Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1297: Great Mighty Peak

Jiutianyi, Jiutianjiu changed to the second change, the main speed.

This method is known as the highest speed and can be compared with the legendary Xun Pengyi. It is an incomparable weapon for escape. If you want to increase its power by fusion, the most suitable magical power is undoubtedly speed.

And Ling Xian happened to have a speed magic, thunder and fire.

This method was obtained by him during the Shang Qing dynasty. It is a very precious martial art, which can burst into extreme speed in a short time, and is suitable for escape in an emergency.

Blending it with Jiutian Divine Wing is undoubtedly the most suitable.

"It's all in the speed category. When combined, it should be as smooth as a sword."

Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed a little anticipation, and then she was immersed in her mind and put herself in a peak state.

Then, he transformed the Nine Heavenly God Wings, turned the thunderbolt, and merged the two into one.

With the previous success, this time is undoubtedly a lot smoother, the two took only half an hour, and they blended a bit.

This made Ling Xian more joyful and more convinced that she was right.

Although he is unable to fuse the two supernatural powers for the time being, he can integrate the supernatural powers into the Nine Heavenly Changes, which is also a kind of success from a certain perspective.

Therefore, Ling Xian went all out and seriously integrated Jiutianyi and Thunderfire.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Three days later, the two were successfully merged, and the thunder and fire's mighty power was all merged into the nine-day **** wing.

I saw the snow-white wings covering the sky, and there was a bit of fire on each feather, just like the legendary phoenix **** wing. In addition to the fire light, there are also a few faint thunders, which is the characteristic of thunder.

This not only means that Lingxian has succeeded, but also means that the power of Jiutianyi has been improved in all directions.

Both the speed and the power when attacking with the feathers have been greatly enhanced.

"Nice, more powerful."

Ling Xian stroked the soft white feathers, and a smile of joy appeared at the corner of her mouth.

If Jiutianyi's strength is his strength, how can he not feel happy? And when he thought of five changes afterwards, he became even more pleased.

"If all the seven changes that have been awakened have been strengthened, then your own combat power will become stronger."

Ling Xianmu was hot, and then a third change condensed, the God of War.

This soldier belongs to a wide range of attacking magic soldiers. Once deployed, it has swept through thousands of armies and is invincible.

If you want to fuse with magical powers, the most suitable magical powers is undoubtedly the kind of large-scale offensive magical powers.

And this kind of magical power, Ling Xian happens to have, is Bai Huxiao Qiankun.

This method belongs to the sonic offensive magical powers, possesses a shocking ability, and can attack on a large scale. If it is incorporated into the war halberd, then this soldier will have the ability to capture the soul when sweeping across ten sides.

This is a good ability. You must know that there is no distraction in the battle. Once distracted, a fatal flaw is revealed!

Therefore, Ling Xianmu's eyes became more and more fierce, and while urging the war halberd, he performed the white tiger Xiaoquan.

With the first two successes, this time has been smoother. Under the control of his spirit, the two supernatural powers gradually merged, and it took only two days to successfully merge.

Since then, the shape of the God of War halberd has changed. I saw a ray of magic suddenly appear at the halberd, and a pattern was engraved on it, gradually forming a white tiger pattern.

That white tiger is lifelike and powerful, which not only makes the war halberd more powerful, but also makes the soldier look more powerful.

Even if he doesn't stand still, he has his own might. It really looks like a sword in the hand of God of War, and can sweep across nine days and ten places.

This made Ling Xianmu hot, raising his hand to explode with a halberd, breaking up the void. At the same time, the sound of the white tiger broke through the sky and shattered the mountains and trees in front of it.

"So strong!"

Ling Xianmulu marveled that if it was the former War God of Halberd, it would at most only break up the space of the whole body, and the power could not reach farther.

But with the Voice of the White Tiger, the alpine trees in the distance were destroyed, which meant that the attack range of the War God Halbery became larger and the power was also greatly enhanced!

In this way, can Lingxian not feel happy?

"Yes, next is the imperial clothing."

Ling Xian's mouth raised, and with a moment of thought, the God of War halberd changed into Jin Chancan's imperial clothing.

This soldier is mainly defensive, and defense magic power, he also happens to have one, is the Aurora from the Shang Qingzong.

This kind of magical power can also be regarded as good defense, but he has the imperial clothing and the flower of the avenue, and the aurora is naturally not useful. But now it's okay, it just melts into the imperial clothing and gives it more defense.

"Merge it."

Ling Xian smiled at the corners of her mouth and ran the imperial clothing and aurora, combining the two into one.

He can be said to be familiar with the integration of magical powers of Jiutian Jiuhuan, so the process of integration is quite smooth, and it is completed in one day.

After the fusion, the shape of the imperial clothing has not changed, but the golden light is brighter and brighter, as if the gold was cast, and the defense has been greatly improved.

This made Ling Xian more and more happy, and then began to merge the fifth change, Yao Xian mirror.

But this time, he was in trouble.

Because he found that he didn't have the proper magical power to blend into Yaoxian Jing. Therefore, he put down the soldier for a moment, and began to think about Fulongqin.

It turns out that like Yaoxian Mirror, there is no suitable magical power that can be blended into Fulongqin.

Bai Huxiao Qiankun is very suitable, all belong to the sonic attack, but this method has been incorporated into the war halberd, naturally there is no need to merge.

"First put down these two magic soldiers, and slowly collect the magical powers that match them."

Ling Xian groaned a bit, regardless of Yao Xianjing and Fu Longqin, hitting her idea on the mountain river tripod.

This soldier is an imprisoned soldier. It claims to be able to suppress nine days and ten places, and the world is scarce. And this kind of supernatural power, he also happens to have, is the forbidden **** seal obtained from Emperor Tian.

Therefore, Lingxian urged the Forbidden God Seal and the Mountain River Ding at the same time, allowing the two to merge.

This time he succeeded in only half a day, and after the integration, the mountain and river tripod became more and more heavy, and imprisoned gods could be more powerful!

"Except for Yaoxian Jing and Fu Longqin, the other five changes have been successfully integrated, and now they have become stronger."

Feeling the power of several changes, Ling Xian was quite happy.

If there are several changes before the fusion, the power is only the level of the great magical power, then after the fusion, it is the peak level of the great magical power!

Without exception, all reached the pinnacle of great magical powers!

This means that Ling Xian's combat power has also become more powerful. In this way, can he not feel happy?

What's more, the world is agile and treacherous. It is an indispensable means of fighting. It can become stronger. It is naturally a good thing.

"Next, look for magical powers suitable for Yaoxian Mirror and Fulongqin, so that these two changes are also enhanced."

The corner of Ling Xian's mouth rose, and the staring eyes flashed with anticipation. Then he immersed himself in the mind and took out the pages of the Genesis.

What he has learned has been sorted out, and it can be said that it has been a great gain. Next, he naturally should realize the Tao.

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