Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1017: Lost in heaven

"Power of restraint?"

Ling Xian frowned. This imprisonment was not very powerful. With his current strength, he could easily break through.

What puzzled him was where the restraint came from. And in his perception, this force of imprisonment seems to become stronger as he leaves, and may even completely lock him.

"Strange, why will there be restraint after the breakthrough? And, it will gradually become stronger."

Ling Xian frowned, suddenly remembering a record in an ancient book, could not help but suddenly realize.

Due to unknown reasons, no one has soared in the Xiuxian Realm for 30,000 years, and the Tiandi Avenue has become incomplete. Therefore, when the monk broke into the fifth realm, he would be imprisoned in this area.

If the monk stays in a limited area, it is safe. But if you run elsewhere, the restraint force will increase, and as the distance gets longer, it becomes stronger and stronger.

This is why Ling Xian, when he was in Yuezhou, obviously killed seven cases and eighteen gates, but there was no fifth-level strong to hunt him down.

Not that you don't want to, but you can't.

"Tiandao is detrimental and restricts the fifth-strength powerhouse. Could it be said that ... I want to stay in Tianjiao Temple all my life?"

Ling Xian laughed bitterly, which was tricky. However, he did not take it seriously, there must be a road to the front of the mountain, and there must be a solution.

Therefore, he took a leap and left the path of choice.

At this moment, the sun is hanging high, and endless golden light is shining, shining in this lush dense forest.

The prince of the Tianjiao Palace fluttered in white, his hair turned into a child, his rhyme flowed through the whole body, and he was unpredictable.

Behind him, Le Wuya waited for several kings to close their eyes and sit in peace.

When Ling Xian came out, several kings opened their eyes at the same time, and then there was a flash of shock!

I saw Ling Xian Jian Mei Xing Mu, Jun Xiu extraordinary, years have not left marks on his face, still looks like ten years ago.

He traverses the rhyme all over his body, matching the heaven and earth avenue.

This shocked everyone, and even the Lord of the Tianjiao Palace was very bright and very surprised.

He looked at Ling Xian, who was walking slowly, hesitantly, "You ... broke into the fifth realm?"


Ling Xian nodded with a smile, calmly revealing mildness, and said, "It's nothing strange, after all, with the help of Chodo Pool."

Hearing that the old man's heart suddenly set off a huge wave. Despite his speculation, he felt a strong shock when he heard Ling Xian acknowledge it himself.

The same is true of several kings.

The Chosen Pond is indeed a magical place. It has the magical effect of helping the soul to quickly break through the Chosen Realm, but it is not 100%, and the chance of success is very small.

At least, they failed to break through, but Ling Xian managed to break through. How could they not be shocked?

"Even with the help of the Daochi Pool, it is very difficult to break through. They have not broken through."

The old man shook his head with a bitter smile, and said, "You are such a demon."

"I'll stay longer." Ling Xian smiled slightly, still so calm.

After breaking through to the fifth realm, his mind became more indifferent and more dusty.

"Time is a factor, but it is by no means the most important factor. I think it is because of your firmness and perfection."

The old man sighed and said with emotion: "At a young age, I can be firm in my heart, which is really extraordinary, but I don't know which one you choose?"

There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

The same is true of several kings.

The reason they didn't break through was not because they didn't have enough time, but hesitated and didn't know what way to choose.

But Lingxian was so determined, naturally they were very curious.

"Nothing, just choose a path."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, but said nothing. He understood that if the word of his choice was invincible, the people would be even more shocked.

After all, that's the hardest way in the world!

Seeing Ling Xian did not want to say more, the old man did not continue to question, and smiled: "Since you have already come out, then I will tell you mystery.

It was said that everyone was fiery and looked towards the elderly.

Ling Xian is also interested.

Seeing this, the old man smiled mysteriously and said, "I don't know, have you heard of the immortal world?"

The words fell, and the looks of several kings changed.

In the past six months, the world has been uproared, and everyone knows it. Although they are in the Tianjiao Palace, they have received a lot of messages, and naturally they heard something.

I also know a bit about the immortal world.

Ling Ling was shocked.

In the past, he had seen nine mysterious place names in an ancient book. Among them, the Fortune Palace and the Temple of Immortality, as well as Dao Ling, he has entered.

His intuition told him that there must be some connection in these places, hiding the secret of Tianda.

Right now, he heard the immortal world, and was naturally shaken by it. At the moment, he couldn't wait to ask: "President, can you elaborate?"

"The immortal realm is just like the Xiuxian realm, it is the world in this world."

The old man glanced at Ling Xian strangely and said, "There is a vast area there, about a dozen as big as the immortal world, and the aura is more than 100 times richer. It is an extremely suitable world for spiritual practice."

"More importantly, the heavenly path there is only partially broken, not as serious as Xiuxianjie."

After a pause, the old man said in a deep voice: "You must have felt it, too, and you were imprisoned."


Ling Xian nodded slightly, and frowned at the same time, very confused.

He originally thought that the immortal realm, like the first three mysterious places, was an independent small world. But listening to the old man, there is clearly a world like Xiuxian Realm!

This caused him to have a huge wave inside him, but he did not expect that there really is another world in the world.

At the same time, he was very puzzled, wondering what the connection between these mysterious places was.

"Well, that's because of the severe relationship between the heavens."

The old man sighed and said, "Why is the Xiuxian Realm declining? To this day, there is n’t even a sixth-state power? I'll tell you why. It is because the heavens are incomplete and hinder the path of spiritual practice. , There are also some reasons for lack of aura. "

"As long as the heavens have not been restored as before, the Xiuxian Realm will never fall, and at most any soul can only reach the fifth realm, and it is the fifth realm that cannot move freely."

"What's the difference between living and dead? Fifth level may be enough for others, but this is just the beginning for your talented wizards."

"I don't want to see that because of the lack of heaven, your spiritual path has been ruined. For the Xiuxian Realm, you are the hope of revival!"

"Only if you are strong, will it be possible for Xiuxianjie to return to the glory of 30,000 years ago, or even brighter!"

Hearing that Ling Xian was shocked.

Although he didn't know very well, he also knew the reason for the decline of Xiuxian Realm. It is because the heavens are incomplete and gradually collapse, but I did not expect that it would be so serious!

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