Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1037: Kill kill

"From this moment, Beidoumen will be removed from the world!"

The voice fell and the audience was silent.

All the disciples looked dull, looking at the shadow of the bloodbath, only feeling a chill straight from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

The ancestor died, the head and elders died, and all the buildings in Beidoumen were destroyed. This means that the Beidou Gate is overthrown, completely, and clean!

This shocked everyone to the point where it could not be added. I did not expect that the Beidou Gate, which has been passed down for thousands of years, would be destroyed by Ling Xian alone!

You know, Beidoumen is one of the eighteen gates. Yuezhou Dingding is a famous force, but it was destroyed by him alone. This is simply incredible!

"Within three seconds, it disappears before my eyes, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

Ling Xian looked around the audience, and the chill in his eyes made everyone shiver.

Afterwards, these people went mad toward the gate of the mountain, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Only Ling Xian remained, standing proudly in the ruins. His blood cloak danced with the wind, like a demon king of the world.

Although Beidoumen has been destroyed, his anger has not disappeared. His steps will not stop there!

"Next, it's the turn of all ghosts."

The corner of his mouth raised, Ling Xian's figure flickered and disappeared.

Three days later, he came to the base camp of Wanguimen and smashed the mountain guard of Wanguimen with an extremely aggressive attitude!

An hour later, the ancestors of Wanguimen were killed, and all the high-level babies and above were also fallen. This power was removed from the world!

Then, Lingxian began a **** massacre.

The reason for the killing was that no one could stop him. At this moment, he is already enough to compete with the strongest in the fifth realm. Even if he has entered the base camp of seven cases and eighteen gates, no one is his opponent!

Especially when he was angry and rushed to the crown, regardless of the circumstances, he was invincible and powerful.

Two days later, he landed in Qingluozong forcibly, and beheaded and killed as many as possible in half an hour!

Five days later, he went to the Xuanbing Palace and used the unparalleled combat power to ruthlessly wipe out this power!

Ten days later, the Emperor Xuanzong also entered the footsteps of the Xuanbinggong. Although this force ranked seven, there were two great powers in the early days of choosing the Tao. However, I still cannot get rid of the fate of Ling Xian!

Kill kill!

Persevering and killing, Lingxian transformed into the World Demon King, and found seven sects and eighteen gates one after another, using the most direct means of revenge!

Although the seven deceased and eighteen gates are very powerful, and several of them have the fifth level of power, he is not the Yuanying monk more than ten years ago.

Today, he can push horizontally in the early stages of Taoism. Even if he is a strong man in the middle of Taoism, he is not his opponent!

Therefore, even if he encountered a lot of choices, he still slaughtered all the way.

Whether it is seven cases or eighteen gates, he will mercilessly destroy and kill all the high-rises. It is overbearing, and it is also hot.

Seventeen and eighteen massacres killed more than a thousand lives in Aoxianzong. This blood debt can only be repaid with blood!

Therefore, Lingxian made a strong attack, destroying one door after another with extremely horrific fighting power!

At the same time, kill one after another!

More than ten years ago, he killed seven cases and eighteen gates, and was afraid to shout. Now the return of the king is still awe-inspiring, and he has beaten the seven sects and eighteen gates without a fight!

In just one month, he had destroyed twenty forces. Thirteen people have died in his choice of power!

This number shocked the entire Yuezhou, and everyone was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

First, I did not expect Ling Xian to return again, and second, I did not expect that more than ten years later, he not only became a powerful person in choosing a situation, but he was so powerful!

That's thirteen powerful ways to choose a path. These forces are enough to push the state, but they died in Lingxian's hands. How can the world not be shocked?

"My God, he's too powerful, but that's more than a dozen powerful ways to choose a path!"

"More than ten years ago, he destroyed the subordinate sites of the seven cases and eighteen gates. After more than ten years, he was already strong enough to face the seven cases and eighteen gates!"

"Wrong, it's not the hard-hitting front, but the **** massacre, the massacre without any suspense!"

"That's right, it's slaughter! So many powerful choices, but he is not his opponent, this is too powerful."

Everyone in Yuezhou was shocked by Ling Xian's move. I didn't expect him to be so strong and terrible. He slaughtered more than ten powerful ways in one fell swoop!

And this is just the beginning.

Ling Xian's anger never went out, how could the killing stop?

He made a strong attack and successively found seven cases and eighteen gates. Wherever he passed, he left ruins and blood.

Shake House is gone.

Tian Xuanzong is gone.

Qing Luo Zong is extinct.

The forces that moved Yuezhou were overthrown by Ling Xian, and all the high-levels under his door fell, and no one escaped.

Even the Fifth Realm was powerfully killed by him, and the spirits were destroyed!

Unstoppable, all unstoppable!

Ling Xian is too powerful, even if the opponent is seven cases and eighteen gates, he is still strong and fierce!

Of course, this is because he broke them one by one. If the seven sects and eighteen gates are united, he can't stop them.

After all, that means at least twenty powerful ways to choose the way, and no one can stop the world!

In the case of one-by-one smashing, although the seven deceased and eighteen gates were powerful, they could not stop Lingxian's edge.

His fighting power is now equal to that of the ordinary mid-way strong. Even if he is one enemy and two, he also has a fighting power!

Looking at the seven sects and eighteen gates, none of them were strong in the later period of choosing the Tao. In this way, it is natural that he can't stop his world-leading edge.

Therefore, Ling Xian's fierce mess, powerful and desperate. He furiously attacked, vowing to annihilate the souls of thousands of lives with the destruction of seven sects and eighteen gates!

Under his **** slaughter, seventeen cases and eighteen gates have been destroyed by him, twenty-four, leaving only the source of the disaster, the Qing Dynasty.

This time, Ling Xian encountered an unprecedented hard battle.

He used his own strength to fight against the power of the two mid-courses of the path of choice, and it became dark and broken, and the wasteland was broken, and the space of 100 miles was collapsed.

In the end, Ling Xian won.

He achieved the ultimate victory with extremely sturdy combat power!

At this point, the seven deceased and eighteen gates were destroyed, and he alone cut off the inheritance and cut off the glory!

His anger disappeared.

The shock brought by this move is far from over. When the news of the demise of the Shang Qingzong came out, the whole Yuezhou fell into silence.

Afterwards, it caused a great uproar, and spread to Tianzhou, spreading all over the Xiuxian Realm.

Everyone was shocked to the point where they couldn't be added. After thinking that after winning the crown of Tianjiao, Ling Xian made another move against the sky!

That's seven cases and eighteen doors!

Perhaps looking at the whole world, these twenty-five forces are not deceiving, and many people do not understand the strength of these forces. But how strong the nineteen fifth realms are, even three-year-olds know.

Therefore, the entire Xiuxian Realm was boiled by Lingxian's move.


Cavinka is going crazy, ask Daoyou for support, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, and ask for a full booking!

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