Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1086: Wanton shame

"Protect your son, fight with him!"

"Without a son, we died long ago, and now it's our turn to protect him."

"Let's go together! Regardless of life or death, I won't allow him to touch his hair!"

The crowd was angry and mad, and they stood in front of Ling Xian. They would rather die than allow the prince to move him.

This warmed Ling Xian's heart and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ning Yan.

"I know what you want to say, but you need to be clear about one thing and hope that it is on you. Only when you return to the peak can you fight this person.

Ning Yanqiao had a dignified face, full of determination, and said, "So at this moment, let us fight for your time."

Hearing that, Ling Xian was silent.

He also knew that looking at the audience, only he could compete with the prince. In other words, the best way to resolve the crisis is to get yourself back to peak as soon as possible.

But during this time, I don't know how many people will die, so how can he bear it?

"You are our only hope. Even if we are all killed, as long as you can be killed by the prince, it will be revenge for us."

Ning Yan stared at the prince, and Shen said, "It's better, everyone will die together."

"You ... beware."

Ling Xian's expression gradually changed to firmness, and then he said nothing and floated into the city. At the same time, a series of healing objects such as Bi Xuezhu emerged to help him recover.

He knew very well that he was the only one to recover the peak for today. Therefore, he was immersed in his mind and healed his injuries!

"A very touching scene."

The Prince looked around the room, his eyes were full of playfulness, and said, "Unfortunately, I will not have pity for this. Since you want to protect him, I will kill you as much as possible. By then, I see who else can protect him . "

As the words fell, he took a gentle step down, and the earth cracked and the rocks collapsed!

At the same time, most monks also coughed up blood, making it difficult to stop the person's power. Only Ning Yan and others who choose a strong path can barely support it.

"A bunch of ants, just because you want to stop me?"

The Prince gently shook his head, paced leisurely, and came calmly. And every time he fell, it shook the space, terrifying.

This changed the face of Ning Yan and others, but they were all firmly convinced and rushed towards the Prince.

Xuan Yuanhong is the same. He is not to protect Ling Xian, but he knows that only by protecting him at this moment can he survive.

However, as soon as a few talents left, they were blocked by the thirty Rune Divisions.

"Let's do it!"

A girl with a determined face turned on the motivating method of Yumenguan.

At the same time, the rest of the people were also pinching their seals to spur Yumen Pass!


A huge portal coalesced and penetrated the heavens and the earth.

"Well, interesting formation."

The Prince frowned, and looked around at the thirty people, saying: "Unfortunately, the accomplishment of the controller is too low. Otherwise, I can stop me for a while."

After that, he waved his sleeves, and the majestic mana bombarded at the gate of Yumen, causing it to crack instantly.

The thirty monks spit out blood. However, they were resolute in their faces, and still kept their hands and postures.

This caused Ling Xian to move, in addition to being unbearable in the eyes, it was anger.

"Yes, firm conviction, letting you play at an extra level, actually blocked me."

The Prince chuckled and said, "Just, how many times can you stop?"

The words fell, and he shot again, still wielding his sleeve so gently, but an incredible unimaginable power broke out!


With a loud noise, Yumenguan shattered, and thirty monks burst out, turning into flesh crumbs.

This made everyone angry, Lingxian was even more flawed and wanted to burst the Prince immediately.

But he knew that he must not move, and could only recover his body desperately.

"A group of ants are trying to stop me? I can't help it."

The prince, with a contemptuous attitude, continued to walk towards Ling Xian. The monstrous divine power swept the four sides and shattered the space.

This scares everyone, but it remains firm!


I don't know who shouted, which resonated with everyone. At the moment, everyone is using magical powers to kill the prince.

It's a pity that their cultivation is only Yuan Ying, how could it hurt the prince?

"Let me die."

Opening faintly, the prince swipes his hands, the sky sword emerges, each sword penetrates one's eyebrows!

In a blink of an eye, no less than a hundred people had been killed!

"Damn, let's go!"

Ning Yan rushed to the crown in anger, used the worldly power of Sansheng Pavilion, and blasted to the Prince.

At the same time, Wei Donglai, Xuan Yuanhong, and the man also shot one after another, showing a trend of encirclement and blocking the prince.

"A few of you still have something to look at, but unfortunately, it still doesn't make me interested."

The Prince Edward was entertaining, and his big sleeves waved against each other.

"Boom boom!"

With a loud noise, the four masters came out in unison, not seeking to suppress the prince, but only to block him for a moment, to gain time for Lingxian.

Therefore, they focus on guarding.

It is a pity that the prince is outrageous. Although it is only in the early stage of choosing a realm, he is more than one grade higher than a few people.

Any realm is divided into three, six, nine, etc., which is reflected in combat power. Ordinary monks refer to those who have not reached the extreme. Tianjiao refers to those who have reached one or two extremes.

Above, it is similar to Prince Edward, and each state has reached the extreme. This person is also a mermaid with extremely pure bloodlines, and where there is a sea, the combat power will be improved.

Therefore, even Ning Yan and others are not bad, and it is difficult to stop the Prince.

"Let me die."

The Prince's eyes burst into cold electricity, erupting into an extreme power, shaking the four masters all over, and the blood was red in the air.

However, in addition to Xuan Yuanhong, the remaining three stood up tenaciously.

Especially Ning Yan, resolute, and rushed up again.

This flashed a strange color in the prince's eyes, but he shot relentlessly, beating Ning Yan with blood and trembling.

However, she still stood up stubbornly, and together with the other two, shot the Prince again.

"I don't know if the ants are so high, since you are so desperate to die, I will wait for you."

The Prince smiled cruelly, and flew the three again, and his whole body was broken.

This made everyone angry, Ling Xian was angry and anger, extreme anger!

He stared at the prince stubbornly, in addition to killing intention, still killing intention.

"Angry? Unfortunately, you are a waste."

The prince smiled scornfully, raised his hand to play a light of eternal life, and swept Ning Yan and others away again.

This is no longer a fight. With his great strength, he was enough to kill four people. But he didn't, but was full of jokes like a cat and a mouse, humiliating several people.

Also humiliated Ling Xian.

"You are just a waste at this moment, a waste that is protected by others."

The prince was full of ridicule, and once again pinched the method, blasting several people in Ning Yan, wantonly humiliating.

This made Ling Xian extremely angry, but he still did not move, and he must not move!

He could feel that as long as he had a few moments, he could return to his peak state.

At that time, he will have a thousand swords!

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