Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1231: The trend is gone

The fist sword is dark, and the blood stains the sky.

Ling Xian hit the world with a shock, smashed the man into slag, and never existed in the world.

This scene shocked the audience!

Everyone stared blankly at the blood-stained figure, only to think that he was the **** of war in the world.

The blond man may not be powerful in the sixth realm, but for the monk in the fifth realm, it is the same as the calamity. Even the extreme young youth will feel great pressure.

After all, the gap between realms is like the difference between clouds and mud, which cannot be compared at all. Even if there is such a strange realm as the polar realm, not everyone can fight beyond the ranks.

Therefore, everyone was not optimistic about Ling Xian from the beginning, thinking that even if he could block a million troops, he would never be a man's opponent. However, at this moment, he is blasting the man. How amazing is this?

It's simply against the sky!

"It's incredible, he actually did it!"

"Unbelievable, it is too abnormal to bombard the sixth-level powerhouse with the power of the fifth level."

"Too powerful, no wonder he can use the cultivation of the fifth realm to become the master of the Hidden Pavilion. It turned out to be a promising young supreme!"

"Not necessarily. Even if he is young, he may not be able to leapfrog. He must be the best among the young!"

Everyone spoke, and their words were full of shock.

Even Xiang Jiuchen and others were shocked to the point where they could not be added.

Leap to kill!

And it's not a general leapfrog, it's the power of the fifth realm, killing the sixth realm!

You should know that as the practice gradually increases, the difficulty of leapfrogging is also increasing. In the choice of situation, the difficulty is multiplied. Even if you look at the whole world of immortality, few people can do it.

However, at this moment, Ling Xian did it, and burst it with a very strong attitude!

Even Xiang Xiangjiu and others who are accustomed to strong winds and waves have set off huge waves in their hearts.

"I didn't miss the wrong person."

The elder sighed, his voice was hard to be proud of: "In just a few years, he has become so powerful that he can be leapfrogged and killed. This is an infinite future."

"Yeah, I thought he could reach the king. It was already the sky. I didn't expect him to become a young supreme, and he could kill him even better."

Sorry for Jiu Chen, looking at the pride figure, saying: "After all, he underestimated him."

"It would be better to underestimate."

The elder smiled and said, "It can be seen from his ability to carry a million troops that he has the heart to take over the responsibility of the master of the hidden court, and truly integrates with my Sansheng Pavilion. The strength of the Sansheng Pavilion. "

"Yes, with him, my Sansheng Pavilion can last for at least a thousand years." Lamented to Jiuchen.

It wasn't just him. Everyone present was feeling.

All eyes gathered on Ling Xian, full of enthusiasm, as if witnessing an immortal legend, is being staged in the world!

Undoubtedly, Lingxian at this moment is extremely dazzling, just like the eternal sun in the sky.


With a rage, the Lord of the Abyss plunged into a runaway, and the sky suddenly broke, and the unknown old man vomited blood with the Lord of Darkness.

However, the two of them are also very extraordinary. Although the pressure has multiplied, they are calmly coping with and dominate the abyss that has already gone violently.

"Stop me!"

The abyss dominated the anger and rushed to the crown. He thought that his trip was a good one, but he was blocked one after another. Especially after the members of the Hidden Court appeared, not only the one million troops were stopped, but the last Meridian sixth strongest man was also bombed and killed. How could he not be angry?

And all this must be counted on Lingxian's head!

It was he who blocked the millions of troops with his own power, and it was also that he was soaring against the sky and killed the blond man by leapfrogging!

Therefore, the abyss dominated the anger, while aggressively attacking the unknown old man and the lord of darkness, while advancing towards Lingxian.

In this regard, Ling Xian not only did not fear, but smiled.

If he fights to Jiuchen and others, he will not lead the members of Yinge to appear, because it is meaningless, but he will die in vain.

However, at this moment, Xiang Jiuchen and others did not die, and he was beaten to death by the million army and the sixth strongest man. This means that as long as the abyss dominates and kills, the battle is over.

And adding Jiu Chen and others to the two masters of Yinge, can't they kill an abyss? Even if this person has reached the pinnacle of the sixth realm, he is not their opponent!

"Abyss dominate, you're gone, think about how to get away."

Ling Xian opened her mouth indifferently, pointed out three fingers in succession, and shot Han Yefei's opponents, saying, "Three of you are blocking the remnants."


The three flying in the cold night nodded, and then appeared in front of the army.

Seeing this, the Sanshengge survivors also spontaneously set off and stood in front of the army.

In fact, there is nothing to stop. A million troops have been beaten by Ling Xian alone, especially after the blond man was killed by him, all the sea monsters have lost courage.

In their eyes, Ling Xian is invincible, and he is the enemy, but just seeks his own way.

Therefore, not only did the Krakens not shoot, but they retreated toward the rear, completely losing the courage to shoot.

This made the Lord of the Abyss even more angry, shouting: "Damn Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, I want you to die!"

"It's hard to protect yourself, but you still want to kill me?"

Ling Xian sneered and turned her eyes to the elders and others, saying, "How is the recovery? Can you fight?"

"Haha, no problem!"

The elder elevates to heaven and leaps into the sky like Dapeng spreads his wings.

The same is true of Xiang Jiuchen and others. Although they all seem to be a little weak, they are no longer as powerful as before, but after all, they can fight one another.


Looking at the six masters surrounded by the abyss-dominated regiments, Ling Xian raised his mouth and played with the taste: "Abyss-dominated, do you not regret it at this moment?"


The abyss dominated the anger, but had to admit that he was gone.

After all, he is not invincible in the sixth realm, and it is impossible to kill all six masters. This made him resent Ling Ling more and more at the same time.

If it weren't for him, Xiang Jiuchen and others would have been beheaded by him, and everyone in Sanshengge would have been slaughtered by his one million troops. Just now, he appeared.

And when he appeared, he reversed the whole situation, leaving him in the grip of the winning ticket, and it became the current trend, even life-threatening!

In this case, how can he not resent Lingxian?

"Hate, you can only use resentment at the end of your life."

Feeling the monstrous hatred dominated by the abyss, Lingxian's expression was still dull, without a touch of movement.

Now the abyss dominates, not to be afraid!

"Damn Lord of the Hermitage, I must kill you!"

The abyss dominated the anger and madness, and the majestic power of the world was tense, and the world shuddered for it.

"Unfortunately, you can't kill it. The moment I appeared, it was doomed to your defeat."

Ling Xian's expression turned cold, and then a cold word came slowly from his mouth, ringing the world.

"You all, do it."

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