Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1213: Five races

Three do not sell shops, Lingxian tea light, curious eyes flashed.

He and Hongyan have known each other so far, and what he said can be summarized in one sentence, that is to resurrect that person. As a result, he was naturally a little curious.

"You want to know?"

Hong Yanxin sighed and said, "Well, it's okay to tell you. Have you heard of the five races?"

"Slightly heard." Ling Xian frowned slightly, did not expect to be involved in the five major races.

He didn't know much about these five races. He only knew that they were recognized as Xeon races. Any one of them was invincible.

The Poseidon tribe is one of them.

"In the final analysis, there are only four races."

Hong Yanxin said, "Human race, spiritual race, witch race, and demon race, these four races are divided into countless races, collectively referred to as the world's million people.

"And among the nations, there are five universally recognized Xeon races, two demon races, and one spirit and one witch."

Hongyan heart sighed and said, "The person I want to be resurrected is the only bloodline of the Tian Yao tribe."

"Tian Yao Clan?"

Ling Xian frowned, and said, "Can you elaborate on this race?"

"This is a Xeon race that surpasses the seven royal families. Only the Poseidon can rival it."

Hong Yanxin sighed softly, and said, "Unfortunately, like the fate of the sea gods, they have been destroyed."

Hearing that Ling Xian frowned even deeper.

The Poseidon was exterminated 30,000 years ago, leaving only the bloodline of the mushroom, and the person who destroyed the Poseidon also knew that it was the mysterious existence.

Right now, Hong Yanxin said that the Tian Yao tribe had also been destroyed. Is there some kind of connection?

The thought of these two races possibly being destroyed by the same black hand, Ling Xian felt a shudder, saying, "Will the other three Xeon races also be destroyed?"


Hong Yan shook her head and said, "However, it has been 30,000 years since the five major Xeon races have passed away. They have completely disappeared without any news."

"That is destroyed."

Ling Xian's brows were tightly frowned, and she couldn't help thinking, were all these five Xeon races destroyed by that mysterious existence?

If so, it would be terrible.

The five most powerful races are the strongest beings in this world. But it was destroyed as much as possible, it was simply impossible!

However, the disappearance of the five major races is a fact, and he determined that the Poseidon tribe was destroyed, and Hongyanxin also determined that the Tian Yao tribe was destroyed.

Not to mention the remaining three Xeon races, it is extremely incredible to say that the two major races, the Sky Demon and the Poseidon, were destroyed.

Without Xeon, it would be impossible to destroy it!

"It would be terrible if the five major races were destroyed."

Ling Xian felt a chill, saying, "The five races are coming to the world, the supremacy, and they will be destroyed. How powerful can this be?"

"I feel terrible too."

Hong Yan sighed and said, "But this has nothing to do with me, I just want to resurrect him."

"Intuition tells me that this incident involved a dramatic change 30,000 years ago."

Ling Xian's expression turned serious, and she said, "I want to revive him too. Since he is the only bloodline of the Tian Yao tribe, then he must know the secret."

"What's more, why were the Big Xeon races destroyed? Is it just because it blocked some people?"

"Not necessarily! There must be a secret we don't know about. I must check this out."

Ling Xian's expression was firm, her words were stern and powerful, and she spoke loudly.

From the moment he met Jiuxiantu, he felt that he was surrounded by fog. To this day, the monasticism has encountered too much fog, some of which have been untied, and some still exist.

Therefore, he felt that he had a reason, and even a need to unravel these mists.

"I don't care about those secrets, I just want to resurrect him, but can I really be resurrected?"

Hong Yan smiled sadly and said, "Before I met you again, I still had a little hope, but now, I am completely desperate."

"You are desperate, but I am not."

Ling Xian stared at Hong Yanxin tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me the process of resurrecting him, and don't miss a detail."

"It is rumored that the flowers of three lives can make people return from the dim, and the book of soul-calling can also recall the soul of the dead."

Hong Yan grinned endlessly and said, "But this is all fake, it's useless at all!"

As she said, with a wave of her hand, a scroll of sheepskin and the other side of the flower emerged. The former is half incomplete, while the latter is a little bit wilted.

Seeing this, Ling Xian frowned even deeper, only feeling confused and clueless.

Resurrection is an uphill thing, it only exists in fantasy, not even legend. Although it cannot be asserted that there is no resurrection method in this world, it must be difficult to ascend to heaven.

Besides, Hong Yanxin has already tried it, and even the book of the other side of the flower and the soul is powerless, what else can resurrect the dead?

"Also, let this thing go down and look for it slowly."

Ling Xian sighed softly and said, "Leave these two wonders to me. I always think they are still useful."

"Take it, it's useless anyway." Hong Yan was disheartened and didn't hold any hope at all.

Seeing this, Lingxian rolled up a large sleeve and took two fetishes into his pocket, comforting him: "Don't give up, you will always find hope."

"You have no confidence in this sentence."

Hong Yan shook her head and smiled bitterly, and said, "Just leave it to you. If there is news, let me know."

"Okay." Ling Xian nodded slightly, trying to change the subject, but received a message from Yan Liusu.

This raised the corner of his mouth, and he arched up and said, "I still have something to do, leave first."

"If necessary, come here to find me." Hong Yan nodded softly.

"I remember this sentence. Maybe something really needs your help." Ling Xian smiled slightly and turned to leave Sanbu Store.

After that, he walked towards the palace.

The rumor of Yan Liusu was very simple. The emperor had agreed to his request. He wanted him to fight a fair battle with the prince.

The place of the decisive battle is the Royal Palace.

Therefore, Lingxian walked towards the imperial palace and soon saw the vast and magnificent palace.

"You are Lingxian." A guard in armor said.

"It's me." Ling Xian nodded slightly.

"The six princes have orders. I want to take you into the palace. Come with me." The guard said lightly, opened the palace door with handprints, and then walked forward.

Seeing this, Ling Xian stepped up to keep up.

After a short while, under the leadership of the guard, he came to a performance martial arts field.

I saw a lot of people have gathered here, old and young, male and female, without exception, are expensive and aggressive.

Obviously, these people's identities are very extraordinary. Except for the relatives of the imperial family, they are the court officials.

Among them, three figures are particularly striking.

One is Yan Tassel, the other is obviously Prince, and the last is the most dazzling person in the audience.

There is no doubt that this is the Great Swallow Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

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