Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1433: Instant break

"Looking at the cliff, this name is quite appropriate."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and determined the place where the person in power was detained.

If the man's words are true, then looking at the cliff is undoubtedly the most suitable place. Because the rules are there, no one except the patriarch can enter.

In other words, the people of the Wangtu tribe did not dare to enter at all. In this way, it was ensured that no one could discover the secret.

Therefore, Ling Xian determined that if the elders imprisoned the original power, the most likely place is undoubtedly the broken net cliff.

"Yes, once you go in, you can't come out for life, it's tantamount to severing hope." The man nodded.

"I'll ask you one more thing. Have the three elders now been held in the cliff of hope?" Ling Xian smiled lightly.


The man hesitated, saying, "Three elders today have indeed committed unforgivable sins and have been locked into the cliff of hope."

"Sure enough." Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, and some of the elders understood the way.

Once Departure Cliff enters, there is no possibility of coming out again, it is tantamount to losing freedom. In this case, it is reasonable for the elders to adopt extreme methods.

But understanding and understanding, Ling Xian would not agree, let alone stand idly by.

The elder made it clear that he would not be given a place, and the only way was to overthrow him and replace him with the one in power.

Therefore, Lingxian decided to take action to rescue the original power. At the moment, he said lightly: "Tell me the location of Detective Cliff."

"This ..." The middle-aged man hesitated, wondering what Ling Xian wanted to do.

"Don't worry, I'm just curious about it and want to take a look." Ling Xian waved his hand and motioned the man not to think too much.

Hearing that the middle-aged man was silent for a moment, thinking of Lingxian's horrific fighting power, gritted his teeth and said, "Just in the suburbs."

"A suburb? ..."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Don't tell anyone about today's things, otherwise, you know the consequences."

"The seniors rest assured, lend me a hundred courage, and dare not speak out." The middle-aged man pleased and smiled.

"Very good, keep drinking." Ling Xian smiled slightly, and disappeared in the moment.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived outside the city.

I saw here is an endless range of mountains, one of which is a thousand meters high, surrounded by vast clouds and surrounded by many formations.

"Want to come, that's the lookout cliff."

Ling Xianxing's eyes brightened, and she flashed over the peak, and then she flicked her hands and began to break.

It is not difficult to crack the surrounding matrix based on his present-day tactics. Therefore, it took him only a moment to break down the entire array.

Afterwards, I saw a quite shocking scene.

I saw hundreds of stone pillars standing here, and each one was tied to a person, and the dark chain locked it firmly and couldn't move.

Looking around, there are actually hundreds of people, including men and women, old and young. Without exception, they are looking faint and desperate.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct."

Ling Xian sighed and said loudly, "Who is the patriarch of the Wangtu tribe?"

The words fell, everyone in the room was stunned, and his eyes moved wildly towards Lingxian. After that, he expressed doubts.

"I am the patriarch of the Wangtu tribe. I wonder if your Excellency is?"

A man with a shawl opened his mouth, doubtful and alert.

"Rescuers of you." Ling Xian smiled slightly, completely confirming her speculation.

If the totem's drop in level is not a ghost made by the elder, why imprison these people?

"Save us?"

The man froze, surprise in his dim eyes, but his vigilance never faded.

The same goes for everyone.


Ling Xian smiled, and saved himself the Wangtu tribe, and talked about what happened next.

After a while, everyone in the audience understood, and their eyes on Ling Xian changed accordingly. There are shocks, gratitudes, and admirations.

The shock was because Ling Xian used the power of the middle stage of the Taoism to suppress the later stage of the Taoism, and repelled the coalition forces with his own authority.

Gratitude is because he saved the Wangtu tribe.

As for admiration, it was because Lingxian had guessed the truth and found the place just because the elder refused.

This is by no means what ordinary people can do. It requires not only a clever mind but also a delicate mind. Otherwise, the truth cannot be inferred from the refusal of the elders alone.

"Hello, Your Excellency is powerful and delicate, and really admirable."

The man exhaled a long breath and said, "My Wangwu represents the Wangtu tribe. Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome."

Ling Xian waved her hand and looked at the declining monks in front of her, chuckling: "Let's talk about the business."

Hearing that Wang Wu's expression moved, he realized something.

"I want to save you out, but I don't know what you want?" Ling Xian raised his mouth, revealing a smile of the winner.

"It goes without saying that we are naturally willing."

Wang Wu smiled bitterly, knowing that there was no free lunch in the world, he would have to give something. At the moment, he asked, "I don't know what Your Excellency wants?"

"It's simple, the place for Pangu ancestral land."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "If you promise, I will save you out and help you reset. If you don't, I will turn around and leave."

After a pause, he continued: "So, you better think about whether quota is important or freedom is important."

Hearing that, Wang Wu was silent.

The value of the place in Pangu Zudi is too large to be inestimable. However, compared to freedom, it is not comparable.

He was trapped here, not even free. What use was there in holding the quota? Moreover, if he does not overthrow the elders, the quota will not be his turn.

Therefore, Wang Wushen said, "I promise, as long as your Excellency can save me and wait out, and help me reset, I will hand over the quota!"

"The right decision."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, not surprised by the result, even a fool knows how to choose.

"Take a vow of heaven, I don't want to give you a chance to regret it."

Ling Xian said lightly. Although Wang Wu may not be the same as the elder, he is a mean man, but he doesn't want to make a mistake in this matter.

"it is good."

Wang Wuzheng focused his head. When he made the oath of heaven, he turned his attention to the crowd and said, "You also make it."


They all unanimously and made a vow of heaven.

This made Ling Xian smile with satisfaction. Tiandao vow has been issued. As long as he can let Wang Wu regain power, then he is not afraid that this person will repent.

"Please also help me wait for my escape." Wang Wu looked serious, full of hope in his eyes.

The same was true of everyone present, all looking at Ling Xian with that expectant look.

"Rest assured, I dare to propose conditions, and naturally have the ability."

Ling Xian smiled a little, while her sleeves waved, the master's accomplishments manifested, and she instantly unlocked the formation on the stone pillar.

And it's not one, it's all.

This made everyone's eyes almost glared out. I did not expect that the stone pillar that had trapped him for twenty years was so easily released.

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