Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1053: The last level

In the reception hall, Lingxian waved his sleeves and threw out the heads of ten monsters.

The eyes of each skull were full of fear, and it was obvious that they must be terrified before they died.

This shocked a few people. I did not expect that Lingxian was not only safe and sound, but also killed all the ten monsters.

Especially the two elders were dumbfounded and dumbfounded. As the owner of these monsters, he naturally knew how strong they were, so he dared to be certain that Ling Xian could not hold on for a while.

However, at the moment, these ten extraordinary monsters in the chosen path have been beheaded and killed by Ling Xian, how can he not be shocked?

While shocked, he was also angry.

You know, these ten monsters, but he took a lot of hard work to catch them, has always been regarded as a treasure, good captivity. But at this moment, they all died in Ling Xian's hands. How could he not feel bad, and how could he not be angry?

"I'm sorry, but accidentally killed them."

Looking at the elders who couldn't restrain the anger, Ling Xian spread his hands and chuckled: "It can only be said that these beasts are too hard to beat. I haven't done much before and they die."

The voice dropped and he shook his head at Jiuchen and laughed, while the second elder became more and more angry.

Originally, Ling Xian's move hit his face. At the moment, this sentence is even spreading salt on his wound!

What is careless?

As a fifth-level monk, how could you be careless? Definitely is ridicule!

The second elder burned in anger, and the cold killing swept out like tide, letting the temperature of the hall drop to the freezing point in an instant.

"Second, don't be so angry."

The elder smiled mildly, like a spring breeze, and offset the killing intention of the second elder.

"Hum, wicked boy."

The second elder snorted, knowing that the elder was interested in protecting Lingxian. Moreover, he did not make sense of this matter, so he did not continue to attack.

"This elder, I don't know if I passed your test?" Ling Xian smiled and asked knowingly.

This made the second elder even more angry, but it was helpless.

The facts are already in front of them. Ling Xian can kill ten monsters. How can he not persist for half an hour?

If this were not allowed to pass, the two elders would just be unreasonable and talk blindly with their eyes open.

Therefore, the man grunted coldly and reluctantly said, "You've passed."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled and was very brilliant.

He didn't intend to slay those monsters, but the old man was so abominable. Therefore, he showed no mercy, beheaded and killed those monsters as much as possible, in order to exhale.

Right now, the second elder was about to blow his lungs with anger, and naturally his anger disappeared and he was very happy.

"Well, don't be too proud of yourself, even if you pass the first three levels, as long as you can't get through the last level, don't even want to become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion!"

The second elder snorted and turned his eyes to the third elder, saying, "Three elders, it's your turn."

"The second elder rest assured that I can't get through this level."

The three elders were full of confidence, and turned their attention to the old man in the middle. They said, "Elder, is this the last test the same as that of the Lord of the Hidden Courts?"

"That's natural."

The elder smiled mildly, and the eyes that were exposed were full of admiration, and said, "This son believes in keeping promises, and has no evil thoughts about my Sansheng Pavilion. The test is naturally the time to test qualifications and understanding. "

"it is good."

The three elders turned their attention to Ling Xian and said, "The main thing of the Hidden Pavilion is important, and temperament, combat power, and talent are indispensable. You have already passed the first two levels. This last level is not so easy."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled again.

He didn't know how talented he was, but with the ancient blood of Tianzun, as soon as he set foot on the path of practice, he awakened to the fourth place on the list, and one of the strongest Dharma geniuses covered the sky.

As for his understanding, he does not know how high he is, but how can it be ordinary if he can get praise from the true immortal?

Therefore, Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, saying that the three elders, you better not talk too dead, otherwise, you will be beaten again.

"The Lord of the Hidden Pavilion cannot be an ordinary person, it must be the kind of shocking evildoer, otherwise, he cannot guard the Sansheng Pavilion."

The elders said faintly, "Although you are good in combat and can afford the words" Invincible "at the same level, it is impossible to determine which step you can take in the future. Therefore, this final level is to test your potential . "

"If you know that you can't, you will quickly retreat. The master of the Hermitage in the Sansheng Pavilion is not everyone can be."

The three elders were ridiculous, thinking that Ling Xian could never pass this final level.

Because it is entirely up to him what kind of qualifications can be passed. Even Lingxian's outstanding qualifications could prevent him from passing for reasons of insufficient potential.

In other words, it is at this level that he can deliberately make things difficult.

"Can you, despite your test?" Ling Xian smiled lightly, and her confident style illuminated Tianyu.


The elders were entertaining and said, "Trust me, you will leave sadly."

"I do not think so."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "I think instead, the three elders ... are afraid of being beaten."


The three elders were furious, and when the wind raged, they were imposing. However, it was suppressed by the elder laughter.

"My third son, this son came with a token. Whether or not I have anything to do with that senior, I should maintain enough respect."

The elder smiled mildly, with a hidden warning: "Don't forget, the status of the Lord of the Hidden Cabinet is not inferior to me."

"He is not yet Lord of the Hermitage."

The three elders hummed coldly, and suddenly remembered something, could not help but converge.

Seeing this, Ling Xian frowned, knowing that this person must be afraid of anything besides obstructing the elder.

"Stop talking nonsense, show your talents."

The elders said lightly, "Let me see if you have enough potential to become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion."

Hearing that Ling Xian was a little hesitant, he really didn't have this talent.

Therefore, he slowly shook his head, indicating that he had no talent.

This made the three elders laugh loudly, and said, "Haha, you don't have talents? It's so funny!"

"You don't even have talent, you dare to accept the test of potential, you are really stupid at home."

The second elder smiled, full of irony.

Even the elders and Xiang Jiuchen were frowning, and Ling Xian didn't expect that she had no talent.

You know, all talented people will awaken their talents in their lives. Of course, there is no absolute in everything, and it is not that only those who have awakened their talents can be regarded as well qualified.

However, most Tianjiao have talented supernatural powers. Therefore, this has become a standard for measuring Tianjiao.

At the moment, Ling Xian said that she had no talents, and naturally made the two elders laugh.

"Interesting, there are no talents, and the rest of the test, I don't think it's necessary to continue."

"Yes, I urge you to hurry up and avoid the insult."

The two elders and the three elders talked one after another, and their tone was full of irony, and the look towards Lingxian was full of jokes.

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