Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3495: Even breathing is wrong!

Chapter 3495 even breathing, is wrong!

Qiao Yuyu was left in the night because of the night, and a smoldering fire was in the chest.

I heard the words of such sarcasm in the night.

When the anger is on the way, I will go up to my head.

"Hey! You are not bad enough to harm this palace?! This palace is going to kill you!"

Qiao Yu’s arrogance rose, and his body shape quickly cleared the night.

Qiao Yuqi is obviously not very angry.

This fluttering move is very powerful and fierce, full of chilling killings.

Close proximity.

It was almost impossible to see the night and clear, and Joe was under the black gauze, the two cold and full of murderous eyes.

The violent mystery rushed out from Joe Yu.

The whole room was stirred up by a hurricane.

"All this, obviously it is yours to bear! You have offended the group of black people! Why, why should this house bear these consequences!"

Joe Yu screamed at his teeth and vented his anger at the bottom of his heart: "The emperor falls, even if the palace is destroyed, this palace will also be buried with you!"

With her murderous words to export.

Joe Yu's offensive once again surged.

Sen's cold and violent mystery is like a broken bamboo.

It’s like going to be with everyone!

Qiao Yuqi’s words are also acknowledged, and all the speculations are made at night.

Qiao Yuyan contacted the two people's dialogue, and then contacted yesterday, the night cleared and he explained.

I immediately understood the cause and effect.

Yesterday in the Soul Boundary, was swallowed by the spirits, and the night was clear that the dead Joe Yu, who is indeed his second sister, is the mysterious woman of the innocent city.

Now, lying in Qiaofu, the body of the injured Joe Yu, is also Joe Yu!

In other words...

It’s indeed Joe Yu, who has united others and wants to kill the night!

Looking at Joe Yu's murderous offensive.

Qiao Yuyan’s brows are close together.

As soon as he raised his hand, he waved his sleeve and swayed Xuanbo, blocking the offensive of Qiao Yuqi, and shouted: "Are you enough?"

"Joe Yan Yan!"

All the actions of Qiao Yuqi were intercepted.

She was so angry that she shouted the name of Qiao Yuyan with her surname, and gnashed her teeth: "It is her, she almost killed the palace! It is her... let you almost lose the world, the only compatriot sister!" Do you even dare to say that this palace is in trouble?!"

"Although I don't know what the specific things are, I know that Ah Lu is not the one who will make trouble." Qiao Yanyan looked at Qiao Yuyu calmly. "You are an innocent city, a woman who joins the outer city. In the city, it is so sinister to set up a poisonous array of methods, just to deal with Alu, do you think that your behavior is correct?"

"Your heart is biased towards her, so this palace even breathes, it's all wrong!" Joe Yu sneered. "Since you are biased towards the monk, you will not give this big brother a face!"

With the sound of Joe Yuyu falling.

Her mystery around her body has skyrocketed again.

A shot, the palm of the hand is fierce, a black mysterious man, from the rain of the hands of Joe Yu.

The night fell brightly.

This black mysterious man...

The evil that is felt in the soul-harvesting method is very similar!

Is it...

Joe Yu, who was backwatered, also had some kind of deal with the black man? !

Don't think too much.

This rainy offensive of Qiao Yuqi has already come on the face!

At night, she reached out and grabbed Chaucer, who was about to stop in front of her.

A backhand, the night clear will push Qiao Yanyan out of the door.

Tightly flying, the flame fan fan unfolded in the hands, and the layers of Xuanbo were swept away, welcoming the black mansions -


[There is still a chapter ~ early morning to make up! 】

(End of this chapter)

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