The status of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion is respected. Although unknown, he has the right to fire the head of the General Court, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

It is a great blessing that the members of Yinge are very powerful and can become their leaders.

Therefore, Ling Xian was tempted.

"it is good."

Gently nodded to Jiuchen and said, "I and three other elders will give you four trials. As long as you successfully break through, you will be the master of the Hidden Pavilion of the Sansheng Pavilion."

"Please ask the Lord to summon the three elders." Ling Xian smiled calmly and confidently.

"it is good."

With a slight smile to Jiu Chen, he sent a message to the three elders, saying, "You better be mentally prepared. These three elders will not want you to be the master of the Hidden Pavilion. After all, you are a stranger. people."

"I know."

Ling Xian nodded, he was very clear that he was qualified to try because of Sanshengge's deadly rules.

No matter who it is, as long as he holds Yupei, he is the master of the Hidden Pavilion of Sansheng Pavilion.

This iron law makes Xiang Jiuchen and all the people in Sanshengge helpless. Otherwise, Xiang Jiuchen will give a stranger another chance?

But this is enough for Lingxian.

If he were to become the master of the Hidden Court directly, he would feel a little unreliable. The only thing that can be won by one's own ability is the most real.

"Okay, then wait patiently, the three elders will soon arrive." Xiang Jiuchen closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

In fact, he did not want Ling Xian to become the master of the Hidden Pavilion. After all, he didn't know anything about him. How could he control the most important Hidden Pavilion of the Sansheng Pavilion?

Just because the layman in Sansheng had ancestral training, Xiang Jiuchen couldn't violate it. Can only test Ling Xian to see if he has the ability to become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion.

"The Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, this identity is good, I like it very much." Ling Xian smiled secretly, then lightly scented tea and waited patiently.

After a moment or so, there was a sudden jitter in the void. Immediately, three figures emerged, sitting in the void, releasing the shocking weather.


As the Supreme came, the heavenly gods descended from the earth, and the three figures came out proudly, shaking the hall.

Each of them was shrouded in chaos and could not see the specific features. Without exception, it is like a deep sea, unpredictable.

No doubt, these are the three elders of the Sansheng Pavilion.

"You are the one holding the token?"

The person sitting in the middle of the cross talked, his voice was very old, and it was a bit late.

"Yes, that's right." Ling Xian smiled slightly, not humble.

"Well, in the early days of choosing the Tao, these strengths are a bit weak. However, it is rare to have achieved the pride of the four extremes."

The middle man said two rare things in a row, and we can see that his evaluation of Ling Xian was very high.

"It's rare, but the main thing of the Hidden Pavilion is of great importance. How can it be done by an outsider?" The old man on the left spoke straightly and stated that he did not want Ling Xian to become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion.

"Yes, we don't know anything about him. How can we give him the seat of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion? In case, it is a spy sent by other forces, isn't my Sansheng Pavilion dangerous?"

The old man on the right also stated his position.

Hearing that Ling Xian smiled a little, and did not feel dissatisfied.

Several people's thoughts are normal, and it will be the same with him. After all, he is just a stranger, how can he become the master of the powerless hidden cabinet?

"Elders, the three-born ancestors have had ancestral training. Whoever is, as long as they have a token, is the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion."

He said quietly to Jiuchen, "We must not violate the ancestral teachings, so I would like to ask a few elders to put the test to the test. If he fails, then leave the token. If he passes, isn't it all a joy? "

"Yes, if he can pass the test of my waiting, then he is naturally eligible to become the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion."

The old man in the middle smiled slightly and said, "What do you mean?"

On hearing that, the other two groaned for a moment, both nodded.

"Okay, that's it."

The middle man smiled slightly and turned his eyes to Ling Xian, saying, "To be honest, we don't want you to be the master of the Hidden Pavilion, so the test must be extremely difficult, and you'd better be prepared."

"Please ask a question." Ling Xian smiled, confident and calm.

"Well, don't be too conceited for young people. My test, you can't get through." The old man on the left hummed.

The old man on the right also said coldly: "People who know the truth, quickly retreat, lest they insult him."

Hearing that, Ling Xian frowned and rose to victory.

Originally, he had no hesitation on the seat of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, and was determined to Jiuchen, and he was required to participate in the trial. As a result, he had a little more expectation for the seat of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion.

Right now, the two guys have made it clear that he has been humiliated and will never pass the test. Not only did this not make him timid, but it aroused his competitiveness.

At the moment, he said lightly, "If I passed, what about you?"

"Naturally, you are the master of the Hidden Cabinet, whose status is equal to mine. All the resources of the Sansheng Pavilion will be open to you."

The old man on the left said, "Unfortunately, you can't get through."

"So determined, is it possible that you want to embarrass me?" Ling Xian glanced at the person lightly, not humble.

That kind of demeanor made Xiang Jiuchen and the middle-aged man show admiration.

"Rest assured, I don't even bother to do this kind of thing. Besides, the test of the Lord of the Hidden Court has always been this way, there is no deliberate difficulty."

The old man on the left faintly said, "We four of us have a total of four tests. As long as you pass, I will admit that you are the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion."

"As long as it's not deliberately making things difficult, the seat of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, I'll fix it."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, her confident style illuminated Tianyu.

"Unfortunately, you have no ability to sit up."

The old man on the right sneered and said, "Nine dust, you come first."

He heard the words and smiled at Jiuchen, and said, "Elder, I have already passed the test, and he has successfully passed."


The old man frowned, and Ling Xian was a little confused, but he hadn't been tested.

"Finally, Ling Xian has already told the whole story, and has not made up any nonsense to deceive the seat of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion."

Admiring to Jiuchen, he said, "And he was not far away, only to fulfill the entrustment of the previous Lord of the Hidden Pavilion.

After a pause, he continued: "This quality is one of the qualities that my Lord of the Hidden Cabinet must possess, so he has passed my test."

It was said that the three elders all nodded and considered approval.

"Okay, then I'll ask the question."

The oldest man in the middle smiled slightly and shifted his eyes to Lingxian, saying, "The responsibility of Hidden Court is to stand up in times of crisis and protect the Sansheng Pavilion. Therefore, responsibility and loyalty are the most important. My Sansheng Pavilion has nothing to do with loyalty. "

After a pause, he continued: "So, it's not difficult for me. As long as you prove that you have no dislike for Sansheng Pavilion, you will pass."


Something, three chapters today ~

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