Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1056: apologize

"Unfortunately, I'm not rare now."

The words fell, and frowning at Jiuchen and the Elder, the second and third elders were furious.

Do not care?

That is the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion. How dare he say that it is not rare?

The elders of the two elders and the elders of the three erupted quickly. At the moment, two unparalleled powers came out, trying to kill Lingxian!

In this regard, Ling Xian looked calm and calm.

Although it is not clear why Xiang Jiuchen and the elder displayed excitement, he knew that the two would never sit idly by and be killed.

Sure enough, as he expected, as soon as the two momentums emerged, they were blocked by the elder's sleeves.

Seeing this, the second and third elders became increasingly angry.

"Elder, don't stop me, I must kill this arrogant kid today!"

"Yes, what is the identity of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion? He dare to say that it is not rare, too arrogant!"

The two opened their mouths and looked towards Ling Xian, their eyes seeming to spit fire.

"I don't know the boy who is tall and thick, and makes you the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion. He deserves you. Don't give me a face!"

"Boy, you're looking for death, do you know? Let you treat your face, don't force me to do it!"

The two talked one after another, and you were full of coldness as you said me.

"Respect me? Don't give me face?"

Ling Xian glanced at the two for a moment, and turned his eyes to the elder, saying, "The Lord, the elder, the seat of the Lord of the Hidden Court, I don't want it. Now, I will ask you a word, if I want to go, Will you stop me? "

"Of course it will stop you, but not to imprison you, but to make you the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion."

The elder expression was sober, Shen said: "Lingxian, I know you are wronged. As long as you promise to become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, I will give you a satisfactory account."


Xiang Jiuchen also said Shen Shen, saying: "If you have any conditions, as long as you promise to become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, all conditions will go with you."

As the words fell, the second and third elders changed their faces, and Ling Xian frowned.

The words of the elders and Xiang Jiuchen are obvious, which means that as long as he agrees to become the master of the Hidden Pavilion, he will dispose of the second and third elders.

This puzzled him. Where did he attract the attention of the elders and made him hesitate to dispose of the two elders?

Although his talent is superb, it can be described as shocking and brilliant, but if this makes the elders hesitate to dispose of the two elders, it may be a bit unexplainable.

However, since the elder has said so, then he naturally has to take the opportunity to breathe out.

"The Elder must have been very clear. I gave up the position of Lord of the Hidden Court because of the cynicism of the two elders."

Ling Xian raised his mouth and said, "If they apologize to me, I promise you."

"What? Would you like us to apologize to you? I don't know if you're a kid!"

"Damn boy, letting you become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, that is a great honor, a gift we give you! Not only do you push back three obstacles, but dare you let us apologize? You are looking for death!"

The two elder elders were angry and rushed to the crown. If it were not for the elders, they would have shot at this moment.

"Glory? Gift?"

Ling Xian's eyes were cold, and she said, "I have said it twice. I'm not rare. Although the Lord of the Hidden Court is good, it is less than one thousandth of my dignity!"

It was said that the appreciation of the elders and Xiang Jiuchen became more and more intense, and the two elders were even more angry.

But they have no way.

Ling Xian has made it very clear that he is not the rare throne of the Lord of the Hidden Court. What can they do?

"Damn boy! Elder, I admit that this child has amazing potential, and it's really amazing, but I have a lot of talents in Sanshengge. Are you afraid that you won't find a better candidate?"

"Yes, he doesn't want to, that's his loss, and sooner or later he will regret that day!"

The two elders continued to clamor, but before they finished speaking, they were interrupted by the elder.

"shut up!"

With a violent drink, the elder swept across the two coldly and said, "Ling Xiaoyou, this is not arrogance, this is proud bone! Do you understand?"

Hearing that the two were lagging behind and couldn't say anything.

If Ling Xian did not prove his ability, then he said that giving up the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion was a hard-spoken one, and they could slap him freely. However, he has passed the test and can officially become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion at any time.

Under such circumstances, he gave up. What is it called?

Iron bones!


The elder snorted and shifted his eyes to Lingxian, and said, "Little friend, are they apologizing, and you are willing to become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion?"


Ling Xian smiled. Although he didn't know why the elders defended themselves so much, he saw the elders' determination.

If you do n’t take advantage of this opportunity, I ’m so sorry for myself.

"Okay, I promise you."

The elder had a stern expression, and looked at the second and third elders, and slowly spit out two cold words.


The words fell, and if the two elders were struck by lightning, they both suspected that they had heard it wrong.

Are you kidding me?

Let's apologize to him?

The two elders froze, then rushed to the crown.

"Impossible, he is a ants who chooses the situation, but also worthy of our apology?"

"Elder, I won't agree to anything about this. Let him be the Lord of the Hidden Court, that's to give him a big face, why should we apologize?"

"shut up!"

The elder sighed loudly and said, "Do you know what it means to be in the world? There is no such thing in this world for 120,000 years. Now appearing on him means that he has extremely high talents and has the potential to awaken from the funeral. Born! "

"What kind of sky eye means to my Sansheng Pavilion, you won't know!"

"So don't talk nonsense to me, and immediately apologize to me! Otherwise, don't blame me for not being emotional!"

The elder erupted into real fire and spoke a few words one after another, making the two elders silent.

Leaving aside the strongest Fa-Xiang and the battle of immortal bones, it is enough to prove Lingxian's talents if he only said that the world had not lived for 120,000 years.

Therefore, the elder thought that he might awaken from the burial of three lives. This kind of sky eye is extremely important to Sansheng Pavilion.

Therefore, the two elders and the three elders are silent and in a very tangled state.

Seeing this, the elder's eyes were cold and he said, "Three numbers, I apologize immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for my shot."

Hearing that the two elders were astonished, they heard the resoluteness in the elders 'words, and knew that even if they joined forces, they were not their elders' opponents.

This made them angry and helpless.

Apology is undoubtedly tantamount to submission. This is a great shame for them. However, if you do not apologize, it is not as simple as shame. It may completely anger the elders!

Therefore, the two elders weighed for a moment and finally made up their minds.

They suppressed the humiliation in their hearts, and slowly spit out a word representing softening.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

The words fell, Ling Xian smiled immediately.

The smile was brilliant.

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