this case, can he not look forward to it?

Right now, he was immersed in his mind and began to refine ancient blood.

Suddenly, Ling Xian's body boiled, and three drops of silver-white blood hovered proudly, like three deities.

And three-quarters of the ancient blood he had awakened was transformed into a big wave of the Yangtze River, and three drops of silver and white blood were rolled in anger, and he wanted to devour it.


With a loud noise, a spectacular battle kicked off.

Although the three drops of ancient blood were obviously in a downwind state, they were unyielding and stubbornly resisted the long river of blood.

For a while, the two were in a stalemate, and no one could do anything. However, it is foreseeable that over time, three drops of ancient blood will be swallowed up.

On the one hand, it is inferior to the ancient blood that Ling Xian has awakened; on the other, it is because the two have the same source, so naturally it is difficult to resist.

"Yes, it won't be long before you can refine three drops of ancient blood." Lingxian's mouth raised, showing a smile of satisfaction.

But the next moment, his face was gloomy.

Because, the last seal of God, which is suddenly manifested in the Fengtian array, actually suppressed all blood!

This changed Ling Xian's complexion. At this critical moment, Feng Tianzhen actually ran out of trouble.


Ling Xian looked somber and urged Tianzun's ancient blood and mana to fight back against the sky.

It is a pity that this seal is too powerful, it is the first **** array of all ages. Even with his current practice and frontier accomplishments, he can't shake the slightest.

Therefore, Fengtian Dazhen put Tianzun ancient blood pressure, and then released a strong suction, which was actually intended to seal the three drops of ancient blood.

This made Ling Xian stunned, but did not expect that Fengtianjinzhen would even **** the newly poured blood. But after only a moment of stagnation, he returned to God, and then became angry.

Sealed most of the ancient blood of Tianzun, without saying, at this moment, he still wants to **** the new blood, which is really deceiving!

"Damn, get out of me!"

Ling Xian roared, and released the infinite light of God, like a round of unforgettable sun, shining for nine days and ten places.

At the same time, he swipes his hands, and the sky bursts into his body, suppressing the sky.


The two powers collided, causing a horrific wave to erupt, and Ling Xian instantly coughed up blood and turned pale. Even the five internal organs have been hit hard.

However, he couldn't take care of it at the moment. If Feng Tianzhen was to seal the three drops of blood, he would be busy.

"Dare to rob me of something, look for death!"

Ling Xian furiously rushes to the crown, fights fate, turns to mana and ancient blood, and fully resists Fengtian.

At this moment, he was really angry. Even if he tried his life, he would never allow Fengtian to arrogantly!

Not only because of the three drops of Tianzun ancient blood, but also because Feng Tian Da Zhen is the no wonder he is destined to face. If he shrinks this time, how can he break it down later?

"Feng Tian Da Zhen is not a person, it is only the will of heaven and no thought. And it must suppress most of the ancient blood of Tianzun. It is impossible to distribute too much power to absorb the newly poured blood.

"That is to say, if I can win, I must win!"

"Otherwise, there will be no chance of winning in the future!"

Ling Xian's eyes were firm, and he successively played the battlefield tactics, trying to disintegrate the Fengtian array.

If there are people in the front again, they will be shocked and stunned. Because of this, the tactics he uses are all famous. Although it is useless for battle, it is absolutely paramount in the tactics!

No way, who let Ling Xianshi inherit Feng Qingming, and now has a master-level accomplishment?

In the past, due to the lack of accomplishment, he could not perform the tricks. At this moment, he can cast, and every time he hits, the Fengtian array becomes weak.

On the one hand, Lingxian is very strong, on the other hand, in order to suppress most of the ancient blood in this array, only a small part of the power can be divided.

Therefore, over time, Ling Xian finally suppressed this array.

Unfortunately, the Fengtian array must be the first **** of eternity. Even though it has only a small amount of power at this moment, it is also terrifying.

In the end, it still took away a drop of Tianzun blood.

In this regard, Ling Xian was not frustrated, and some were just joy.

Because only one drop of blood was snatched, and he held two drops. This means that he won and won the first confrontation with the Fengtian array!

You know, this is the first large array of eternity. Once in the lockup, they sealed the entire Xiuxian Realm!

Even if it is only a small amount of power, it is extremely horrible. If it was changed, Ling Xian would have no chance to win.

But at this moment, he won, how could he not feel happy?

And more importantly, after this battle, Ling Xian built confidence.

Although he didn't want to admit it, as long as he thought that the future would surely meet the sky, he felt that the future was dim and bleak.

But at this moment, he finally built up his confidence and firmly believed that he would definitely break the real Fengtian array!

"Although there is a drop of Tianzun ancient blood, but after all, I have won and I have built confidence, which is a huge gain."

The corner of Ling Xian's mouth rose, and the staring eyes flashed with anticipation.

"Next, it's time to refine two drops of Tianzun ancient blood."

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