Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1022: Attractor

The middle-aged man was gloomy, and he went straight to the skies with a horrific killing intention, accompanied by a momentum belonging to the choice of the situation, overwhelming the audience!

Suddenly, the faces of the crowd changed greatly and they couldn't help showing a touch of worry.

However, Ling Xian did not change color.

He just clashed with the middle-aged man, which can be said to be evenly divided. Don't forget, although he only chooses the cultivation practice in the early days of the Tao, he is the king of the Four Realms and has reached the extreme in the first few realms.

This means that in the face of the general strong choice, he can fight in a smaller realm, and naturally will not change color.

"I don't care what background the Feng family has and how strong it is. I only know that the cultivation of immortals can't be humiliated, and I can't lie to them!"

Ling Xian spoke faintly. Although her words were light, she was domineering!

This caused everyone to surge in blood, applaud loudly, applaud Lingxian's words, and be excited about his strength.

"Haha, well said, great!"

"It's too domineering, it's worth being the first son of Yuan Ying!"

"Cultivation of immortals must not be humiliated, and Master Ling must not be deceived!"

The crowd spoke, and all eyes gathered on Lingxian. Apart from awe, it was worship. That look is like looking at a big hero.

Especially the female monks in the crowd were even more glamorous and full of worship.

Since these days, Feng Lie's actions have made the entire world of Xiuxian angry, and everyone's heart is angered. Right now, Lingxian is not only angry for the world, but also restored the face of Xiuxian Realm,

It is not bad to say that he is the hero of Xiuxianjie, it is he who restored the face of Xiuxianjie and made a bad breath for the world!

Naturally, it is to make everyone worship, especially at this moment. When he said the phrase "the cultivation of immortals cannot be humiliated", he even caused everyone to swell and be so excited!

The immortal world cannot be humiliated, and he cannot be deceived. What a domineering word is this?

How can we not let everyone get bloody?

"It's a shame to cultivate a fairyland. You can't bully Lingxian. I want to see if you have some strength."

The middle-aged man sneered, and his momentum became more and more terrifying, like the dormant archaic beast, which was about to shake the world.

"I'm the one who dares to hurt my Feng family. It's not guts." The old man said indifferently, looking at Ling Xian as if looking at a dead man.

"Two, am I afraid?"

Ling Xian frowned. The old man also practiced in the middle of the Tao. With his current strength, he was not afraid.

After all, he is a Tianjiao Tianjiao, with the ability to fight beyond the ranks. Even if you can't beat it, it's always okay to retreat.

"Courageous, unfortunately, you are dying."

The middle-aged man looked dull and shot strong, and the majestic mana shook Gao Tian.

At the same time, the old man showed his shape and smashed forward like a golden-winged roc bird.

Seeing this, Lingxian Emperor fists up, Sanhua turns, and the Tao of Selective Power suddenly comes!

However, just as they were about to start a duel, the Lord of Tianjiao Palace suddenly appeared and stood strong among the three.

Immediately, a horrific power centered on him, blocking the momentum of the three masters!


With a loud noise, the middle-aged man and the old man each took three steps back, and were shocked.

Ling Xian also took three steps back, her brows frowned slightly, and her eyes were surprised.

Although he is in the early stage of choosing the Tao, it is actually indistinguishable from the ordinary middle of choosing the Tao, and the Lord of Tianjiao Palace can actually be one enemy and three. How powerful is this?

"Why such a big anger? This is the fault of your family. We old people who haven't bullied and killed them are already giving you family's face."

The old man smiled slightly, though his tone was soft, but it was a hidden warning.

Heard that the middle-aged man and the old man frowned.

They knew the strength of the old man and their origins with the ancestors of the Feng family, so they both felt a little tricky.

"Huh, did he beat Lieer into a serious injury, is it all that good?" The middle-aged man hummed coldly, although questioning, but not so aggressive.

"This son is too arrogant and insults our entire Xiuxian Realm. Do you want to cause wars between the two realms? Although your Feng Family is strong, it can't bear the consequences."

The old man looked at the middle-aged man with a smile, although he was laughing, but he was very tough and made everyone applaud.


The middle-aged man stagnates, but can't say anything.

The good story is just a junior dispute, which can be laughed at as a joke. But if it continues to entangle, it is likely to become the fuse and cause disputes between the two circles.

He cannot afford this responsibility.

"So, let me just say so."

The old man smiled slightly and said: "This son and Ling Xian are fair to discuss, everyone can prove that it is inevitable to meet with blood during the discussion, isn't it normal?"

"But he clearly has a heavy hand!" Middle-aged manly, but unwilling to just let it go.

"Is it?"

The old man was still laughing, but with a chill in his eyes, he said, "I don't care about how to insult me ​​to cultivate the immortal world. It is already for the wind family. I admit that you are a strong wind family, but I am not an immortal world. Soft persimmon, if you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end. "

After hearing that, the middle-aged man's complexion changed, and then he gritted his teeth fiercely, and said, "That's it, that's it."

"That's right."

The old man laughed and said, "I'm planning to notify a few of you. I didn't expect you to be here. The candidates this time have been decided. Lingxian is one of them."


The face of the middle-aged man is not good. The task of several of them to come to Xiuxian Realm is to attract the Tianjiao elected this time.

It was only because Feng Lie wanted to visit the Xiuxian Realm, so he arrived early and did not come directly to the Tianjiao Palace.

At the moment, Ling Xian, who was severely wounded, is actually one of the selected people. How does this make his face look good?

Feng Lie even spoke directly, resentfully: "I will never take him to the eternal life!"

The voice fell, the old man frowned, and Ling Xian frowned.

Through conversations with several people, he can learn that they are responsible for attracting people, and without their help, they could not reach the immortal realm.

And he had just severely wounded Feng Lie and died of enmity. How could he take him to the eternal life?

Therefore, Ling Xian sighed secretly, knowing that most of this immortal world could not be completed.

"Master, I know you have an agreement with your ancestors. You are responsible for selecting people, and we are responsible for picking up. But when we pick up the messenger, we have a power, and that is the veto."

Feng Lie smiled coldly and said, "As long as we don't want to, you have nothing to say, now I will use the veto power on this person."

Hearing that, the Lord of Tianjiao Palace frowned, and there was a hint of killing in his eyes. But he was helpless.

This provision does exist, and it is a unilateral decision of the messenger of the wind house, he has no veto power. Therefore, he knew that Feng Lie was seeking power for his own personal gains, and had no choice whatsoever to take revenge.

Even if he forced Fenglie to take Lingxian up, Lingxian would encounter unexpected events halfway.

"Hey, boy, don't you want to go to the immortal realm? I don't want to take you up to see how you can treat me!"

Feng Lie's face was smug, and he laughed and said, "You are very strong, but what can you do? Stay in the Xiuxian Realm that is gradually breaking down, and you cannot even break through the sixth realm!"


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