At the bottom of the mountain, a cloud of red flames bloomed in the void, rising and jumping, releasing indescribably high temperatures, not even the space avenue.

This makes Ling Xian both a shock and a joy.

He looked at the flame, the size of which was palm-sized, and sank, "You step back, I'm going to start making fire."

Hearing that, Gu Chen receded to the rear without a word.

He can be regarded as the fierce fire of Zhu Rong. If it was not protected by Ling Xian, the moment he opened the mountain peak, he would turn to ashes.

"Only by avoiding fire beads, I am afraid that this fire cannot be incorporated into the body, even if only 30% is taken."

Ling Xian's brow froze, knowing the horror of Zhu Rong's real fire, so he ran the flame of burning evil spirits.

Suddenly, the silver-white flame spread all over his body, making him look like a vulcan god, awe-inspiring, and shocking.

After that, Ling Xian pinched the spell and planned to strip out 30% of Zhu Rong's true fire.

When he made such a move, Zhu Rong's real fire followed him.


The flames rose, the fiery heat diffused, and the void melted in an instant, and even the light that avoided the flames of the fire dimmed.

And this is just the beginning.

Zhu Rong's real fire was magnificent. Numerous spots of light suddenly appeared in the void, and then it turned into a phoenix.

Although tiny, as big as a finger, it is lifelike, like a real reproduction.

When it evolved into a phoenix bird, the temperature in this space suddenly became a bit hot. Even with the double protection from the fire bead and the evil flame, Ling Xian felt a bit hot.

This made him greatly shaken. I did not expect that Zhu Rongzhen would be able to evolve the method independently without being urged. In a way, this is equivalent to having spirituality.

Therefore, Ling Xian did not dare to carelessly and directly opened the world.

诛 Jiejian, War God Halberd, Mountain and River Ding ... Each of the seven types of soldiers manifested one by one, as if he was like the **** of heaven, and swept the power of nine days.

"Break me!"

Suddenly, Ling Xianyu sent seven soldiers to fight the Phoenix Bird.

Boom boom!

A bird of the phoenix was destroyed by him, like a fleeting firework, gorgeous and moving. But the danger of this is only known to Ling Xian himself.

Zhu Rong's real fire is terrible. Even if it is only half, even if it is unmanned, he must go all out!

Therefore, Lingxian was more serious than ever, not only urging the world to the extreme, but also used the Pingxian Dingxianquan.


The immortal fist is unpredictable, sweeping the world and shaking the world, the ghosts and gods are shocked!

However, Zhu Rong's real fire can be blocked.

It was suspended in the void, and the endless phoenix swept across all directions, not only melting the void, but even the mountain where Zhu Rong once lived had faint signs of melting.

This made Guchen's eyes almost glared. One was that Zhu Rong's true fire was so powerful, and the other was that Ling Xian could even compare with him!

Although this is only half of the true fire of Zhu Rong, and it is unmanned, but resists by instinct, it is the most powerful flame in the world after all!

How powerful is it to be able to stand up to it without losing the wind?

"Even if you are the strongest flame in all ages, after all, it is unmanned at the moment, it's broken for me!"

Ling Xian's black hair danced wildly, Emperor's fist swept ten phoenix birds, and it was fierce and fierce.

One phoenix bird dissipated, even though it could burn to the sky, endless, it would be difficult to stop his invincible edge.


Lingxian ran away and made shocking fist prints one after another, as heavy as Tianshan and as fierce as a mad dragon.

This makes Zhu Rong's true fire dim a bit. Although it is the strongest flame in all ages, after all, it is unmanned and only half, it is impossible to endlessly.

And Ling Xian's staying power, even if it is not as good as the Avenue Fairy, that is the existence of the top of the same level.

Therefore, with the passage of time, Zhu Rong's real fire became dimmer, and fewer and fewer Phoenix birds were released.

On the other hand, Ling Xian is fighting more and more bravely, and the stars are shining, as if never tireless.

This made Gu Chen shake more and more, looking at Ling Xian's eyes, as if looking at a monster.

"Suppress me!"

Lingxian screamed, the mountain and river dazzled the Nine Heavens, released an unparalleled repressive force, and temporarily confined Zhu Rong true fire.

Seeing this, he was slightly relieved, but still he didn't dare to care.

Because he knew that once Zhu Rong's real fire came to rest, Shanhe Ding couldn't hold it back. Therefore, he shot with all his strength and stripped out 30% of the real fire.

"Run out, suppress!"

Ling Xian pinched the treasure seal, and instantly condensed into an imprisoned rune, sealing 30% of the real fire.

At the same time, the mountain and river tripod melted, and the remaining 70% of the real fire suddenly soared, which could burn the sky and cook the sea!

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Ling Xian has sealed 30% of the real fire, so there is no need to bother with the remaining real fire.

"I finally got you ..."

Looking at the flames sealed by the rune in his hand, Lingxian's mouth rose, full of joy.

Although this is half of the 30%, Zhu Rong real fire is the strongest flame after all, even if there is only a trace, that is an inestimable treasure!

In this way, can Lingxian not feel happy?

"Sure enough, it doesn't take me so much to get you."

Feeling the terrifying temperature of real fire, Ling Xian was fortunate. Fortunately, she not only had a fire bead, but also had enough strength.

If you change someone, let alone get 30% of the fire, I'm afraid you can't even get close.

Therefore, Ling Xian was fortunate and Gu Chen was shocked.

Although he already knew Lingxian was strong, he never thought that he was so powerful!

It's simply outrageous!

"The predecessors are really amazing ..." Gu Chen's eyes were full of wonder.

"you flatter me."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, playing with the flames in her hands, star eyes full of expectation.

Just before he had decided, he wanted to incorporate this fire into the flame of burning evil spirits. In this way, the power of burning the flames of evil spirits will surely soar several times!

"Congratulations to the predecessor for the real fire." Gu Chen smiled, congratulations.

"Don't you feel lost? After all, this is the treasure of Zhu Rong's survivors." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Nothing to lose."

Gu Chen shook her head and said, "Just as the so-called sword gives gifts to heroes, since the predecessors can conquer the true fire of Zhu Rong, it means that it has something to do with you."

After a pause, he continued: "Not to mention that my predecessors helped me with so many ancient fire tribes, and 30% of them are real fires, I feel a little less."

"Is that so? I'll take away the remaining real fire." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Ahem ..."

Gu Chen coughed twice and said, "Seniors are noisy, so give me some thoughts about the ancient fire tribe."

"Just kidding."

Ling Xian laughed and said, "Even if you give it to me, I can't refine it all. 30% is already the limit."

With that, he waved his sleeve and flashed Gu Chen to the top of the mountain.

"Close this place, I'll go to refine the real fire." Ling Xian smiled slightly and turned away.

When he returned to his residence, he immediately swallowed the real fire and began to refine.

However, just at the beginning of refining, Ling Xian realized that he had overlooked one thing, a thing that was enough to let him die!

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