It was high noon, and it was noon.

In front of the gate of Wan Jianzong Mountain, Ling Xianru, the great emperor, came and swept the eight wastelands, shocking the audience.

Especially middle-aged men and elderly people are extremely shocked.

They are no stranger to Ling Xian, or the most memorable memory in their hearts.

Because of Feng Lie's death, the two were punished by the owner of the Feng family, naturally they hated Lingxian. Afterwards, they worked hard and practiced hard, in order to one day kill him.

Therefore, when they saw Ling Xian appear, they were overjoyed, and could even be said to be excited.

However, when they felt the momentum of Lingxian's sixth realm, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley immediately, and he never expected that he would become the sixth realm!

When he first met him, he was only a monk in the early stages of the path, and they were in the middle of the path.

Goodbye now, they are the peak of choice, but Lingxian has crossed the choice of the realm and entered the meditation realm!

This level of monks, even if they look at the immortal world, they are also powerful enough to dominate!

Therefore, the two were shocked and hit hard.

Originally, they thought that they had reached the peak of their choice of path, and that their progress was already very great. Even if they were compared to those arrogant wizards, they were no less impressive.

However, when they saw Lingxian, they realized that compared with the evil in front of them, their achievements are not even farts!

No, it is completely incomparable to Ling Xian!

In this way, can they not be hit harder? They stared blankly at Ling Xian, a heart sinking into the bottom, full of bitterness.

"It's been a long time, don't come here for nothing."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, slowly glanced past the army of Fengjia, with a little fun.

Maybe it is because Wan Jianzong's strength is very weak, and it is not worth mentioning. Therefore, the Fengjia army did not appear the sixth level of power, and the highest combat power is the middle-aged men and the elderly.

This combat power is naturally more than enough to deal with Wan Jianzong. If he comes a few hours late, he must have already broken through the mountain guard of Wan Jianzong.

However, in front of Lingxian, the army of Fengjia was like a chicken and a dog with a wave of his hand.

Therefore, he watched the two playfully, with a cat-and-mouse-like joke.

This look made men and the elderly feel humiliated, but could not refute it.

In the presence of a sixth-world power, they are indeed like ants, with no ability to resist.

"It's a coincidence that this world happened to me again."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "However, I thank this coincidence so that I can calculate the old accounts with you."

As the words fell, his smile turned cold, and he leaped into the sky.

This made them tremble, only to feel chilling, like falling ice cave.

"Go ahead, I will give you a shot first. Whether you can use this to escape depends on your ability."

Ling Xian glanced at the two, without contempt or ridicule, but showing a real indifference.

It seems that the two monks who choose the path opposite are just ants.

This made them extremely humiliated and extremely angry.

At the moment, the two made a strong shot, and when they came up, they used the unparalleled Dafa of the Feng Family to try to gain a chance.


The sky was bursting, the sky was fierce, and Ling Xian didn't move at all in the face of the two men's strong attacks, just waving his sleeves.


Just as Tianshan fell, this big sleeve was unstoppable, and the two men's unparalleled methods were smashed, and then they were blown out.

Blood splattered, bones broke, and the two bumped into the mountains in the distance, their faces turned pale.

The look of the Fengjia Army was also pale, and many people even trembled.

Men and the elderly are the strongest fighting force in the team, but under the joint effort, they cannot stop Ling Xian from wielding his sleeves gently. How can they not be shocked?

How can you not be afraid?

Men and the elderly in particular were horrified, and infinite remorse emerged.

They suddenly felt that inducing Lingxian was definitely the biggest mistake of their life, even for the giant Fengjia.

In just a few years, he has grown to the sixth level, and can look down at them both. If he was given another hundred years, would he be able to look down on the entire Feng family?

Thinking of this, the two hurriedly circulated a message to the Feng family, asking the owner to kill Ling Xian!

The resentment has already settled. If Lingxian is not removed now, it will be the Feng Family who will die in the future!


After capturing the soul and soul fluctuations of the two, Ling Xian laughed and didn't stop with the divine thoughts. Anyway, she had to face the upper house sooner or later, so there was no need to do more.

After that, he took a step and slowly walked towards the two.

This made them despair, and their bodies trembled violently.

The same goes for the rest of the Feng family.

Whenever Ling Xian fell to the next step, they took a step back, as if they had seen the fierce beast. They were terrified to death!

"Since it's here, then don't leave. This place is beautifully landscaped, and it is a perfect place to bury bones."

Opening faintly, Lingxian rolled up a large sleeve, and when the thunder burst around, the wind was strong.


The earth cracked, the space shook, the Quartet peaks turned into huge stones, and they fell towards the Fengjia troops!

This frightened everyone in the Feng family, all of which were means of exhibition, desperately resisting.

If it is an ordinary falling rock, even the monks in the foundation period can block it. However, after the blessing of Lingxian's mana, this falling rock has become as heavy as a mountain.

Therefore, it was difficult for everyone in Fengjia to stop, and mournful and mournful for a while.

A moment later, the wailing sound faded away, and the **** scene was covered by falling rock dust.

After that, Ling Xian waved her sleeve again, and the earth cracked immediately, and the rocks and corpses sank into the ground.

Then, he smoothed the cracks with mana and let the Fengjia people disappear completely.

This made Tao Wuji relieved, but when he thought of Fengjia, his heart was suddenly overshadowed.

"There is no need to worry about the suzerain, I will stay at Wan Jianzong and settle this matter." Ling Xian smiled slightly, signaled that Wuji didn't have to worry.

With his current strength, plus Sansheng Pavilion, he is not afraid of the wind family.

"With you, it is really the blessing of my swordsman." Tao Wou-ki sighed and became more and more fortunate.

"But the fusion of the two realms is not the blessing of the Xiuxian Realm."

Ling Xian sighed softly and said, "I have come along all the way, the Xiuxian Realm is already full of wars and swordsmen, and it is bound to intensify with time."

"This is also no way out. Who makes Xiuxian Realm rich, but doesn't have the strength to match it?" Dao Wou-ki was impressed.

"Yeah, I don't know how many forces will be destroyed after this battle." Ling Xian shook her head and sighed, and then he flew towards the peak of Wan Jianzong.

Originally, he was going to rush back to the immortal realm, but in such a matter, he had to stay to guard the ancestral gate.

It is foreseeable that the Feng Family will never give up, or it will take a long time to get down.

Therefore, Ling Xian can't leave at present. He must completely solve the trouble of Fengjia and deter the rest of the immortal world before he can leave without concern.

And as he expected, the battle in Xiuxianjie really became more and more fierce.

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