If you want to go to the immortal realm, you have to go to the sin city of Yuezhou to unlock the sky.

Before that, there were still many concerns to be resolved.

After all, I don't know how long it will take to get back to this place, maybe it's farewell.

Therefore, Ling Xian first came to the Fortune Academy and took a look at the small stones.

I haven't seen it for more than ten years. Little Stone has grown up and Xiu Wei has reached the peak of the foundation.

It has to be said that the qualification of the Sun God after its petrification into the spirit race is really too powerful, no less than the nine holy bodies.

After a conversation, Lingxian bid farewell to the little stone who was reluctant to rush to the Royal Family of Luofu Mountain.

Not seen for a few years, Gong Suoxin's heart is still so charming and charming. Moreover, with the help of Grandpa III, she also took complete control of the entire royal family.

This made Lingxian feel relieved, and after rushing to the old days, they rushed to Yunzhou Qingcheng.

There is his hometown, and naturally he has to go back and see.

Due to the black disc presented by the Lord of Tianjiao Palace, Lingxian did not encounter obstacles along the way. After flying for about three months, he finally reached Yunzhou Qingcheng.

Not surprisingly, he was once again treated like a hero, and all Ling families were full of worship, even fanaticism.

Ling Xian's victory in the hegemony has already spread throughout the world. It can be said that looking at the entire world of Xiuxian, people who do not know him are almost gone.

Even the projectiles like Qingcheng are familiar.

That's the best in the world!

Although it is only the best in the world of Yuan Ying, it is also a great honor. Even if we look at the past and present, few people have got it!

However, the Ling family, a small family that can no longer be small, has emerged as the world's number one, which can be said to be extremely brilliant!

In this way, how can the Ling family go up and down without worshiping him?

In this regard, Ling Xian felt a bit strange. However, he knew that as his status improved, fewer and fewer people would be able to chat with himself on an equal footing.

More, it's an awe.

In this regard, Ling Xian could do nothing but perfunctory things, intending to see Ling Tianxiang.

But this time, he did not see Ling Tianxiang.

According to Ling Tianqing, Ling Tianxiang had left Ling's house as long as ten years ago, and there had been no news.

This makes Ling Xian a bit sorry, a little worried, but helpless. After that, he lived in the Ling family for three days and went to the Da Zhou Dynasty.

Like Gong Suoxin, the seven princesses have not changed, and they have completely taken control of the Da Zhou dynasty.

After that, he came to the Seven Princess Mansion, which had become a forbidden area.

At this time, it was late at night. The bright moon hung in the midst of the sky and sprinkled a little bit of radiance.

Deep in the dense forest, a lone tomb stood quietly, and it was already covered with hay.

"Tsing Yi ..."

A soft whisper, how much sadness and sadness.

Ling Xian never stepped forward, so he stared at the lone grave so blindly, his vision gradually blurred.

"For more than ten years, not only did I get the title of Yuanying's first person, but I also broke through to the fifth level. If you know anything about Izumi, I would be happy.

Ling Xian murmured to herself, feeling a weakness.

How about Yuanying first? What about the path of choice? After all, the beloved cannot be resurrected.


A long sigh, how much helplessness is full, and how much bitterness is contained.

Ling Xian stood quietly, motionless like a clay sculpture, and stared insultingly.

After three full days, he sighed and turned to leave.

Daoxin became more determined, not only to set the peak, but also to have the ability to resurrect Lin Qingyi.

After leaving the Da Zhou Dynasty, Ling Xian came to Wan Jianzong.

Not surprisingly, he was once again treated like a hero. After learning the news of his return, Wan Jianzong immediately boiled and fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Everyone was excited, so excited they couldn't hold on.

No way, Lingxian is the first person in the world to recognize Yuan Ying. This honor is too big. It is really brilliant!

As his ancestral gate, Wan Jianzong naturally felt glorious. Everyone is honored and feels a great glory!

In particular, Dao Wou-Ki felt that the most correct decision he had made in his life was to stand up to Ling Xian before he became a dragon, otherwise, how can he have the glory at this moment?

At this time, the rising sun rose above the main peak of Wan Jian, Ling Xian stood side by side with Dao Wou-ki.

"At that time, I thought you could make me Wan Jianzong glorious for three thousand years. Now it seems that I still underestimate you." Tao Wuji sighed, full of emotion.

"The suzerain has won."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "Three thousand years of glory have already been exaggerated."

"It's not an exaggeration at all. Looking at Yunzhou, there is no fifth power."

Dao Wuji shook his head, his eyes flashed with astonishment, and said: "And you, you have reached the fifth level, this can be said to be the real King Lin Yunzhou, becoming the first person in Yunzhou's well deserved."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled and said nothing.

Compared to other states, Yunzhou does seem weak, at least he has not heard of the existence of a fifth-level power. In this way, he is indeed the first person in Yunzhou.

This made him very emotional. He did not expect that in just a few decades, he had grown to such a terrible degree.

Dao Wou-ki is also very emotional, saying: "When you first heard your name, you were just a monk during the gas-finishing period and needed to look up to me. I did not expect that for many years you have grown into a towering tree, even me Have to look up. "

"The suzerain's words are heavy. You and I are friends, so why look up and say?" Ling Xian smiled.

"The power of the fifth realm, can I not look up? Anyone in Yunzhou must look up."

Dao Wou-ki smiled and said, "I am honored to be friends with Fifth Realm."

"me too."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, thinking of Yu Xunzhen, said: "Zongzhu, I do not know if the truth can be found in the Zong? And my apprentice, how is it?"

"Everything is fine with your apprentice, but there is no news at all."

"Not back yet?"

Ling Xian frowned slightly, and said, "Where's the true long light? Has it ever gone out?"

"That never happened." Tao Wuji shook his head.

Hearing that Ling Xian was relieved, as long as the long light does not go out, it means that Yu Xunzhen was not in trouble.

"The suzerain doesn't have to worry. Seeking truth is the avenue fairy body. The cultivation has also reached the Yuan infant period, and nothing will happen." Ling Xian relieved.

"I know, but in nine dynasties, I'm in trouble."

Tao Wuji showed anxiety, but thinking of Ling Xian's current strength, he smiled and said, "No, it should be those monsters that are in trouble."

"Is the top ten royal families in Yunzhou?" Ling Xian frowned slightly.

"Yes, since you left, the top ten royal families have been eager to move. In recent years, there has been more frequent exchanges, and it is necessary to start with the nine dynasties of the ten dynasties."

Dao Wou-ki chuckled softly, but no worries appeared on his face.

If before he changed, he must be sad at this moment and complain, but at this moment Ling Xian has returned, how can he feel the pressure?

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