Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1221: Weird creature

"Is there anything to be pleased with? I just said you wouldn't die soon, but didn't say you would never die."

Ling Xian glanced briefly at the Emperor and said, "There is no need to worry about King Pingnan, but do you think that the prince may have no other means?"

"Of course I know, but as long as he can support King Pingnan, he will surely win the prince."

The emperor frowned, and if someone else dared to talk to him like that, he would have slapped it. However, in the face of a critical moment, and prevented the king of Pingnan, he would not do so.

Moreover, he does not have this ability at the moment.

"not necessarily."

Ling Xian shook her head and said, "You don't need to think about the curse on your body. You can't solve it in a short time. Now you have to see the strength of your guards. Is there no sixth power in the palace except you?"

"There is an ancestor, but unfortunately he likes to travel around the world, not in the palace. The other is the chief guard, who was sent out by me a few days ago." The Emperor smiled bitterly.

"It seems that this prince has long been rebellious, otherwise, he would not be so precise about time." Ling Xian sighed.

"I read him wrong."

The emperor closed his eyes in pain. After a long while, he slowly opened it. The pain was gone, and instead, he was calm.

"It's too late to say anything. At present, the highest combat power of the entire palace is you."

The Emperor smiled suddenly, staring at the handsome man in front of him, admiring: "Unexpectedly, my Dayan still has an invincible king."

"I've struggled at least a few rounds with the power of the sixth stage, and I can't turn the tide."

Ling Xian shook her head gently. His strength at this moment is indeed invincible. Even Pian Ruyu is not his opponent. However, compared with the power of the sixth realm, there is still an insurmountable gulf.

"If there is a sixth-level powerhouse next to the prince, then I can only confess my fate."

The Emperor smiled lightly and said, "It's a pity that I followed his way, otherwise, how can he do everything? I can break it!"

"Now I can only pray. The Lord of the Rhinoceros can persuade King Pingnan to fall to you." Ling Xian sighed softly.

"Tell me, how did you rescue the Lord of the Rhinoceros?" The Emperor was intrigued.

But in return, it was a faint glance at Ling Xian.

This made the emperor a bit annoyed, but it didn't happen, but turned into a sigh.

At this moment, there was a sudden throbbing sound outside the back garden, but soon it was quiet.

Afterwards, there was a slow but easy footstep that came from far to near.


Ling Xian's expression was condensed, and the Emperor's expression was also dignified, and the two of them moved their eyes together to look straight ahead.

I saw an upright figure in front of him. He was wearing a five-clawed golden dragon yellow robe and wearing a luxurious crown, exactly the same as the Great Swallow King.

Just Prince!

"good very good."

Seeing that the prince was actually wearing a dragon robe and wearing a crown, the emperor was suddenly angry and said, "I'm not dead, you dare to put on a dragon robe, so brave!"

"I dare to rebel. What dare not wear a dragon robe?"

The Prince smiled slightly, and said, "What's more, you are going to die soon. I don't violate the law by wearing a dragon robe."


Dayan people's lungs exploded, and a blood spewed out, splashing on the ground in shock.

"Oh, Father Emperor has to take care of the dragon body, how could he have to write a book and then die." The prince smiled with amusement, and his face was difficult to hide.

"Dead to this heart, even if I am dead, I won't make your name right!" The Emperor of the Great Swallows forced the anger, and the dull complexion could drip water.

"Anyway, just a name."

The Crown Prince smiled and said, "The Minister of Central China has been bought by me for more than half. Even if you do not set up a book, they will support me ascending the throne."

"A group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, especially you!"

The emperor was burning in anger. If he had not been cursed, he would have tore the prince to pieces at this moment.

"The emperor's family has no affection, and the road to the throne has been paved with blood, and I do so for nothing wrong."

The prince smiled, and was too lazy to talk to the emperor, but instead turned his eyes to Lingxian, with a little appreciation and a bit of killing.

In this regard, Ling Xian looked calm, without a touch of movement.

"If my expectations are not bad, the idea of ​​having Yan Liusu fight with me is yours," the Prince asked.

"Good," Ling Xian admitted frankly.

"It's you who slayed Piao Ruyu and rescued the Lord of the Rhinoceros," the Prince asked again.

"It's me." Ling Xian nodded slightly.


The crown prince raised his mouth and said, "It is such a shame that it is not so good for me. I will now give you a chance to surrender to me."


Ling Xian smiled and said, "Shouldn't you avenge Pian Ruyu?"

"I am just interested in him. When I die, I die. Why should I avenge him?" The prince chuckled.

"If Pian Ruyu hears this sentence, he must be very sad."

Ling Xian sighed and said, "Before he died, he told me vowedly that you would avenge him. I never thought you were such a person."

"Dead man, it's not worth me doing anything for him." The prince was ruthless.

"So you make me shameless."

Ling Xian glanced briefly at the man and said, "How can a person who I look down on can make me surrender?"

"So, you chose to die."

The prince sneered, and said, "I had a little appreciation for you. I didn't expect you to be so ignorant. If so, then you don't need to exist."

"Kill me, you have to have that ability." Ling Xian's eyes were cold.

"I really don't have this ability in the face of a strong man who beheaded and killed, but others have."

The prince was proud and said, "He is as easy as killing you. Even the father, it is difficult to stop him at this moment."

"Sure enough, there is a helper." Ling Xian's heart sank.

The emperor is the same.

"Haha, desperate." The prince laughed at heaven, full of pride and determination.

"As long as you are killed, no one can stop me from becoming a god. The throne of Emperor Yan is mine!"

The Prince laughed madly, and did not conceal his desire for the throne. Then he waved his sleeves and said, "Master of the dark, please shoot!"

The voice fell, and a burst of laughter rang out in tenderness.

"Hahaha, it's finally my master's turn."

Laughter fell to the ground, and a petite figure flickered out. He had long ears, big gem-like eyes, and mysterious black gas lingered around him.

For a while, the sky above his head sank, as if he had fallen into a night, and there was no light.

Ling Xian's brow frowned, partly because of this person's weirdness, and partly because of the secret token of the Hidden Pavilion in her arms.

At the same time, the laughter of the weird creature stopped abruptly, staring at Ling Xian, blinking with disbelief.

After a few moments, he seemed to be sure of something, and his eyes burst into joy. But the thought of the prince killing Lingxian cooled his eyes.

Then he turned to look at the prince, and pointed at Ling Xian: "The person you are going to kill ... is he?"

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