Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1442: breakthrough

In the dungeon, Ling Xian looked at the dark orb in her hand, and the more she looked, the more she rejoiced.

Although the elder has made it clear that this bead can only be urged once more, this is enough to destroy the top tribe. Even if it can only be used once, it is an inestimable treasure!

It is fair to say that with this bead, Lingxian has the capital to destroy the top tribes. In this case, can he not feel happy?

But only for a moment, Lingxian converged and put Orb into a storage bag.

Although this pearl can make him ignore the top tribes, but after all, he can only urge one time. What he can really rely on for a long time is his own strength!

Therefore, Lingxian will not give birth to pride because of getting this bead.

"Well, what a peerless arrogance, defeated in your hands, not wrong." The elder sighed with regret and bitterness.

"No sense."

Ling Xian faintly opened her mouth, and then stretched out three fingers, preparing to make a vow of heaven.

However, he was stopped by the elder.

He took a deep look at Ling Xian and said earnestly: "You don't need to make an oath of heaven, I believe in you."

Hearing that, Ling Xian froze slightly.

What kind of praise is the most real?

The praises of relatives and teachers are more or less caring, and the praises of friends and brothers are also somewhat encouraging. As for the praises of their subordinates, they are mostly flattery.

Only compliments from the enemy are real, no water!

But if you think of the admiration of the enemy, it is undoubtedly difficult. Even if you are convinced, you may not say it. However, the elder respected Ling Xian highly and praised him, which is undoubtedly his greatest affirmation!

"Well, tell me where your granddaughter is." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"I had expected such a day, so when she was born, I sent her to Liufeng Tribe."

The elder sighed softly and said, "This tribe is located on Mingxin Sea, but it is only a medium-sized tribe."

"Mingxinhai, Liufeng Tribe ..."

Ling Xian meditated several times and said, "I have written it down. What are the characteristics of your granddaughter?"

"Yes, she has a red mole on her left wrist. She's twelve years old, and it's easy to find." The elder nodded, missing his thoughts.

"I took it down, rest assured, I will let her grow up safely." Ling Xian's voice was not loud, but she was strong and thunderous.

"Since I chose you, I naturally have no doubt."

The elder took a deep look at Ling Xian and said, "She doesn't know her own life, so you don't need to say."

"This is the best. It's not because you are afraid of being bitten by the daughter of the enemy, but it is not necessary to let an innocent child live in hatred." Ling Xian nodded gently.

"Yeah, I hope she will grow up happily and live in peace." The elder sighed sighingly, with guilt and happiness.

Fortunately, she sent her out early, and fortunate to have such a trustworthy person as Ling Xian.

"Rest assured, I will keep her safe forever."

Ling Xian smiled slightly. With his current strength, it is too simple to keep one person safe. Of course, the premise is that this person does not provoke the top powerhouse.

"With your words, I can rest assured."

Looking at the handsome man on the opposite side, the elder suddenly smiled, without any resentment.

Ling Xian also smiled, quite a bit of a smile of enmity.

"The wish is gone, there is no regret." The elder smiled lightly, free and easy.

"Don't worry, when I come out of Pangu ancestral land, I will go to the Liufeng tribe and bring your granddaughter with me." Ling Xian said softly, intending to go out of Pangu ancestor.

Otherwise, time will be tight.

"it is good."

The elder nodded and said, "Go, let me review this life and wait for death."

After speaking, he closed his eyes slowly.

Seeing this, Ling Xian sighed and turned away.

After that, his life was eased.

Pangu ancestral land opened soon, he can only stay in the Wangtu tribe, and he is so happy. In addition to the daily practice, you have to understand the totem, and no longer just tease the undead cat, and the life is quite comfortable.

With the passage of time, Ling Xian is getting closer and closer to the later stage of meditation. At this moment, he is at the key point of breakthrough.

I saw him sitting cross-legged, star eyes closed, mana turned into waves of the Yangtze River, hitting that barrier frantically.

Boom boom!

Like the galloping horses, as if the sea was roaring, Lingxian urged mana with all his strength, and vowed to make a blast and break the barrier that blocked him!

Under his constant impact, the barrier gradually cracked and then expanded, but the distance was completely broken, still a little worse.

In this regard, Ling Xian was not discouraged.

Although the huge pressure on the barrier has already damaged his body and bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but hope is in front of him.

At the moment, Lingxian was immersed in his mind and struck with all his strength.

This situation lasted for three days. When the rising sun rose to the sky three days later, the barrier inside him finally broke.

Suddenly, his spirit and mana were enhanced, becoming more pure and stronger!

This made Ling Xian very happy.

You should know that at this stage of spiritual practice, even if it is just to promote a small realm, it is very difficult to do.

At the moment, he broke through to the later stage of the Tao, which is naturally worthy of joy. Especially when the Pangu ancestral land is about to open, there is even more guarantee.

"Now I have the ability to fight the peak of Rongdao ..."

Feeling the power of the body several times stronger, Lingxian's mouth raised, and he was sincerely happy.

With the cultivation practice in the later stage of Rongdao, not only can he fight the peak of Rongdao, but even in the face of the power of the seventh realm, he can easily retreat.

"Next, wait patiently." Ling Xian smiled slightly, and returned to the comfortable life before.

Time passes again.

Five months later, he also fully realized the totem of the Wangtu tribe, and his accomplishments on the avenue of earth have reached a very terrifying realm.

Moreover, he also realized the strongest method of Wangtu tribe, Houtu Temple!

This undoubtedly enhances Ling Xian's combat power. He is polite to say that if he meets the elder again, he can be killed in a few breaths!

In addition to the Famen, he also manifested the ability against the sky again, copying the top totem of the Wangtu tribe to himself.

At this point, Ling Xian already has three totems of the witch gods: the totem of co-working, the higher totem of Zhu Rong, and the top totem of earth.

After understanding the totem, Ling Xian completely relaxed, either watching the scenery every day or playing with the undead cat.

Unfortunately, this day of true relaxation did not last long.

A month later, Wang Wudeng door and led two young people.

The two men were a man and a woman, and the men were strong and mighty, just like iron towers, and they were imposing.

The woman is pretty, and is considered a beauty among the witch clan, but in the eyes of Ling Xian, who is accustomed to the beauty of the world, she is undoubtedly ordinary.

However, both of them are in the middle of Rongdao. Compared to their under 200 years old, they are undoubtedly excellent.

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