Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1044: Rune Mantian

The day is high, and the sun is infinite, but it is difficult to disperse the blood and cold here.

In front of the main peak that has been broken, Ling Xian draws mysterious lines in the air in succession with a stylus. Those **** seemed to have a magical power, like the same round of unforgettable sun, glorious and dazzling.

At the same time, the runes were overwhelming and the network was endless. Intertwined with each other, forming a mysterious power, wrapped up the main peak as much as possible.

This stunned everyone at the scene. They looked at the heavenly runes and formations, their faces were filled with incredible.

Although they are neither Run Masters nor Front Fighters, both methods of Run Runs have been seen. Therefore, when Rune and Zhenluo danced in the sky, they immediately determined that Lingxian was proficient in the two runes!

Yes, that's mastery!

The ordinary array masters and rune divisions can not make the rune array form a substance and present in front of everyone. In other words, Lingxian not only performs both roles, but also has great accomplishments!

"Oh my gosh, he's both good and bad? It's incredible."

"It's unbelievable, aside from the battlefield, Fu Dao is not something that ordinary people can practice, people who can master both, are both amazing!

"It's incredible, don't forget, this person is still a fifth-level power. It's hard to imagine, how did he cultivate?"

Everyone exclaimed, all of them were shocked, and their faces were unbelievable.

Rune Masters are rare. The masters are very rare, and the masters of the two are very rare!

At the moment, Ling Xian's fingertips show his outstanding accomplishments on the two lines of Runes. How can everyone not be shocked?

While shocked, everyone was bitter.

Because of this, they were beaten by Ling Xian again.

Before, although they did not say anything, everyone did not believe in Lingxian. However, at this moment, he is doing a good job of doing two things, can it not be regarded as a face?

Therefore, everyone's eyes on Ling Xian were very complicated, with shock, bitterness, shame, and expectation.

"The Qifeng Town evil array is a perfect fusion of the two arrays of rune arrays. The two seniors who deployed this array are really accomplished and can be called awesome.

Ling Xian sighed and was deeply impressed.

He can see from this evil formation in Qifeng Town that even if the two powers deployed in this formation are not the best, they are not far behind.

At the same time he was more dignified.

In the end, what kind of monsters can seduce the two great masters who reach the peak to suppress them with Qifeng Zhenxie?

How powerful must it be to break up most of the demigods and to break out of the seal?

Thinking of this, Ling Xian's pressure was even greater, but that was the end of it, and he had to stick to it!

Only in this way can there be a glimmer of life!

"Two predecessors, bless me, and let me repair this array, so as not to cause evil to the world."

Ling Xian's expression was firm. With her pen, she drew a line of runes in the air to stabilize the near-broken mountain.

His line of accomplishment has long since broken into the realm of masters, and he is the best among them. If he were to rebuild a Qifeng Town evil array, it would naturally be impossible, even an ordinary great master could not do it.

However, if it was just repair, it would not be difficult for him.

Although he first entered the amulet, don't forget that his inheritance is the fifth burning day!

The identity of this fairy is, however, recognized as the first charmer of the eternal life!

It is not polite to say that the rune scriptures practiced by Lingxian are the supreme rune of runes. Even if we look at ancient times today, it is also the most advanced method of runes!

Although he only comprehended half points, this is the top level of runes, even if it is only half points, it is definitely comparable to the master of runes!

Therefore, Ling Xianxin squeezed his hands, and between the movements of his two fingers, the runes appeared in the sky, stabilizing the already broken mountain peaks.

However, Qifeng Zhenxie is the legendary **** array after all, and the blood source is constantly flowing from the ground, making the repair process extremely difficult.

This is him. If he changes to another person, even if he is both good and bad, he can hardly persist until now.

After all, that blood light has a mysterious power that can confine the soul and body of souls. Especially near the source, the pressure is huge and the body is getting stiffer.

If Lingxian is very powerful, I am afraid it would have fallen here.

Everyone at the scene saw this and was amazed.

A monk who has both the ranks and the Fifth Level, such a peerless wizard, anyone will be amazed by it!

"Ning me!"

Ling Xian gave a loud scream, and her ten fingers flew up and down, making people dazzling and difficult to see.

As his fingers danced, the array and runes emerged, exuding mysterious power, attached to the main peak.

Immediately, this mountain peak seemed to have life, along with the other six **** peaks, all emitting a strange light.

Although weak, it means that he lit up the mountain's original rune array. As long as it persists, it will be able to successfully repair Qifeng Zhenxie!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was overjoyed. In addition to looking shocked at Ling Xian, it was hope.

Obviously, the two accomplishments of Lingxian Fuzhen made everyone see hope. No longer questioned him, but pinned his hopes on him.

"The blood is getting richer, and the body is becoming less and less obedient."

Feeling the gradual stiffness of her body, Ling Xian's brows froze tightly, knowing that she must speed up. Otherwise, they will be completely imprisoned by blood.

So he went violently.

The general outline of Fujing and Zhendao came to his mind, one by one, the golden ancient characters shined brightly, expounding the mystery of Fudao, and the truth of Zhendao.

"I don't believe it. I, who bear the two highest traditions of Rune Array, can't repair you!"

Ling Xian's eyes were cold, and her black hair was dancing wildly. He flipped up and down with his fingers, and the runes of the network flew across the sky, lighting up the already dim and even broken rune network.

Especially after the two inheritances came to mind, he repaired faster. In a short time, he had already illuminated most of the mountain runes.

Just one last point, he was able to completely repair the array. At that time, even if the repressed monsters are powerful, they will not escape!

This made everyone overjoyed, looking beyond Ling Xian's eyes, in addition to shock, is expectation.

"Last step, do your best!"

Ling Xian's eyes were firm, and his two accomplishments in Rune were vividly displayed, showing his great power!

At the same time, the ancient words in my mind shined brightly, like little suns, emitting extremely bright light.

Under the blessing of the two films, Lingxian's eyes became brighter and faster, and the repair speed became faster and faster.

In a few short breaths of time, the rune formation in front of the main peak was completely lit by him!

Immediately afterwards, the other six **** peaks lit up one after the other, meeting each other, releasing amazing power, suppressing all demons in the world!

This made everyone very happy, looking at Ling Xian's eyes full of awe, just like looking at an invincible Tianxian.

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