Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1412: Destroyer Dan

"It's over, it's over!"

Gu Chen was panicked, and the whole person fell into an abnormal state of anxiety, just like the ants on the hot pot.

This caused Ling Xian to frown, to run the meditation spell, and yelled, "Calm!"

A loud drink, such as Huang Zhongda Lu, made Gu Chen calm instantly. After a while, he arched his hand at Ling Xian and said bitterly, "Thank you senior."

"When you are calm and calm in an event, you can think of a solution. If you do this, it will only make things worse."

Ling Xian said lightly, "Let's talk, what's the origin of the fiery tribes?"

"Like the Qingshui tribe, it is one of the five major tribes in the Cangyue Mountains, and the strength of this tribe is recognized as the strongest."

Gu Chen's face was bitter and he said, "That flame is the most famous puppetry technique of the fiery fire tribe, and others cannot practice it."

"That is to say, that person was the spy of the scorching fire tribe ..." Ling Xian suddenly felt, understanding why Gu Chen was so flustered.

Since that person was a spy of the Blaze Tribe, what Guchen had just said, it won't be long before he will be informed by the Blaze Tribe.

The seductive power of Zhu Rong's true fire is unparalleled. Even if it is only half, it is enough to drive the entire Witch God Realm into madness!


Gu Chen smiled bitterly and said, "It won't be long before the scorching fire tribe will come to your door."

"There is no doubt about this, but it's not a big deal." Ling Xian smiled slightly, and didn't find it difficult.

After all, it is nothing more than a big tribe. Even if it is the strongest existence in the Cangyue Mountains, it is only a big tribe.

To Lingxian, it is no different from ants.

"It's nothing?"

Gu Chen was about to cry. He was so anxious to die here to live, but Lingxian didn't take it seriously. What made him feel bad?

At the moment, he said, "Zhu Rong's surviving family is a secret of Tianda. Even if there is nothing, it will cause hordes of countless tribes."

"What's more, I still have half of Zhu Rong's true fire in hand. This is the emperor among thousands of fires, claiming to burn up the sky!"

"Once it's passed, the entire Witch God Realm will be crazy. By that time, I wish the survivors still have a way to go?"

Gu Chen was full of bitterness, even a bit desperate.

"I know all you said."

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, and said, "But you have overlooked one thing. If you know that someone has the true fire of Zhu Rong, will it be preached?"

Hearing that, Gu Chen froze.

He is not a fool, naturally understands what Ling Xian said, and the fact is true, no one is stupid enough to publicize the news.

"The fiery fire tribe will not publicize it. There are so many powerful people in the world. Don't say that it is just a big tribe. Even the top tribe, dare not."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "If it is passed out, the fiery horde will not even be able to drink the soup."

"That's the truth."

Gu Chen's eyes lit up, but the next moment it dimmed and became weak and weak: "Even if it isn't publicized, it's useless to say that the fiery fire tribe is not something that my ancient fire tribe can counter."

"You can't compete, it doesn't mean I can't."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "I'm worried that I can't find a suitable totem for you. The fiery fire tribe will come to you by myself, but it saves me a lot of trouble."

Hearing that, Gu Chen held back again. When he realized what Ling Xian meant, the whole man was instantly excited: "Senior, you ... are you sure to block the fiery fire tribe?"

"If even the fiery fire tribe can't solve it, why can I help your Vulcan legacy to be promoted to the big tribe?"

Ling Xian shook her head with a smile and said, "Relax, if it is a top tribe, there may be some troubles. But a large tribe is not a threat."

"Then please come to the seniors!" Gu Chen bowed down at Ling Xian, although he still had doubts, but he had no other way.

"Relax, I'll keep your ancient fire tribe safe and sound."

Ling Xian looked indifferent, and slowly walked towards the stone house, leaving only a plain and domineering word, echoing in the woods.

"I haven't been active for a long time. I hope that the fiery fire tribe can have a strong man who fought with me."


After returning to the stone house, Ling Xian left the matter behind.

For him, a large tribe is not worth it at all. Therefore, he seemed to be okay and started to tease the immortal cat.

In three months, the undead cat has become a monster in the period of Dandan, and the third immortal has been condensed.

This means not only that it has three lives, but also that its bloodline is extremely powerful, even close to pure blood.

However, the appearance of the undead cat has not changed, it is still so petite and so cute.

"Meow ..."

The undead cat squinted for a while, letting Ling Xian caress herself, she looked very enjoyable.

"Cute little guy."

Ling Xianxing's eyes were full of petting, and since the purple elixir was taken out of the storage bag, it was delivered to the mouth of the undead cat.

Unexpectedly, it just twitched its nose and tossed its little head to one side, without any interest at all.

This made Ling Xian quite helpless.

For three months, he has refined the elixir into a panacea and fed it to the undead cat. He has already raised the mouth of this little guy. Now feeding low-order Lingtan, it is naturally dismissive.

"If you continue to do this, you will have to be poor."

Ling Xian smiled helplessly, no longer paying attention to the immortal cat, but took out a lot of elixir and the furnace.

Now that Guchen has been promised to create several strong men for the ancient fire tribe, elixir is undoubtedly the most suitable and the only way.

Although there are many side effects, which is equivalent to severing the way forward, there is no other way except for the rapid birth of Dan medicine.

Therefore, Lingxian intends to first refine the elixir, and whether to take it or not is up to the people of the ancient fire tribe.

The elixir that he intends to refine is the famous elixir.

The effect of this dan is to stimulate the human body's potential, advance quickly, and the price is Shou Yuan. The more you take, the shorter your life will be.

Generally speaking, this Dan is given to the dead, and many people who are hopeless in spiritual practice will take this Dan.

Even so, it is certainly impossible to break into a higher realm, which is equivalent to ruining the way forward. But even if you do not take this dan, due to various restrictions, most people are unlikely to reach a higher level.

Therefore, many people who practice hopelessness will choose to take this Dan. After all, Danjing Dan can make himself reach a height, which is also a moment of beauty.

"For those who practice hopelessness, Destroyer Dan is a good medicine."

With a sigh, Ling Xian no longer hesitated, and immediately began refining.

The grade of Dan is not high, there are only five grades. With his modern mastery of Dao, it is easy to refine this Dan.

Therefore, his success rate is very high and his quality is quite good.

In this way, Lingxian kept on firing from the evening to the third night.

During this period, he refined a total of 17 furnaces, with a total of 154 broken Dan. Can be described as a small boutique, the efficacy of more than 70%.

After that, Lingxian stopped refining.

It's not that I don't want to continue, but that the uninvited guest has come.

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