Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1202: Strong retreat

"Your opponent is me."

The words fell, Ling Xian flashed in front of Yan Liu Su with a ghostly appearance, staring directly at the eyes like a jade, as sharp as the sword of heaven.

This delighted Yan Tassel.

Although he played against Piao Ruyu only a few ways, but already knew the horror of this person, he was not an opponent at all. Right now, Ling Xian is willing to take the lead for him, and he naturally wants it.

Pian Ruyu's complexion sank. He felt Lingxian's power long ago. If he changed to normal, he wouldn't care.

But today is mainly to kill swallows and tassel, so he is unwilling to take root.

I just didn't expect that the two idiots sneaking into the night and the ice world would actually run to provoke Lingxian and mess things up.

However, he is not afraid. He is one of the three young supreme supremacy in the North Underworld. Even if he faces the two kings, he is also fearless!

"Jingruo is a real fairy, the clouds are light and the wind is light, and it is like a real dragon, and it is terrifying."

Pian Ruyu first admired, and then his expression cooled down: "It's just not enough to see in front of me."

"I have to fight before I know."

Ling Xian glanced briefly at the man and said, "I know you are strong, but I think you should be clear that your action has already been said to have failed."

"Failure? I'm Pian Ruyu personally, I can't fail." Pian Ruyu arrogantly opened his mouth and confidently illuminated Tianyu.

He does have pride in his capital, because his record is extremely brilliant, not to mention those heirs of the major forces, just to say that the invincible king who chooses the situation, he killed two.

Therefore, Pian Ruyu is called the young supreme, as in the same round of sun, it suppresses the light of the same generation.

"But you can't kill me."

Ling Xian speaks arrogantly, and on invincible belief, he is no less inferior than any other person.

"Looking at the monk who chooses the path of the North Underworld, there is no one I can't kill just like me."

Pleasantly indifferent like jade, dancing in white clothes, like the king of the gods, has the potential to rule the world.

He looked at Ling Xian coldly, and said, "I advise you, it is best to step back immediately, otherwise you will regret it."

"I will return it to you intact."

Ling Xian responded strongly, and in her arrogant position, she had her own power.

"Very well, since you won't make way, then I'll walk over your body." Pina Ruyu looked cold, and Sanchi Qingfeng hung up and killed him.


This sword is extremely sharp, full of sharpness, and the space in front of it suddenly collapses!

"Be careful!" Yan Liusuo's face changed and she could not help reminding.


Ling Xian's expression was calm. He moved his hands in the air, removed the sword's edge with four or two pounds, and then combined his hands to display the Seal of Forbidden God.


Cross your hands together, as if the sky and the ground are together, the dazzling and glorious mountains are overwhelming and overwhelming everything.

In the light of the sky, Ling Xian rushed out with the speed of thousands of lights, like a meteor hitting the earth, destroying and dying, unstoppable!

"Zhentianshou, give me the town!"

Pianruyu drank, and before changing the misty temperament before him, at this moment, he was like a tiger out of the gate, and the majestic shock of Nine Heavens!


A big hand that covered the sky was pressed down strongly, but the sun, moon, stars, and mountains and rivers of the town shook and shattered in all directions.

However, it failed to calm Lingxian.

His expression remained unchanged, the war halberds came out fiercely, like a real dragon piercing through his large hands, and it was as close as a jade brow.

However, it was pinched by two fingers.

Pian Ruyu was too powerful. He lived with two designated war halberds, and immediately struck with all his strength, breaking the war halberds immediately.

Then he shot again. In the endless light of God, a world-strength giant finger penetrated the world, carrying all the power to destroy everything, and fell from above nine days.

The moment it fell, the void burst, and even those soldiers who were far apart were shaken to spit blood.

Although Yan Liusu did not vomit blood, she was also tossed by Zhen's blood and had to retreat.

This made him shake and be moved by it.

Only then did he play against Pian Ruyu, this person has always been elegant like a fairy, with a soft attack, just like playing around. At the moment, this person is as fierce as a beast, obviously moving the real thing, what does this mean?

It means Lingxian has attracted the attention of Piaoruyu!

In this way, can Yan Liu Su not be moved? But more, it is worry.

Pui Ruyu is one of the three young supreme supreme, powerful enough to make his contemporaries despair, and this finger is his stunt of fame, the power is extremely powerful!

Therefore, he was naturally a bit worried.

Ling Xian was also indifferent, and did not dare to carelessly. He clenched his hands suddenly. Suddenly, Chan Chan Xia Guang burst out, and Fang Yuanfang broke down instantly!


The invincible fist seal broke out, and it was a strong attack on the world's biggest finger. The terror wave wiped out everything and shocked everyone.

No way, this is the strong confrontation between the two kings. How can ordinary monks stop it?

"A bit of strength, unfortunately, not worth mentioning!"

Pleasant like jade and fierce beast, just like a **** of war, he pointed out several points in succession, shattering the universe and deterring Liuhe Bahuang.

In this regard, Ling Xian is still fearless.

His emperor's fist exhibited wildly, and if the world was immortal, he shattered ten sides and shook the sky.

Boom boom!

The void exploded, and the two young supreme supreme opponents blasted out, as if two kings of immortals were confronting each other, and they would break the mountains and rivers of Qiankun!

This made everyone horrified. He retreated backwards insanely, and retreated far beyond the thousand feet, and then sighed with relief.

Even Yan Tassel didn't dare to approach.

No way, Ling Xian and Pian Ruyu's duel is too terrible, it is definitely the pinnacle battle of choosing the realm!


Pian Ruyu hit the real fire, and his hands shot strongly. Like the **** of war, he was going to destroy nine days and ten places!

However, it couldn't shake Lingxian.

His eyes flickered with cold electricity, and each hand pinched a record of invincible fist marks, and he was as powerful as Piao Ruyu!

Both were too powerful. One seemed to be supreme, raising his hands to the ground, shivering in all directions. One is like a war immortal, the more brave the war, the more invincible!

In a short period of time, the two have been hundreds of strokes against each other, both injured each other, no one can do nothing.

"Where did this guy come from, why haven't I seen him before?"

Pian Ruyu was more and more frightened, not afraid, but unexpectedly that Ling Xian was so fierce.

In that thin body, there is an extremely terrifying power hidden, like a humanoid beast, terrifying!


Ling Xianmu's eyes flickered with cold electricity, and she broke her hand and shook the sky.

The invincible Qi machine swept across nine days and ten places, as the Supreme Awakening of the World, and the tens of miles of mountains exploded.

Even if it is like a jade, it is one of them.

His divine sword burst into a dazzling light, breaking the face and breaking Lingxian's worldly fist. Although he blocked it, he was pushed out by Zhang Li.

This made him look a little unsightly, and at the same time, he resigned.

Ling Xian's strength exceeded his expectations. Although he still believed that he could be suppressed, he had to pay a lot of money.

And next to it, there is a swallow tassel.

As a result, he naturally resigned.

"Leave you alone today, and in the next day, you will cut off your head as a wine glass."

撂 The next ruthless words, Pian Ruyu disappeared instantly, disappeared.

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