Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3487: Successful breakthrough, but not excited

Chapter 3487, a successful breakthrough, but not excited

The night was clear and red.

She clenched her teeth and looked at her emperor.

The man is still as always, spoiled tenderness.

Her heart is a little bit painful.

She took a deep breath and tried to stabilize her mind and sit cross-legged.

Thanks to the help of Emperor Xu Xuan.

She absorbed all the mystery in the body.

"Boom" in one.

The night cleared and the whole body made a loud noise.

Her delicate body was shocked.

The aura of heaven and earth is instantly pure.

Endless mystery, wave after wave, lingering over the night.

Her breathing is long and slow.

Tight, it is a tremor.

The dazzling mysterious mansions cover the jungles that are surrounded by a hundred miles.

Breakthrough - the realm of sage!

Promotion, Xian Xuan one product!

When all the heavens and auras are slowly settled down.

The mysterious stage of the night falls, staying in the Xianxuan product, the peak of the world!

I remembered the night, and the old man had said it to her before.

The mysterious steps after Xianxuan are divided into fifteen grades.

Each grade is divided into three stages: the initial stage, the middle stage and the peak stage!

Each grade stage is equivalent to the promotion of a grade before.

The night cleared and slowly opened his eyes, and the five fingers shook hands.

Feel the flow of strength.

Her mouth was raised and she was delighted to look at the emperor: "Axuan, I succeeded! I succeeded!"

But the moment she looked up.

The smile on the girl's face was stagnant on her face.

The man who clings to her hand and hard-pressed his power, allowing her to break through, did not know when, she had loosened her hand.

The unparalleled long figure, in her scorpion, turned into a transparent figure that would dissipate with the wind at any time.

The nights of the clearing of the night, suddenly red.

Tears, unstoppable, slipped from the bottom of my eyes.

The heart and throat are like something, pressed against it, making her breathless.

Like something, it is eroding her body and mind, letting her whole person, like the frosty winter in December, into a cold hail.

The coldness of the eviscerate made her all stiff.

"A... A Xuan..."

Her hoarse voice called the name of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The figure of Emperor Xu Xuan, if looming, seems to disappear at any time, lazy on the back of the seven seven.

I heard the voice of the girl.

His mouth is still a gentle smile.

It seems to be clear for the night, to be able to break through, and happy.

"A Xuan..." The night was clear and trembled, and the emperor Qian Xuan reached out and wanted to touch him.

However, she saw the man and shook her head slowly toward her.

Smile, still so gentle.

Gentle to heartache.

The hand she stretched over was dead in the air.

In the ear, as if to hear a man’s low and gentle voice, he uttered two words—

"wait for me."

This sound, light as if with the wind.

At night, I realized what I was, and my son slammed sharply: "A Xuan! A Xuan!"

She is eager to pounce on the front and want to hold a man.

Yes, her body is empty.

The man who smiled softly toward her gradually disappeared into the air and disappeared.

She even called a few words of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Did not get any response.

Even in the air, the smell of sandalwood exudes, and the breeze dissipates.

Just like, he never appeared in general.

"Shantou, Emperor respect should be back to his body." The old man saw this scene, and his heart was also sour.

(End of this chapter)

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