Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1048: Ning Yan

It was evening in the setting sun.

The light of the reddish afterglow, seven mysterious peaks stood tall, releasing mysterious power, suppressing the monsters below.

The endless blood had disappeared, and the stump of the arm was broken with horror, as terrifying as Shura hell.

Ling Xian was pale, with star eyes dim, leaning weakly against an ancient tree, looking extremely weak.

The ancient blood of Tianzun has returned to silence, and he has recovered to the previous state of weakness, and is even weaker than before, and it is very strenuous to move.

This made him smile bitterly, and felt that he was too unlucky today.

First, he entered this place by mistake and was dragged by the old man in Ghostclaw, unable to leave. After that, he had to repair Qifeng Zhenxie, and then encountered a strange blood arrow, confronting the old man who would revenge.

This series of things made him smile a long time. I never thought that he had just encountered so many things when he had just arrived in the eternal life world.

"Ahem ..."

Ling Xian coughed twice, and turned her gaze towards the woman in white. She said, "Fine, thank you very much."

"Anyway, I don't know what those people do. Besides, I owe you a life."

The woman smiled slightly, and said, "Then, you said that the repressed monsters here have robbed the monks. Is it true?"

"It doesn't make sense to lie to you."

Ling Xian faintly opened her mouth, took out the blue blood beads and clottan, and pacified her body.

"So, the situation is more difficult." The woman frowned.

"Although there is only one God's thought to escape, it will certainly be a disaster."

Thinking of the strange smile that appeared to him before that person disappeared, Ling Xian sighed softly and frowned, "This matter has a lot to do with your group of people. If you didn't come here to destroy the evil of Seven Peaks, the monster There is no way to penetrate the mind. "

On hearing that, the woman in white smiled bitterly: "I don't know that there is a monster sealed here, but I heard that there is an extremely powerful grave here, so I came here."

"Tombs do exist, but they are not extremely powerful tombs."

Ling Xian sighed softly and said, "Okay, I don't want to think about it. It doesn't make sense to think about it. With the power of you and me, it's not enough to destroy the monster, but let it be."


The woman in white nodded her head and smiled, "My name is Ning Yan, how about you?"


Ling Xian faintly opened her mouth, used her magical power to relieve her healing power, and pacified her body.

He forcibly burned the ancient blood of Tianzun this time, and was destined to be weak for a long time. It was not a year and a half, and he never wanted to return to the peak state. That's it. He naturally wants to hurry up and adjust his breath.

"In my opinion, Ling Gongzi is not from Luoyang Yu." Ning Yan rushed to the forehead and asked tentatively.

"Why do you see that?" Ling Xian frowned.

"Pure instinct."

Ning Yan smiled slightly and said, "It seems that I guessed right."


Ling Xian nodded gently, and said, "I wonder, can you tell me about the general situation here?"

Upon hearing this, Ning Yan gave a strange glance at Ling Xian and said: "This place is named Luoyang Yu, and it is located in the westernmost part of the immortal realm. It is a treasure land rich in minerals and full of aura."

"Luoyang Yu ..."

Ling Xian groaned and asked, "What forces are there?"

"That's all. Luoyang has a vast area and is inhabited by many forces. The most famous and powerful force is the domain master Luo Family."

Ning Yan spoke softly, saying: "This force leads Luoyang Yu, just like the emperor of the dynasty, with powerful power and extremely powerful strength."

"So, Luo Yangyu is the domain owner alone?"

Ling Xian's brows frowned slightly. According to his estimation, a land in the immortal realm was almost the same as a state in Xiuxian realm.

In Xiuxian Realm, have you never heard of any party that can dominate a state.

"That's not. In addition to the domain master Luo's family, there are four major gates in Luoyang domain, and the strength is not weaker than the domain master."

Ning Yan bowed her head lightly and said: "Although the four gates are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Luo family, in fact, the Luo family has no ability to order the four gates. The same is true of other domains. The power of the Lord. "

"That is to say, there are five top forces in Luoyang." Ling Xian concluded.

"Yes, apart from these five forces, the remaining forces are not on the table."

Ning Yan smiled lightly and said, "However, there are many aliens living in Luoyang, and their strength cannot be underestimated."

Upon hearing this, Ling Xian nodded and asked, "I don't know the names of the four major gates?"

"Sun Moon Palace, Jedi Zongzong, Immortality."

Ning Yan Zhu lips slightly opened, chuckling: "And the last Sansheng Pavilion."

"Wait ... are you talking about Sansheng Pavilion?"

Ling Xian's spirit was refreshed, and a bright light burst into the eyes.

"Yes indeed."

Ning Yan glanced at him strangely and said, "The Sansheng Pavilion is located in the extremely north of Luoyang, and it is called the four gates together with the other three forces. Its strength is very good, and it is no different from that of the Luo family. It ’s looking at the eternal life, and it ’s a first-class existence. "

"This is really nothing to break through the iron shoes, no effort is needed, and today there is no vain work." Ling Xian raised his mouth, quite happy.

He has been looking for this force for a long time, but he has never been able to find it. Even if it is just a word, I have never heard of it.

Right now, I heard Ning Yan say that the Sansheng Pavilion is in Luoyang, so how can he not be pleased?

"You want to find the Sansheng Pavilion?" Ning Yan's eyes looked stranger and stranger.

"Yes, I have something to do. I need to go to Sanshengge." Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Please tell me the specific location."

"No, I'll take you there."

Ning Yan smiled and said, "Forget to say, I am a true disciple of Sanshengge."


Ling Xian glanced at Ning Yan unexpectedly and smiled: "So, we are going to go together next time."

"Yes, it happens that you are in a state of weakness at the moment, and nothing will happen if I take care of it."

Ning Yan smiled and asked, "I wonder, why did you go to Sanshengge?"

"This, I can't say, this matter needs to meet the Lord of the Sansheng Pavilion."

Ling Xian smiled apologetically, and the extremely powerful entrustment made it clear that he could only tell the contemporary cabinet owner the news of his death.

In this way, he naturally has to do it.

"Can't you say ..."

Ning Yanxiu frowned, but soon she stretched out and smiled, "It's okay, I don't want to force you."

"Thank you."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "I'll adjust my rate first, and when it gets better, we'll be on the road."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, urged the healing relic Bi Xuezhu, and conditioned his body.

Five days later, his complexion was a little rosier, and his breath was no longer so slack. Although his condition is still not good, at least it can support him to rush to Sansheng Pavilion.

Therefore, Ling Xian opened her eyes and smiled, "Let's go."

"it is good."

Ning Yan nodded her head lightly, and her body was moving like a fairy of nine days, and she was extraordinary.

Seeing this, Ling Xian transformed into Jiutian Shenyi, followed Ning Yan, and flew towards Sansheng Pavilion.

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