Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3492: Is this you a monk? !

Chapter 3492 is your slut? !

The night cleared the line of sight and said: "Forget it, let's go to the garden of the mysterious girl first."

In order to avoid the embarrassment between the two, due to the noise of Joe’s family.

Qiao Yanyan immediately took the night and went to the courtyard of Joe Yu.

Joe Yu is not worthy of being the second lady of Qiao’s family.

Plus the identity of the mysterious woman.

Her courtyard location is the best location for the entire Johor.

The decor is luxurious and elegant, and it is distinguished everywhere.

The night fell and fell.

Growing up in this environment since childhood, his status is honorable and his father is extremely loved.

I have never suffered any dissatisfaction and unequal treatment. It is no wonder that Joe Yu’s temper will be so arrogant and arrogant.

As Qiao Yanyan led the way, the two entered the courtyard of Qiao Yuxi.

In the yard, I said that there are more than a dozen baboons, and I walked back and forth.

The night cleared and looked around.

I found the darkness of this courtyard, but I still harbored a lot of mysterious people.

One by one, the volatility is not weak.

It should be the side of the exquisite temple, the secret guard assigned to Joe Yu.

I turned to several promenades, and this came to the inner court.

The atmosphere of the inner court is more elegant and clear than the luxury outside.

Go straight straight and the two stopped outside the most spacious room.

At the door, a dressed up flower-like jade, when I saw Qiao Yanyan, both eyes lit up: "Little Master!"

That eagerly greeted before, looking at Qiao Yanyan's eyes, full of love.

For the sly Ming sent the autumn wave. Qiao Yanyan did not squint, asked faintly: "How is the rain princess?"

"The Princess of Rain has just drunk the medicine and is still resting..." The answer was to slap the squeaky voice. "The young master doesn't have to worry too much, there are slaves to take care of, and the rain princess will take a few days to rest, it will be fine!"

As he spoke, he leaned over to Qiao Yan.

That swaying action.

Obviously it is clear that I have to tell Qiao Yanyan - I am interested in you, I want to soak you!

Qiao Yanyan's face was still calm and calm, and the moment he leaned over, his body went to the side, slightly sideways.

He rushed to the air, a cockroach, and fell to the ground.

On the time of the arrival, the pears on the face were covered with rain, and they reached out to Qiao Yanyan: "The young master, the slaves... the slaves hurt, you help the slaves..."

Qiao Yuyan ignored the hand that came out, calm and indifferent: "Since the Princess of Rain is inside, I will bring the guests directly."

After all, he crossed the shackles on the ground and walked outside the closed door.

"Squeaky", Qiao Yuyan pushed open the door.

Then, clearing the night to the night: "Emperor girl, please ask first."

After all, it is a woman's boudoir.

Qiao Yuyan did not take the lead in the room.

I wanted to let you know, and they went in again.

But looking at this look.

Qiao Yuyan simply let the night go to the advanced.

The night cleared and understood Qiao Yanyan's concerns, nodded and went straight into the room.

The embarrassment on the ground, this only noticed that there are other people around the young master.

Looking at the light, it falls on the night of the door.

The pupils of the ground are enlarged, and they stand up from the ground, revealing disgust and fierceness: "Is this you a monk?! You want to take advantage of my family, the rain princess is hurt, what do you do for the rain princess?!"

The shackles were in front of the night.

The face is arrogant.

The clearing of the night also saw the embarrassment in front of me.

But I have seen it before. At the beginning, when she just woke up from the innocent city, she made her a child, and she secretly killed her... Joe Yu’s close-fitting, colorful butterfly? !

(End of this chapter)

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