Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1094: Medicine garden

Abyss Demon Sea, in front of the mushroom house.

Ling Xian's brow froze, thinking about how to deal with it.

Now that Her Majesty the Mermaid has ordered that every sea tribe find fifty personalities, there is no room for conversion. There are only two ways to resolve this crisis.

One is to kill!

Kill all the people who came to catch the mushrooms, and finally, kill the mermaid!

The second is to escape!

Escaping from the abyss magic sea and returning to land can naturally resolve the crisis.

The former can basically be ignored. Ling Xian, the enemy who comes to commit crimes, has no fear. Over time, he will gradually return to the peak. But the one who controls the entire abyss and the magical sea, a hundred him, cannot compete with it.

The latter is basically impossible. Although his injury is slowly recovering, how can he rest peacefully under the circumstances of being hunted down?

Moreover, here is the abyss and the magic sea. It is not a simple matter to return to land safely. Even in his heyday, he was not sure.

Therefore, Ling Xian's brows frowned, which was quite tricky.

The mushroom is still in shock at this moment, the blue eyes are full of incredible, I did not expect Lingxian to be so powerful.

In her mind, he always thought he was a weak victim. However, at the moment, the victim has changed from a sick cat to a tiger. This huge contrast makes her a little bit stingy.

This encounter is based on the gap in strength.

She had to be cautious even in the face of the black prawn. How could she not feel so upset in the face of the more powerful Lingxian?

"Thank you ... you saved me."

Mushroom blushed slightly, with some gratitude, some worship, and some fear.

"I saved you first."

Seeing the mushrooms cautiously, Ling Xian smiled slightly, and Wen said, "Don't be afraid, I'm still the brother who tells you stories."

Hearing the words, the mushroom remembered his tenderness when he told himself a story, his hanging heart gradually dropped, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Ling Xian smiled a little, but she also felt relieved.

The mushroom is naive and kind, lively and cute, he has long regarded her as her sister. Therefore, he naturally did not want to give birth to this.

"not good."

Suddenly, the mushroom remembered something, pushing Ling Xian: "Hurry up, only then is the top of the magic shrimp family, you kill him, the magic shrimp family will not let you go."

"If I go, what do you do?"

Ling Xian smiled gently and said gently: "I won't leave you alone, let alone make you a sacrifice for that tyrant."

"But that's the magic shrimp family. It's the ruler of this area. You can't compete with them."

With anxious face, the mushroom pushed Ling Xian hard and motioned him to leave quickly.

"Anyway, the magic shrimp family alone can't hurt me." Ling Xian smiled confidently and calmly.

In the past three months, he has said a lot about the human race, and at the same time, he has also learned a lot about the abyss and the magic sea.

For example, the magic shrimp family that controls this area. Mushrooms once said that this group has the highest combat power, which is the Yuanying period.

And what fear is Ling Xian, a ethnic group with only Yuan infancy?

Although he was seriously injured at the moment and he was in peace, he was not a dog and could insult him. A group with only Yuan Ying period, he is not afraid!


The mushroom wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Ling Xian's wave. He stared tightly at the girl in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "No need to say anymore, the magic shrimp family is not worried. The real threat comes from that lord."

Hearing that Mushroom's pretty face suddenly turned white, and Jiao's body shook a bit.

No way, Her Majesty's prestige is too prosperous. Any Siren who mentions him will be in awe!

"It's obviously unrealistic to slam that Her Majesty forward. We can only choose to escape from the abyss, or hide."

Ling Xian looked serious and said, "Before that, I need to make my injury better. Only then can we get a chance to escape here."

On hearing that, the mushrooms also realized the seriousness of the matter, and their pretty faces became paler.

"Don't worry, as long as I can get back to the top as soon as possible, we may escape."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "In three months of interest rate adjustment, I can already open a furnace for alchemy. Once I have remedied the elixir of healing, I can recover quickly."

"It's just ... it's just a miracle."

Ling Xian smiled helplessly, although there were several healing potions in his storage bag, but in his current state, if he swallowed directly, he would die because he could not bear the explosive force.

Therefore, he needed to distill the magic medicine into Dan.

It just happened that the elixir he wanted to make, which could make him recover quickly, lacked the most important main medicine.


When the mushroom stunned, I suddenly remembered something, saying, "I know a strange place where all kinds of elixir grow, and I got the miracle mushroom there."


Ling Xianxing's eyes brightened, and she said, "Where?"

"Not far from here, but there are crises everywhere, and I just dare to pick a few mirabilis on the periphery without danger."

The mushrooms were blushing and pale.

"So it is."

Ling Xian frowned, but soon Shi unfolded, her eyes turned firm.

No matter how dangerous that place is, he can only go there to try his luck, or in other words, he has to go!

Because whether he flees or flees, he needs to return to the heyday, otherwise, he can only wait to die.

"Mushroom, it's not safe here. You need to find a new place to wait for me to come back." Ling Xian looked serious and planned to set up the mushroom first.

"it is good."

Mushroom nodded obediently, although she was a little worried, but she also understood that this was the only way at present.

Therefore, she led Ling Xian to a coral reef and said, "It's relatively quiet here. Usually no one comes. I'll wait for you here."

"it is good."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and waved her hands, laying out two simple psychedelic arrays.

Then he followed the direction of the mushroom and headed for that strange place.

An hour later, Ling Xian came to the mouth of the mushroom and said that strange place was the entrance. I saw a slight fold in the space in front of it, and there was a bright hole, which sucked the flowing seawater into it.

"Is this what ..."

Ling Xian frowned. I didn't expect that the hole would be so bright, nothing secretive.

But since he has already arrived, he cannot retreat because of this. At the moment, his body flickered, and he was allowed to **** in through the hole.

Afterwards, it seemed as if a starry sky had been replaced and came to another world.

I saw this place surrounded by green hills, with birds and flowers fragrant, as if it were the legendary Penglai Xiandao, dreamlike and beautiful.

However, Ling Xian didn't care about it. When he stepped into this place, his mind was completely attracted by the medicine garden in front of him.

There the elixir was in pieces, and Rui Cai Qiantiao, each emitting a bright light, colorful, and a blur.

Among them, three elixir are the most radiant, as bright as the little sun, shining in all directions.

There is no doubt that there are three magic drugs, one of which is exactly what Lingxian needs.


The fourth chapter, ask for a full order for a reward ~

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