Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1040: Qifeng Zhenxie

Ling Xiandi's fist blasted out, and the mighty power was endless, instantly breaking the void in front.

Then he stepped out and left the aisle while falling into a dense forest.

The ancient trees here are lush and lush, like virgin forests, full of vitality.

And the aura here is also very strong, and it is almost going to become a substance, which is a hundred times stronger than Tianzhou's aura!

This surprised Ling Xianmulu, and at the same time, she was very happy.

"Eternal life, finally here."

Feeling the richness around him that was about to turn into a real aura, Lingxian's mouth raised, revealing a smile of joy.

He became even more pleased when he felt that layer of restraint from heaven disappeared. Because this means that he didn't come to the wrong place. The eternal life world is indeed a treasure land that allows him to continue to cultivate!

"The Lord of Tianjiao Palace is right. Although the heavenly path of the immortal world is also incomplete, it is much better than the Xiuxian world. At least there is no restraining force."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, her heart filled with joy.

He originally thought that his path had been broken, and there was no hope. However, now that he has successfully arrived in the eternal life world, how can he not let him feel happy?

"Fengjia, Fengjia, if you know, I have come to the eternal life world, I don't know what I will think."

Thinking of the middle-aged man and old man, Ling Xian's mouth showed a mockery and a cold smile.

At first, Feng Lie sought power for personal gain and did not take him to the eternal life. He also said that he could only stay in the Xiuxian Realm for the rest of his life.

However, at this moment, he came to the immortal realm, which is also a kind of face-scratching, but the person being beaten does not know for the time being.

But presumably, you will know it sooner or later. At that time, the expressions of the two people do not know how wonderful it should be.

"Leaving the dense forest first, find someone to inquire about the customs of the immortal world." Ling Xian groaned for a moment and made a decision.

After all, this is a very unfamiliar world. He doesn't know anything and always has to inquire. Moreover, he also wanted to inquire about Sansheng Pavilion.

Entrusted by the extreme power that failed to impact the realm of Xiandao, he needed to find a force named Sanshengge to inform the contemporary owner of the news that the old man had fallen.

It turned out that he inquired a lot of people and didn't know anything about the Sansheng Pavilion. Therefore, he guessed whether he had thought wrong from the beginning, in fact, this force was not in Xiuxian at all.

Now when he comes to the eternal life world, he naturally has to pay attention.

"Let's go."

With a slight smile, Ling Xian exhibited her figure, preparing to fly out of this dense forest. But at this moment, he suddenly heard a loud noise.


As if the Supreme shot, Tianxian was angry, and a horrible wave came from the northeast. Even if they were far apart, it made him feel a sense of shock.

"So strong fluctuations, is there a strong one at play?"

Ling Xian's brows frowned slightly, then she stretched her body shape and galloped towards the northeast.

As he got closer, the wave became more and more horrible, as the dormant beast awakened, the horror became extreme.

When he arrived here, he found that many people gathered in front of him, the most recent of which was also in the infant period, and there was no lack of power in the fifth realm.

In front of everyone, a magnificent towering peak stands tall, with runes densely packed and intertwined lines, giving a very mysterious feeling.

Around the peak, there are six shorter peaks, which are also full of rune formations, echoing the main peak, which is very strange.

"This is ... Qifeng Zhenxie!"

The moment she saw the seven peaks, Ling Xian's face changed greatly, and she couldn't help but exclaim.

This made everyone stunned, and looked at him in unison.

"Damn, how could it be such a **** array?"

Ling Xian's face was gloomy, not because he was not calm enough, but because of this situation, it was too horrifying.

Qifeng Zhenxie is a legendary **** array. But to be precise, this is a pattern designed to suppress evil.

According to the records of the Zhenxian tradition, this array is quite difficult, and even the great master may not be able to pose it. In contrast, the power of this array is also very strong, but this is not the cause of Ling Xian's discoloration.

The real reason is the evil of Qifeng's suppression.

As the so-called killing chicken does not require the slaughtering of a sledgehammer, it is extremely terrible to be able to use Qifeng's evil things!

And he can see that the seven **** peaks do not know what went wrong, and they are on the verge of collapse. In other words, if the repressive evil is not dead, then it won't be long before it breaks the seal!

Therefore, Lingxian will change color. I did not expect that when I first arrived in the immortal realm, I encountered such a difficult situation.

"Boy, do you know this kind of formation?"

An old man with a cold look opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp as a sword, and he looked straight at Ling Xian, with a proud pride.

This proud look made Ling Xian frown, very unhappy. Therefore, he said lightly: "Know what? What if you don't know?"

"Say it as soon as you know it." The old man looked arrogant and instructed with a little bit of euphemism.

This made Ling Xian more and more displeased, but he did not want to first arrive in the immortal world, so he had extravagant branches. Moreover, the situation is critical and there is no time for entanglement.

Therefore, he looked around all the people present and said, "Specifically, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, there is only one piece of advice. This place is a terrible place. If you don't want to die, leave here quickly, otherwise no one can go."

The voice fell, and the scene was immediately uproar.

Everyone turned their eyes to Lingxian, without exception, full of doubt.

"What a joke? This is clearly a treasure land. How could it be a fierce land?"

"Yeah, I wait here for a treasure hunt. Why should you say a word and we have to leave?"

"It's a terrible place, you've been kicked by a donkey. In my opinion, he just wants to scare us to retreat, and then take the treasure by himself!"

"Yes, don't listen to him. Hurry up and smash these seven peaks. At that time, we will be able to get the treasures inside. Don't forget, it is said that this is an extremely powerful tomb!

Everyone started talking, in addition to questioning in words, it was ridicule.

"Extremely powerful tomb?"

Hearing the questioning sound in his ear, Ling Xian smiled. Zhenxian inheritance can't be wrong. The suppression here is clearly the fierce thing. How could it be the tomb of the most powerful?

However, he didn't bother to explain, and looked at everyone with mercy, and said, "I didn't force you to leave. I just advised that faith and unbelief have nothing to do with me. You decide."

Having said that, he was unwilling to waste his words with these ignorant people, intending to quickly leave this fierce land.

Anyway, he already said, who else can these people blame if they don't believe it?

However, just as he showed up, the old man shot.


A majestic rush out of nowhere, swept across eight wastelands, swept Liuhe, and let everyone change its color.

"Boy, where do you want to go? If you do n’t make it clear today, leave your head."

The old man was extremely arrogant, with a bit of contempt in his eyes and a bit of coldness.


Cavinka is going crazy, there are only three changes tonight, adjust the status, and my friends forgive me.

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