Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1437: Dismantling

A splendid palace emerges in the air, covering the sky and the sun, with a magnificent atmosphere, as if it is a palace of the gods of heaven, which can suppress the Eight Wastelands and the Sixfold.

This moved Ling Xian, and felt a tremendous pressure from the palace.

Wang Wu and others also changed their colors. In addition to shock, they were worried.

"Abominable! They realized the Temple of Houtu!"

"This method is the first supernatural power of my Wangtu tribe. It has the power to suppress the world, and this is awful."

"If it's just one person, Linger has a little hope, but now this temple is twice as powerful!"

Everyone exclaimed, full of worry.

Houtu Temple is the first method of Wangtu tribe. Although it is only a ghost image, not the real Temple of Earth, the power is still unpredictable and terrifying!

Moreover, at this moment, it is still double power!

In this way, can everyone not worry?

Even Lingxian herself showed some worries.

He has encountered countless powerful enemies since his debut, and the magical powers he encountered are outrageous, but now this temple is undoubtedly the strongest method he has encountered so far!

Therefore, Lingxian's expression calmed down, and in a moment of thought, the three flowers of the avenue emerged from the world, blocking out the horror of the temple overflowing.

"Haha, as soon as the Temple of Houtu comes out, you can use your magical powers, maybe you want to come back!"

The elder laughed wildly and stared at Ling Xian, except for resentment. Obviously, he already thought Ling Xian would die.

The second elder thinks so.

Houtu Temple is the strongest method of the Wangtu tribe. Even if you look at the entire Wushen domain, it is a first-class existence. Not to mention, it is still a temple of double power.

It is not bad to say that even if the strongest peak of Rongdao came, it would not be possible to stop the attack without exerting the same method!

"Haha, boy, let me die!"

The elder smiled, the temple in the air fell slowly, and suddenly the void cracked, like the sky falling, and had the power to suppress everything.

And this is just the beginning.

As the temple sinks, chaos continues to overflow, accompanied by the traces of the avenue. Like a real witch **** palace, it can suppress nine days and ten places.

This made Ling Xian look dignified, knowing that this was the decisive move. If he blocked himself, there would be no suspense in this battle. If he couldn't stop it, he would die.

Everyone knows this.

The two elders helped each other, but they were entangled by the three elders. It was difficult to maintain undefeated. There was no help at all.

Therefore, Wang Wu and others are all worried, and even many people are desperate.

At this moment, Lingxian made a move that made everyone feel surprised.

He squeezed the invincible fist prints, erupting the immortal light, but instead of slowly sinking the temple, he blasted towards the three elders.

This move made everyone feel shocked.

what's the situation?

Faced with a deadly threat, how to resist, and how to attack the three elders instead?

Everyone was puzzled and couldn't understand Lingxian's move.

"Haha, did you get water in your head? Even if you kill him, you won't be able to stop the Temple of Houtu!"

"Stupid, if you attack the temple with all your strength, you have a chance to survive, but you are so stupid as to attack others, you are just trying to die!"

The elder and the second elder showed sarcasm, not only that Lingxian was certain to die, but also that he was stupid.

And at this moment, everyone heard two words clearly, two words showing confidence.

"All right."

Ling Xian's mouth raised, looking at the towering palace that was sinking gradually, staring with confidence.

The reason he only attacked the three elders was because he was accumulating power, or laying the groundwork for the strongest blow.

Don't forget, Fighting Fairy Bone can make his attack soar tenfold, but not every blow can be so, but triggered randomly.

Therefore, Ling Xian first attacked the three elders with a few punches to pave the way to stimulate the battle of the immortal bones. Right now he closes, that is, he feels that his next blow will erupt ten times more power!

"All right?"

The crowd was choking, for unknown reasons.

"Stupid, I want to see how you can block the double-powered Temple of Back Earth!" The elder sneered.

"Then keep your dog's eyes wide and watch them!"

Ling Xian's domineering response, the right fist released the immortal light, as the same round of immortal sun, radiance to the extreme.

At the same time, he runs the flood and sky power, burns his energy, and elevates his state to the highest level.

After that, he punched out and shook the Earth Temple!

This is a punch that cannot be described in words. It is like the wrath of the heavens, and the supreme shot can break the three thousand realms and break the nine heavens!


There was a loud noise, and the boxing and the temple collided strongly, and a bright light burst out, which drowned everything.

Afterwards, the aftermath swept across all directions, shaking everyone with pale faces and **** mouth corners.

Even the elders who were as strong as the elders were shocked several times.

Ling Xian is no exception.

Needless to say, the strength of the Houtu Temple is also a combination of his strength and a tenfold increase in power. In this way, the aftermath of the collision between the two is naturally horrible, and even he has to retreat.

And when the diffused light from the sky, everyone clearly saw that Lingxian's fist print had dissipated, and the earth shrine was intact!

This stunned everyone, and after that, people on Wang Wu's side showed sorrow, and some were even desperate.

The Houtu Temple is intact, which means that Ling Xian failed to block, that is, they lost. In this way, how can you be desperate?

But the elders and others laughed loudly, except for ridicule.

"Stupid idiot, I have said long ago that you are doomed to be my enemy!"

"Haha, now you know, I don't know what's high."

The two were ridiculous, but also showed a strong irony.

This makes Wang Wu and others look pale and desperate.

However, Ling Xian not only did not move, but shook her head and laughed.

His boxing marks are indeed dissipated, but this does not mean that the Temple of the Earth is intact.

"Why are you laughing?"

The elder frowned, sarcastically saying, "I've got water in my head, and I'm still laughing when I die."

"Death is imminent, I naturally can't laugh, but if the enemy is dead, why can't I laugh?" Ling Xian shook her head with a smile.

"The enemy is dead?"

The elder erupted and realized that the enemy in Lingxian's mouth was talking about himself. At the moment, he sneered: "It really is a fool, and they are talking nonsense."

"What nonsense ..."

Ling Xian smiled, didn't refute, but pointed to the temple in the air.

This made everyone stunned, and suddenly found that after the original punch, the Houtu Temple had never moved.

But what does this mean?

The crowd was puzzled, but the next moment, they understood and shocked.

Because of that, the magnificent palace suddenly cracked a gap, then gradually cracked, and finally disintegrated in the eyes of everyone's dismay!

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