Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1457: Silver blood

From the appearance of the vision to Ling Xian knew that more than two hours had passed.

If the possession of the treasure is decided, it will be decided early, and even if it leaves immediately, it will not help. And if it is not decided, then there is no need to worry.

Therefore, Lingxian stayed at the sunset cliff for half an hour before leaving for Wudihai.

And it turned out that his decision was correct.

When Lingxian and Blue Star came to Wudihai, there was a world-fighting war. A wave of aftershocks hit the four sides, causing the sea to boil and shaking.

This means that his decision was very correct. Not only did he easily get two treasures, but he did not miss the treasures of Wuhaihai.

And the treasures vying for the strong are suspended on the sea. It is a drop of silver-white blood. Although there is no divine brilliance, it is self-contained in Taoism and imposing.

This is an indescribable power, apparently just a drop of blood, no different from the rootless duckweed. But it released the breath of dominating the world, as if a supreme emperor, making people trembling, could not help but want to worship.

This made Ling Xian pause.

One is the Tianzun ancient blood boiling in the body, and the other is the blood in front of him, which is no different from his Tianzun ancient blood!

What this means does not need to say any more, this silver-white blood is the core treasure left by Pangu!

The ancient blood of Tianzun in his body is derived from the supreme Pangu Tianzun!

At this moment, all doubts about the ancient blood of Tianzun have been resolved.

It is because of this blood that originated from Pangu Tianzun, that Wuwei Nu Ni will say that Lingxian has a good fortune in Witch God Realm, and it is because of this blood that he can copy the Twelve Witch God Totem!

"So it is, so it is ..."

Feeling the ancient blood of Tianzun, Ling Xian murmured to himself, only to feel puzzled and relaxed.

From the moment he met Jiuxiantu, he has been in the fog, leaving aside the rest, just talking about the ancient blood of Tianzun makes him puzzled.

This confusion reached its peak when he found that he could actually copy the totem. Now that his doubts were finally resolved, it was natural to make him extremely relaxed, and he felt smooth in breathing.

"Ha ha ha, finally untied!"

Ling Xian laughed a long time, she couldn't express her pleasure, she couldn't express her ease.

This made everyone who was fighting a stunned one, and then he looked at him with the look of a fool.

"Where's the fool? Shame."

"I've got water in my head, stupid."

"I thought there was another person to grab it. I didn't expect it to be a fool. Don't bother."

After the fierce fighting, they also taunted,

Even Blue Star felt a bit shameful.

However, Lingxian didn't care, she still laughed and showed pleasure.

He was so happy that his long-standing doubts were finally solved, and who was changed, can he not be pleased?

After that, Ling Xian's eyes became hot.

The doubts have been resolved, and it is time to seize the treasure.

Tianzun's wonderful use of ancient blood, he couldn't be more clear, even if there is only one drop, it can be described as a treasure!

This can be seen through Lingxian.

Although the ancient blood of Tianzun in his body must be far more than one drop, don't forget that there are four seals of God in his body.

On the bright side, he unlocked three seals, that is, awakened three-quarters of the ancient blood, but in fact it was not.

Most of Tianzun's ancient blood's abilities were imprisoned by the last seal. Only when the Fengtian array was broken can they fully exert their full effect.

Roughly calculated, he awakened at most a quarter of the ancient blood. But just a quarter of the awakening allowed him to achieve what he is today. From this we can see how powerful Tianzun's ancient blood is.

Moreover, in his eyes, the ancient blood of Tianzun is his own, how can he not allow others to get involved?

"You must fight, you must not let go!"

Ling Xian's expression turned to firmness, and she turned her eyes to the people who were fighting, and then she smiled bitterly.

There are more than 30 strong people here, of which there are four seventh-strength powers, more than ten peaks in meditation, and the rest are all in the later period.

Leaving aside the rest of the strong, just talking about a seventh-level power, is by no means Ling Xian able to resist, plus the remaining strong, it is even more impossible.

In this case, even if he is the seventh-strength power, he still does not want to **** the ancient blood of Tianzun from the eyes of the heroes.

"It's impossible ..."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly. He has been very confident since his debut, but he is not blindly arrogant. He is very clear, let alone say that his current fighting strength can only be comparable to the peak of Rongdao. Even if he can fight the seventh strongest, it is impossible.

Therefore, he smiled bitterly, quite helpless.

"It's no wonder that after three hours, no one got this drop of Tianzun ancient blood. In this case, it is difficult for anyone to get it."

Ling Xian sighed softly, and there was something unwilling in the eyes.

Although there is only one drop of Tianzun ancient blood, this is still a rare and precious treasure, and more importantly, he is unwilling to let others get involved.

Therefore, his eyes firmed, even if it was difficult, he would try it!

"It's obviously impossible to take it by force, you can only take it intelligently ..."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly thought, since this drop of blood in front of him is the same source as his own blood, can he take it?

Thinking of this, his star eyes lighted up, and now running Tianzun ancient blood, trying to get in touch with the silver blood in front.

After that, an incredible scene appeared.

Originally, the silver blood was agitated because of the blood in Ling Xian's body. Right now, he is fully operating Tianzun Ancient Blood, and naturally has a wonderful connection with it.

After that, it turned into a streamer, which instantly poured into the heart of Lingxian's eyebrows and merged with the ancient blood of Tianzun.

This sudden change not only shocked everyone present, but also made Ling Xian feel incredible.

Originally, he thought that it would take some work to get this drop of blood on his own initiative. It never occurred to me that it was completed in an instant, and it was uncomfortable.

In this case, how can he not stagnate? But regardless of the process, the result is good, at least one thing is certain, he got this drop of blood!

Therefore, Ling Xianxi is overwhelmed.

The crowd was extremely angry.

They were killed and killed for this drop of blood, and they were reluctant to take out the treasures, and today their brains were used. But even so, he still couldn't get the ancient blood of Tianzun.

However, Ling Xian inhaled it instantly, so how could the heroes not be angry?

"court death!"

The anger rang loudly, and everyone was angry, especially when the person who found the treasure was actually a fool who laughed before, this anger reached its peak.

What a mockery of a fool to take the blood of Tianzun under their eyes?

What a shame and shame for them?

At the moment, all the majestic and magnificent, and without exception, all aimed at Lingxian!

That mighty power is like the end of the day. Even Lingxian, who is used to the strong winds and waves, changes his color!

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