Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1071: Right approach

"Let me do it."

The faint word was unquestionable.

Li Wuwei froze and said, "What are you talking about?"

"I said, I'll make it."

Ling Xian repeated it, still so calm, so resolute as iron.

This made Li Wuwei's brow frown. If he had done it before, he should scold him at this moment. However, after seeing Lingxian's master-level accomplishments, he has already regarded Lingxian as a person of the same level. Naturally, it will not be as usual.

However, he still shook his head and said, "No, first, although you have a master-level tactical attainment, the runic attainment is relatively low, and it is impossible to make a successful refining. Second, the god-rune formation is my life. May it be me to make it. "

"If you refine, you will only fail, and there will be no other results."

Ling Xian shook her head slightly, and the words made Li Wuwei frown, a little bit upset.

"Isn't it just a failure? I believe there will be no mistake this time."

The old man refused to accept and muttered, "That was just a moment of care, and I can't go wrong again."

"A moment?"

Ling Xian smiled. He knew that he had to say something hard at the moment to dispel Li Wuwei's thoughts. Therefore, he said coldly: "Then I ask you, do you know why it failed?"

The voice fell, and the old man suddenly choked.

To be honest, he really didn't know why he failed. Obviously every step was flawless. How could it cause an explosion?

"I don't know, okay, let me tell you."

Ling Xian sneered, and said, "Because, your refining method is fundamentally wrong."


Upon hearing Ling Xian's total denial of himself, Li Wuwei suddenly blew his hair and said, "The method of refining the Rune of God is obtained from a relic at a great cost. And I repeatedly deduced it. Ten times, it has been proved that refining according to this method can indeed make the sacred amulet of gods. Why do you say it is wrong? "

"No reason, I said it was wrong, it was wrong." Ling Xian froze with a cold face, but was quite helpless in her heart.

He bears the inheritance of the Fifth Burning Heaven. Naturally, he is very clear about the method of refining the Rune of God, but he cannot always tell the old man that he is the legacy of the Fifth Burning Heaven.

"Well, without evidence, dare to say that my refining method is wrong?"

The old man snorted and said, "I admit that you are very strong, even better than me. But this method of refining, I have deduced it dozens of times, there can be no mistake!"

"Your deduction may not be accurate."

Ling Xian said lightly, "Otherwise, why did you fail?"


Old Man Li stagnates, but can't say anything.

Because he really did not know the reason for the failure, and he did not even know the reason for the failure. Why can he say that his deduction is accurate and the refining method is correct?

"Can't say it."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "One failure is enough to prove that your refining method is wrong."

"Well, you're right, if you can tell why we failed, I will believe you!" Li Wuwei hummed.

"Okay, you old face, but I will be beaten again."

Ling Xian raised his mouth and pointed at a black stone among those materials and said: "There is no ghost stone in the required material of the Goddess Rune. Adding this stone, failure is an inevitable result."

Hearing that, Li Wuwei laughed, and he denied it: "You are wrong. I am sure that Ghost Stone is a must-have for this team. There can be no problem."

"Don't rush to deny it, or your face will hurt even more when I confirm it."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, and said, "Master, open your eyes to see clearly, is there any need for the ghost stone to join?"

Having said that, he took a right-handed move and moved the dark stone to the palm of his hand, and then naturally received the storage bag.

This made Old Man Li's eyelids jump, the ghost stone is the legendary magical material, the value is quite amazing. For such a piece, it is worth hundreds of millions of spirit stones to say less, and being taken away by Ling Xian at this moment naturally made him quite painful.

"Looking forward, now I'm here to fuse these supernatural materials for you."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, and then printed her hands, releasing mysterious power, and let those magical materials merge.

The previous failure was in the fusion material, because the God Rune did not need the ghost stone at all. Once added, it will definitely cause the phase conflict of other materials and cause an explosion.

Right now, he took the Ghost Stone in his bag, and immediately let those materials blend smoothly. Turned into a magical force, melted into a large array.

With the influx of forces, the array became more solid and brighter, showing no sign of explosion.

This means that Lingxian is right, this time can not join the ghost stone. Just take this stone away and it will blend everything smoothly!

Therefore, Li Wuwei froze.

He stared blankly at the brighter array, his face filled with incredible.

Originally, he firmly believed in his deduction, thinking that there was no problem with Ghost Stone, and his refining method was even more correct. But the facts speak louder than words. The results before us have clearly confirmed Lingxian's right and his fault.

Even if he didn't want to accept it anymore, he had to accept it!

"How, now you believe it."

Looking at the old man with a dull look, Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "Don't believe you are wrong? Now it's okay, I'll be beaten."

Hearing that, Li Wuwei laughed bitterly, a little bit lost.

He has always believed that he was not wrong, but at the moment, Ling Xian tells him with facts that he is wrong, and is fundamentally wrong. This is tantamount to destroying his conviction, and of course it is making him suffer.

"Actually, you should thank me for pointing out your mistake. Otherwise, not only will you fail to fulfill your wish, you will even lose your life."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, his original intention was just to wake up Li Wuwei, not to hit his face.

"You're right."

At the thought of the consequences of the explosion, Li Wuwei shuddered with a shudder, and said with a guilty consternation: "That kind of power is enough to crush my fried body."

"I believe it now, and I don't know who it is. I vowed to say that I was right." Ling Xian raised his mouth.

The old man smiled awkwardly and said, "I believe you believe it, or you are right, then you will make it."

"Most of the formation has been completed, so just be careful, there will be no major problems." Ling Xian smiled, staring with expectation in his eyes.

The same goes for old man Li.

His disillusionment swept away, leaving nothing but fiery in his eyes.

"Leave it to me on the front line, I can't do it on the run road, it's up to you."

Ling Xian's smile gradually narrowed and she said, "However, you must obey my command, otherwise, don't blame me if you fail."

Hearing that Li Wuwei nodded in a hurry and never dared to question Lingxian again.

After this series of events, he has been beaten by Ling Xian several times, which convinced him deeply, naturally obediently.

"Good, let's get started."

Ling Xian's expression was dignified, his hands moved between the sky and the sky, showing the profound accomplishments of the master class!

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