Ten days later, a hundred kilometers away from Sansheng Pavilion, in a quiet dense forest.

The moonlight shone down, and along the mottled tree shadow, sprinkled on the four figures, adding a little mystery to them.

The old man from the Tibetan scripture court sat on the tree crown, sitting still and silent as the old monk settled.

The indifferent man from the iceberg stood on the ground, standing like a javelin, and icy cold like an ice peak, exuding a coldness that was not close to anyone.

The tall man from the blue building leaned against the ancient tree, with a dog's tail grass in his mouth, half-squint eyes, and Junxiu's face was full of laziness.

The look of the dangling man made Yu Xuan's eyebrows frown, and said, "Gao Xin, I can't get used to your lazy look. All day I only know that I am in a blue building, and I don't want to make progress."

"That has nothing to do with you Miss Yu."

Gao Xin squinted his eyes and looked at the bright and clear moon in the sky, and said, "You are not my lady, the second is not my boss, how am I, and what does it have to do with you?"


Yu Xiu raised her eyebrows, and then she wanted to attack. However, thinking of the Lord of the Hidden Cabinet she had never met before, she was too lazy to care about Gao Xin.

"Forget it, this girl doesn't care about you, let's talk about the Lord of the Hidden Cabinet."

"Nothing to say, since I was born, I haven't met the owner, so I know nothing about him." Gao Xin shrugged,

"Have you never seen him?"

Yu Xuan raised her eyebrows and turned her gaze towards the indifferent man, saying, "Fly in the cold night, have you seen the Lord of the Pavilion?"

On hearing that, the indifferent man shook his head slowly and never spoke.

"I haven't seen it, neither is my father." Yu Yan frowned.

"It's not surprising that this grandfather has always been a dragon who hasn't seen anything at all, and even my grandfather has never seen him. According to my estimation, he would have lived for thousands of years without talking."

Gao Xin grabbed the dog's tail grass, and suddenly turned to the still old man who was still still, meaning: "Someone must have met the Lord."

After hearing the words, Yu Yan's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she quickly thought of the old man, and smiled: "This senior, you must have met the Lord. I don't know what he looks like? What kind of person?"

"I know the cabinet owner is an old man, and his temper is not bad, but the new cabinet owner, I have not seen it, I don't know anything."

The old man said lightly, like a senior monk descending to the earth, his treasure was solemn and still.

"A new cabinet owner?"

Yu Yan paused, Gao Xin paused, and even the cold man who didn't speak turned his gaze, all with a little shock.

"Senior, do you mean that the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion has been replaced?" Yu Yanyou stared at the old eyes with wide eyes.

The same is true of Han Yefei and Gao Xin.

"None of you have met the Cabinet Lord, and it should be said that he was the previous Cabinet Lord, so you don't know his spirit fluctuations."

The old man whispered softly, "I know, so I felt it from the lingering soul waves that were passed on. The person who sent the message was not the former cabinet owner, but should be the new cabinet owner."

"What about the previous generation of patrons?" Yu Yan frowned.


The old man spit out the two words faintly, but although plain, he could feel the sadness. He looked at the three young men in front of him and said, "The only one is the only one. Only after death will a new one appear. Right now, the new one is born, which means that the previous one is dead."

"So it is."

Yu Yongyou nodded gently, but there was no sadness.

The same is true of Gao Xin and Han Yefei. They have not even met the former cabinet owner, and naturally they will not have any sad feelings.

"So, the new cabinet owner is a young man?" Yu Yanyou eyes turned, looking more and more expectant.

"It's possible, but it's not absolute. Keep waiting until you know." The old man said lightly, closed his eyes slowly, and stopped speaking.

"I would have no objection if I took office, but the new one, if you don't have the true skill, you can't."

Yu Yan was entertaining, and turned his eyes to Gao Xin and Han Yefei, saying, "I plan to test the new cabinet master, don't know what your intentions are?"

"I have no opinion. The meaning of the people living in the Hidden Pavilion is to guard the ancestral gate and obey the Lord of the Court. In other words, we will give our lives to the Lord of the Hidden Court."

Gao Xin smiled evilly and said, "If this person does not have the true ability, it is not worth me to give him his life."

"Yes, I mean the same."

Yu Xuan nodded his head lightly and said, "Because of the ancestral teachings, we will dedicate our lives to the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion and to the Sansheng Pavilion. If this person is difficult to hold a large office, I will not listen to his orders."

After that, she turned her eyes to the indifferent man and said, "What do you mean?"

"I don't care if he has the ability. Since my ancestors, I have been obedient to the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion. So no matter what kind of person he is, my life is his."

Han Yefei spoke indifferently, although his voice was light, but he was powerful and vocal.


Yu Yan uttered two words politely, and Gao Xin shook his head gently, disagreeing with the idea of ​​Han Yefei.

"so what?"

Han Yefei glanced at the two, and said, "The reason we live is to obey the Lord and protect the Sansheng Pavilion. If we fail to do these two things, we will betray the ancestors."

"You're right, but don't forget, the cabinet owner is our existence where we have to dedicate our lives. If he is responsible, then aren't we dead for nothing?"

Yu Qiao's face was serious and said, "In short, I will not give my life to a stranger because of ancestral training."

"I think so."

Gao Xin's expression was calm, and he was no longer cynical, saying: "In short, if he is difficult to be a big task, I can't listen to his orders."

"You are betraying your ancestors."

Han Yefei opened her mouth indifferently, a little bit of chill radiated, and the surrounding space was instantly lowered to the freezing point.

"You want to do it?"

Yu Xiu raised her eyebrows and said, "Just right, I also want to try, what is the ability of the descendants of the first master under the Sansheng residence."

"Count me in."

Gaoxin's evil charm smiled. He never exudes momentum, but he has his own power.

"It doesn't matter if you have one more."

Han Yefei opened her mouth indifferently, the cold air became colder, and the surrounding ten feet of trees suddenly turned into ice sculptures.

Seeing this, Yu Yanyou and Gao Xin are also inspiring momentum, both of which are the initial cultivation of Taoism!

Suddenly, the atmosphere calmed, and the flames of war filled the air.

However, just when the three were about to fight, the old man suddenly spoke, and the momentum of the three was virtually resolved.

"Stop it. Someone is here. I just don't know if it's the new cabinet owner or another hidden cabinet member."

The words fell, the three frowned, and then heard a sound of small footsteps, not far from.

"Who is coming?"

Yu Xuan raised her eyebrows, and her British spirit was compelling.

The words fell, and her response was short six words, full of unquestionable six words.

"The Lord of the Hidden Pavilion ... Lingxian."

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