Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1074: Hunting Mission

"Lingxian, you are so secretive that you didn't say a word, so you made a great contribution to the Sansheng Pavilion."

A soft laugh came from outside the hole, disrupting Lingxian's thoughts.

He smiled slightly and heard that this was Ning Yan's voice. Then waved the big sleeves, the gate of Dongfu suddenly separated towards both sides.

After that, he saw Ning Yan, who was white and slender.

"I don't see you in January.

Ling Xian smiled and said, "Come in."

Hearing that, Ning Yanlian stepped gently and entered Dongfu. The eyes of Qiushui looked at Ling Xian, full of surprise.

As a true disciple of Sanshengge, she has a higher status than ordinary elders. Naturally, she was shocked by knowing that he had made the Rune of God.

"I find that I seem to be seeing you more and more."

Ning Yan sighed quietly and said, "It's enough to be arrogant. The accomplishment on the battlefield actually surpasses the Lord of the Court, and being a small guest is really wronged by you."

"Ning Xianzi passed the prize."

Ling Xian waved her hand with a smile, and said, "It seems that you already know."

"Don't you know? You're famous now."

Ning Yan smiled and said, "Old Man Li acknowledges that he is not as good at you as he is at the battlefield. The birth of the God Rune is also yours."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled and said nothing.

The old man Li knew that he could not grab his credit, so he was relieved to let Li Wuwei go to Jiuchen alone.

"Well, you're famous now."

With a long sigh, Ning Yanmei eyes stared at Ling Xian and laughed: "Everyone who is qualified to know this thing knows you, it can be said that the top of the Sansheng Pavilion is famous. And those people are no exception I want to see you. "

After a pause, she continued: "If it wasn't for the head of the cabinet, I'm afraid at this point, your threshold has been smashed."

"I know everything."

Ling Xian laughed and shifted the topic: "If you have something, just say it. I don't believe it, you just want to congratulate me."


Ning Yan smiled and said, "Then I will tell you straight away. I want to invite you to join the hunting mission and earn points."

"Earn contribution points?"

After noticing this key word, Ling Xianxing's eyes suddenly lighted up. He was worried at this moment that he didn't know how to earn contribution points, and Ning Yan came to his door, which made him pleased.

At the moment, he asked: "What is the hunting task, and please elaborate."

"The hunting mission is one of the most advanced missions in the Sansheng Pavilion, and it is quite rewarding."

"The content of the mission is to go to the Abyss Demon Sea to fight with the sea clan. Since my Sansheng Pavilion is adjacent to the Abyss Demon Sea, every time after time, the sea tribe will make waves and attack my Sansheng Pavilion.

"Of course, I can't attack them in the Sansheng Pavilion, but those subordinate forces will suffer."

"Therefore, whenever the sea clan is about to attack, Zongmen will issue a hunting mission to allow his disciples to support him."

Ning Yan explained it in detail, and laughed, "How, are you interested?"

"To put it bluntly, is it to let the person who receives the task to protect the territory and people of your three lives?" Ling Xian is concise.

"Yes, that's it."

Ning Yan sighed to the forehead of the forehead, and smiled lightly: "This task is called the task of earning the fastest contribution points, and every time it is released, it will attract the favor of those disciples. Even the elders, Will be excited about it. "


Ling Xian raised his mouth and said, "Tell me how many mission points are given."

"An ordinary Siren is one point, a small boss is ten points, a big boss is one hundred points, a captain is one thousand points, and a general is ten thousand points."

Ning Yanmei's eyes flashed with anticipation, saying: "These five levels correspond to refining gas to choosing the path, and there are higher levels above, but that is not something we can deal with."

"That is to say, if you kill a general, you have 10,000 contributions?" Ling Xianxing's eyes lit up, flashing a fiery glow.

A general is equivalent to a strong person who chooses a good situation. Killing one will have 10,000 points of contribution, which is too cost-effective and too good value.

As long as he can slay 21 generals, plus the original contribution of 100,000, then Zhu Zhenzheng and Wan Nian Zhu Guo will be in his pocket!

In this way, can he not become hot?


Noting the redness in Ling Xian's eyes, Ning Yan smiled lightly and said, "However, the general is not so easy to kill. Even if the strength is sufficient, it is difficult to break through thousands of troops and kill it."

"That's true."

Ling Xian nodded gently. Generals are generally the key protection targets. If you want to kill them in the army, the difficulty factor can be imagined.

However, the temptation of 10,000 contribution points is too great, even if it is impossible, he has to try it!

"You can tell that you are very tempted."

Ning Yan smiled and said, "The general is difficult to kill, but it is not difficult to be below the captain. It has accumulated a lot, and enough contributions have been made."


The thought of the massive contribution point, Ling Xian stared fiercely and said, "When will it start?"

"After ten days."

Ning Yan smiled lightly and said, "At that time, there will be two people walking with us to hunt the sea tribe together."

"Two more people?"

Ling Xian frowned slightly. He knew Ning Yan's strength, but she was the strong one who broke through the king. Naturally, there is no need to say more.

He didn't understand the two, what should he do if the strength is insufficient?

"Yes, these two are also true disciples of Sanshengge, and their strength is comparable to mine."

Ning Yan smiled lightly and said, "So you can rest assured that the two will definitely not hinder our hind legs. By then, the four of us will cooperate and maybe we can kill several generals."

"That's ok."

Ling Xian put down her heart, since the strength is on par with Ning Yan, then there is no problem, at least not hindering his hind legs.

"That's the answer. Ten days later, Sanshengge will gather in front of the mountain gate."

Ning Yan bowed to the forehead and said, "Prepare some more runes, and you can get good results by then."

"Wu Fu? Okay."

Ling Xian nodded, smiling.

Hearing that Ning Yan didn't talk nonsense and turned away.

"The abyss demon sea ..."

Watching Ning Yan leave, Ling Xian raised his mouth, staring in the eyes of anticipation.

If it is true as Ning Yan said, then this hunting mission can be said to give away points in vain. Especially for him, it is equivalent to giving away.

Don't forget, his strength today is a choice of path, which means that under the general, he can slaughter casually.

Even the weaker general, he has the ability to kill!

"Be prepared for some large-scale runes."

Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed with anticipation, and then with a big wave, dozens of spirit papers appeared. Immediately afterwards, he used fingertips to write, and the runes were scattered around the sky, condensing on the spirit paper.

Rune is a one-time thing that can store the divine path law and issue it when needed. There is no need to consume mana anymore, it is a very convenient means of combat.

Therefore, he intends to draw a rune in advance and use it in the abyss magic sea.


I am grateful for the reward given by the mad scholar Shudao Daoyou, who was stunned and happy.

Also yesterday was the twilight Yiren's birthday. I didn't go online yesterday, I didn't see it. Sorry, I'll make it up now.

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