Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1414: World difference

"Presumably now, you can answer my question."

Ling Xian smiled softly and tenderly, without the slightest chill. But in the eyes of everyone, it is the devil's smile.

Men, in particular, were trembling and panicked. At the same time, there was infinite anger.

He was the strongest man in the Cangyue Mountains. He had always been high above him. At the moment, he thundered with lightning, smashing the void with a blazing flame, and raging in all directions.

This refreshed the three old men, and there was a little expectation in their eyes.

But in the next instant, the expectations in their eyes turned to horror.

Facing the man's strong punch, Ling Xian slowly shook her head without fear or ridicule, and some were just disappointed.

It's too weak, this level of attack is too light to tickle him.

Therefore, Ling Xian just broke the flames of all directions with just a roll of big sleeves. At the same time, the man's entire arm was broken.


With a heartbreaking scream, the man's face was distorted with pain and cold sweat.

This left the place in a dead silence.

Everyone stared at Ling Xian dumbfounded, except for fear, shock.

one move!

Another trick!

If you could explain it with a big idea before, this time, the man has no excuse at all.

This only proves that the gap between him and Ling Xian is too big to be blocked by even one move!

Therefore, the presence of several people was shocked to the point where they could not be added, and they took a breath.

"The patriarch is the strongest man in the Cangyue Mountains. How could he not stop it?"

"It's a difference between clouds and mud, it can't be compared at all!"

"Oh my God, when did such a mighty power emerge in the Cangyue Mountains ?! These strengths, even if they are the five tribes chiefs, are not competitors!

The three old men lost their voices, their faces were incredible.

But the fact is before us, and even if it is cruel, we must accept it!

Gu Chen also couldn't believe it.

At first, he thought that Lingxian's accomplishments in the Royal Beast were good, which could help the ancient fire tribe to rise slowly. I never dreamed that Ling Xian's own strength was so strong that she could beat a man with one move!

You know, men are recognized as the strongest in the Cangyue Mountains, but they can't stop Lingxian's tricks. What a huge gap?

This doesn't just mean that the man is not his opponent, it also means that even if the patriarchs of the five major tribes are united, they may not be his opponents!

Therefore, Gu Chen finally understood why Ling Xian would help the Guhuo tribe to promote big forces, and said it was as simple as drinking water to eat.

With his strength to suppress the strongest man in the Cangyue Mountains, devouring a higher totem is really no different from drinking water to eat!

Therefore, Gu Chen fell into an unprecedented ecstasy, both fortunate and anticipatory.

"Stop doing useless work, I think you know very well how big the gap is between you and me." Ling Xian glanced at the man lightly.


The man's face was bitter. If he didn't understand at this moment, it would be stupid to be home.

Although he was unwilling to accept this cruel reality, it was the fact that he had to accept it.

As the three men said, the gap between him and Ling Xian is like a cloud of mud, a high above him, and a humble one, so he has no qualifications for comparison!

This makes the man feel bitter. He is the strongest in the Cangyue Mountains, but he is not even qualified to compare with Lingxian. Who can change without bitterness?

"It's cruel, but that's the truth."

Ling Xian said faintly, "There are people outside, there is a sky outside, and the frog at the bottom of the well sees it only after a while."

"Frog at the bottom of the well?"

The man was furious. As the first strongman in the Cangyue Mountains, who would dare say that he was a frog at the bottom of a well? But the next moment, anger turned to bitterness.

Because of this, Lingxian is qualified to say this.

In his eyes, the man is really no different from the frog at the bottom of the well.

"Well, I don't want to waste time with you."

Ling Xian glanced at the man lightly and said, "Tell me, in addition to you and the three, how many people know about Zhu Rong's true fire?"

Hearing that the man was silent and obviously did not intend to answer.

"Don't you say?"

Ling Xian frowned slightly and said, "It seems that you haven't recognized the situation yet. You better think clearly. I ask you if you don't want to slaughter. If you don't say it, then I can only slaughter the fiery fire tribe. "

The words fell, the man's complexion changed greatly, and the three old men were also apprehensive.

The situation is already clear. Even the strongest man in the Cangyue Mountains is not an enemy of Lingxian. How can the fiery fire tribe block it?

"Damn, you dare!"

The man gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare to kill my fiery fire tribe, I will never die with you!"


Ling Xian shook her head and smiled. The stormy weather emerged, like a hundred thousand mountains, over the man and three old people.

Suddenly, several people spit out blood, and even stood still.

"Are you still qualified to tell me endlessly?"

Ling Xian's smile gradually narrowed, and he looked at the man coldly, and said, "My patience is limited. You better tell the truth, otherwise, don't force me to slaughter the fiery tribes."


The man was furious, but when he thought of the big gap between him and Lingxian, the anger suddenly turned to bitterness.

He knew that he had been reduced to fish on a chopping board and was not qualified to bargain at all.

"I admit it."

The man sighed and said, "Except for me and their three elders, only one dead person knew."

"Is lurking here, and inquiring about Zhu Rong's real fire news?" Ling Xian frowned slightly, but soon she stretched out.

If only these people knew, then things would be much easier to handle. Just holding a few people down would ensure that the news would not be spread.


The man nodded bitterly and said fatefully: "Only a few of us know that you will kill and kill you and follow you. Just ask you not to harm my fiery fire tribe."

"It depends on your cooperation."

Ling Xian opened her mouth lightly, and her big sleeves fluttered. Four imprisonment arrays emerged, and then a few people's eyebrows flowed in.

Suddenly, several people screamed loudly, as if stabbed by a thousand needles into the soul, their faces were distorted.

"This array will imprison your spirits. As soon as I think about it, it will explode. By then, your head will be blown open."

Ling Xian said faintly, "So you'd better be obedient, otherwise, I will let you die."

The voice dropped, the faces of several people changed, and their anger rose. But the next moment, there was nothing but helplessness.

They are very clear that even without this formation, they are unable to resist Lingxian, and there is no other way than to obey.

"Be obedient, don't force me to kill."

Ling Xian glanced at a few people, shifted her eyes to Guchen, and slowly spit out a domineering word.

"From tomorrow on, the Blaze Tribe is yours."

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