Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1416: The intestines are regretful

The Fire Tribe is recognized as the strongest tribe in the Cangyue Mountains, and its leader is also recognized as the strongest.

However, in the presence of Ling Xian, they did not even get a move. How could this not shock the world?

Even the remaining large tribes were so shocked that they could not believe the news. But this is the case, and even if it is difficult to accept, it must be accepted.

For a time, the word Lingxian resounded through the Cangyue Mountains, making people happy and worrying.

Happiness refers to those tribes that have grudges with the fiery tribes, and are naturally gloating. Anxiety refers to those who have mocked Lingxian.

Originally, these people were beaten once by his imperial beast ability, and now, they are even slapped hard!

And it ’s harder than the last time and harder to wipe out!

No way, Ling Xian's imperial beast ability is really good. Looking at the whole Cangyue Mountains, he can't find an existence that can be compared with him. But compared to his ability to defeat the strongest man in the Cangyue Mountains, it is undoubtedly a small witch.

Therefore, those who had ridiculed him were beaten again, fiercer than the last time, and made them more uncomfortable.

And if anyone is the most uncomfortable and the last regret, then it is undoubtedly Qingyun, the chief of Qingshui tribe.

Once, Ling Xianmu came to join the Qingshui tribe, but was blocked by the elderly. Now, he has proved to the world that he is stronger and stronger than the Royal Beast. How can Qingyun not regret it?

One trick!

Just one move defeated the strongest in the Cangyue Mountains. What a terrifying strength?

If he didn't reject him at the beginning, then Qingshui tribe at this moment is undoubtedly the well-deserved first tribe, even if it annexed several other big tribes, it wouldn't matter!

Therefore, Qingyun's intestines are about to repent.

He knew very well that if he lowered his attitude and punished the old man severely, Lingxian would certainly not refuse.

But because of his long-standing pride, he not only did not lower his posture, but showed a little pride.

Therefore, Qingyun regretted it, thinking that he had missed such a powerful person as Ling Xian, he could not wait to be killed.

As everyone knows, this is just the beginning. More regrets are still behind.


At this moment, the sun is high and it is noon.

The ancient fire tribe was full of joy, and everyone was immersed in unprecedented joy.

There is no way to be unhappy, although judging by the current strength of the ancient fire tribe, even if the totem and treasures of the fiery fire tribe are not worthy of the title of the big tribe. But everyone is convinced that as long as Lingxian is present, the ancient fire tribe will surely become a veritable force in time!

Not even the top tribes!

Because, Lingxian can suppress the existence of the strongest in the Cangyue Mountains!

Therefore, everyone is full of joy and hope, as if the ancient fire tribe can come to the Cangyue Mountains soon!

Especially Gu Chen, who saw Ling Xian's strength with his own eyes, was convinced!

At this moment, he stood respectfully in front of Ling Xian, like a younger disciple, respectfully.

"I tried to suppress the news of the fierce fire tribe chief. Did you let it go?"

Ling Xian stood against her hand, dancing lightly in white, like Tianxian Linchen, above all beings.

"Yes." Gu Chen's body trembled, and Ling Ling's attitude was uncertain.

"Don't be nervous, I don't blame you."

Feeling the fear of Gu Chen, Ling Xian smiled slightly and understood Gu Chen's thoughts.

Although the resources and totems of the fiery fire tribe were obtained, the ancient fire tribe had no real strongman after all, and could not hold back any place at all.

Under this circumstance, the Guhuo tribe will surely cause many powers to falter. Only by spreading the news that he can suppress the men can he deter those young people.

Therefore, Ling Xian does not want to blame Guchen, anyway, it is just a trivial matter.

"Thank you for your understanding."

Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but thought of the future, his heart raised again: "As long as there are seniors, no one dares to fight my Guhu tribe's idea, but ..."

Hearing that Ling Xian knew that Gu Chen was worried about the future. At the moment, he smiled lightly: "Relax, since I have promised you, naturally, the ancient fire tribe will really become a big force, and it will not be a tiger and a snake. Regardless of."

"With the words of my predecessors, I was completely relieved." Gu Chen completely relieved her heart, only to feel that the future is extremely bright and bright.

"Want to come, the Qingshui tribe has also heard the news."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "I don't know what Qingyun will regret at this moment."

"Haha, it must be that the intestines are about to repent." Gu Chen laughed loudly, full of gloating.

At the same time, I am also grateful that Qingshui tribe has rejected Lingxian. Otherwise, how can his ancient fire tribe have today's scenery?

"Presumably yes, but in this case, I have to change my plan." Ling Xian shook her head with a smile.

"What plan?" Gu Chen froze slightly.

"I originally planned to go to the house after the matter was settled."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Now that Qingshui tribe already knows my strength, I don't have to go to the door."

Hearing that, Gu Chen held again, faintly realized something.

As Ling Xian said, if Qingshui Tribe doesn't know his strength, if he wants to settle accounts, it is naturally only a choice to come to the door.

But at this moment, the entire Cangyue Mountains already knew his strength, there was no need to go to the door.

"Let it go, and within three days, let Qingyun come to see me."

Ling Xian raised his mouth and looked at the direction of Qingshui tribe, slowly spit out a domineering word.

"If you don't come, you will be at your own risk."

Gu Chen was so impressed that the words fell, and only Ling Xian dared to say such words in his heart and was qualified to say them.

You know, Qingyun is a well-known strong man in the Cangyue Mountains. Even if he is not as good as the patriarch of the fiery fire tribe, it is not far behind.

And his identity is even more noble. Looking at the whole Cangyue Mountains, who dares to ask him to come to see him with this command?

Even the patriarch of the Fiery Tribe, this qualification is not!

However, Lingxian has it!

"Seniors rest assured, I promise to pass this sentence to Qingyun's ears." Gu Chen responded with a deep voice, looking aside from Ling Xian's eyes with awe and a little longing.

When I look forward to myself, I can be as aggressive and powerful as Ling Xian!


Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction and said, "Next, I should finish the last item of the agreement, and create a few strong men for your ancient fire tribe."

Hearing that Gu Chen was immediately excited, and fell into ecstasy again.

He is very clear that a powerful person like Lingxian cannot stay in the Ancient Fire Tribe all his life, and it is impossible to help them in every way.

The only thing we can rely on is ourselves.

Therefore, when Ling Xian said that he would create a few strong men for the ancient fire tribe, how could Gu Chen not feel ecstatic?

"But the ugly word is that at the front, this method has a lot of disadvantages. It is only suitable for those who practice hopelessly. Those who have potential are not allowed to take it, and you are not allowed to force it."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "Now, you are going to call people to come to me."

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