Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1260: Open up

Su Zi was in a bad mood.

Not only is Lingxian's killing the ring open, but the blood of the peach blossoms is ten miles away. It is more intuitive to tell her that he cannot be killed.

This feeling makes Su Zi very uncomfortable.

Obviously just a stranger who has never met before, why don't you want him to die?

Su Zi didn't know, so she was very irritable.

However, she still played the flute with her heart and played a piece of peerless immortal sound, nourishing Lingxian's body.

Under the warming of the different flute sounds, Ling Xian only felt that the whole body was comfortable, and her injuries had improved a lot due to several failures. Even the legs with all the meridians broken, there was a hint of consciousness.

"Fantastic flute."

Ling Xian sighed with admiration, closed her eyes and listened, perhaps because the blood stained ten miles of peach blossoms and vented more than three years of depression, and he was in a good mood at the moment.

At least, there is no more irritability.

However, the more irritable Su Zi was, the flute became more messy. Not only did he lose the role of healer, but Ling Xian felt a little pain.

"Don't force it in a bad mood, otherwise, this flute is killing people." Ling Xian smiled slightly, and resumed a little indifference.

"I'll kill you."

The voice of anger came again, and Ling Xian laughed, and said, "It's up to you, just right, I have no meaning to live."

With that said, he closed his eyes and never defended, as if the flute would not cause him pain.

At night, it suddenly became quiet.

The moon is high, the evening winds are learning, the two no longer talk, only the messy piano music echoes slowly.


Su Zi secretly slanders her belly, showing complex emotions on Qiao's face, most of which is curiosity. This feeling drove her to speak, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me why you are so depressed?"

Hearing that, Ling Xian took a moment's notice and fell into silence.

Why so depressed?

Is it because you can't see hope?

Ling Xian laughed at herself, didn't answer, but asked a question.

"What do you mean by heaven and earth?"

"No wonder people in Taohuazhen say that you are crazy, heaven and earth are heaven and earth, nothing." Su Zi whispered.

Ling Xian laughed and said, "Then you say, life is the world?"

"It really is crazy, how could life be heaven and earth."

Su Ziyi's meaning was even more serious. He laughed secretly that he didn't want to let a lunatic die. Could he say that he was crazy?

"But I think life is the world." Ling Xian's self-deprecating intention also became stronger, lamenting that she was indeed wrong.

When he heard what he said, Su Zi was silent.

She does not believe that life is the world, but her experience over the years has made her understand the truth. Therefore, she whispered something that made Ling Xian hold back.

"I don't know if you are right, but I understand how to persuade others if you don't even believe it yourself?"

The voice fell, Ling Xian suddenly stopped.

Yeah, if you do n’t believe yourself, how can you make others believe? In other words, how can it succeed?

At this moment, Ling Xian understood.

He suddenly discovered that from the beginning, he did not believe it, and felt that this idea was impossible to achieve.

Although he tried his best every time he tried, from the beginning, his heart was not firm. How could he succeed?

"Hahaha, so it is, so it is."

Ling Xian suddenly laughed wildly in the sky, and her tears laughed, both to ridicule herself and find a way of joy.

He finally understood where he was wrong, maybe the idea was wrong, maybe the method was wrong, but the biggest mistake was his unbelief!

"The fog is gone, you need to see the way!"

With a loud shout, Lingxian Xing's eyes burst into bright light, the wind thundered, and the world was shocked.

The void was broken, the squares of three squares were turned into nothingness, and the gods' light poured out, illuminating Tianyu. When he was a deity, he glorified ancient and modern times, and esteemed the world.

At this instant, Ling Xian realized that she had a good idea and suddenly became cheerful!

Mysterious and mysterious, it is indescribable. It is like a Buddha standing in the middle of Buddhism and Taoism. In ancient times, stepping up to the immortal is incredible but extremely real.

This made Su Zi Huo Ran get up, and the beautiful eyes burst into the bright light of Cancan, just like seeing the Celestial Master, full of incredible.

"This is ... dying!"

Su Zi widened her eyes, realizing that the sacred realm in the legend was a mysterious state.

In this state, it is as if it is a boulevard plus a true immortal possession, and all doubts will be answered. For example, suppose Lingxian is enlightening a Tiangong at this moment, then only one breath will be needed to realize it!

You know, Tiangong is the most powerful method. Even if it is shocking, it will take hundreds or even thousands of years.

However, in this state, it only takes a breath of time.

"Incredibly, how amazing is he to be able to trigger this sacred state?"

Su Zi was so shocked that he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly sealed the spell to cover up the vision caused by Lingxian, so as not to alarm outsiders.

"You are the world, you are the universe!"

With a loud shout, Ling Xianxing's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if he could see the avenue and Changsheng, even the sky was illuminated.

Since then, his body has undergone an incredible change.

The air of chaos emerged from his body, as if returning to the ancient floods, chaos and disappearance.

The heavens and the earth are not divided, the souls are not seen, the law is undecided, and everything does not exist.


At this moment, Ling Xian's body turned into a famine!

"The road is now open!"

With a loud drink, Lingxian casts like a fairy king, Tianzun shoots, and opens up the world with supreme power!


The endless light is shining, the air of chaos is boiling, and a radiant fairy light illuminates the flood and the wasteland.


Although it was only that Ling Xian transformed himself into a famine and opened up his own world, this undoubtedly represents that he has successfully taken the first step!

However, at this moment, the sky suddenly became gloomy, the dark clouds topped, and if the heavens were angry, the meaning of destruction shook Kyushu.


The thunder fell, the colors were colorful, and there were nine colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and white, which was actually the third day of the legend!

This robbery is the third in ancient times. It is claimed that the robbery was lost and it cannot be surpassed. I don't know how many shocked and brilliant people died under this calamity.

Its power is extremely extreme, even if it is young and supreme, it is a life of nine deaths!

Therefore, Su Zi was so horrified that Ling Xian actually caused the third day of calamity.

"What on earth is he doing? It's enough to trigger a breath of awakening. It actually triggered the third day of disaster!"

Su Zi was so shocked that he couldn't imagine what Ling Xian was doing. Could it be impossible? Is it against the sky?

She guessed right, Ling Xian wants to open up an independent world and jump out of this world, which in itself is an unacceptable thing!

In addition, he is an unacceptable man, and it is reasonable to provoke the legendary impassable third day calamity!

"Hahaha, what about the third day of robbery? No one can stop my invincible path!"

Ling Xian laughed a long time, Pingran Shenquan shone in the night sky, and shook the sky.

At the same time, he turned into a famine and opened the world with a single thought!

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