Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3482: This will not be an expert from the upper bounds?

Chapter 3482 should not be an expert from the upper bounds?

The night cleared the suspicion and looked old and angry: "Don't you have nothing?"

Take the old temper.

Lucheng master is so troubled.

How could he endure it?

The old face was sinking: "I really wanted to come back! But what the city owner said, if you don't cooperate with the investigation, it is guilty! If Laozi kills, it is the evidence, and the account will be counted. Jubao, and the boy’s head!”

Speaking of this, the old face is even darker: "You want to help the kid to get the treasure, and I can only bear this breath and let them investigate."

"Then did they find out what?" He asked, listening to the old words, and his face was ugly.

If the Lucheng Lord wants to mess up the treasure. What are the hands and feet when you search?

Jubao is going to be killed!

"There are Laozi, what dare they move?" Lao Lie snorted. "Of course, nothing has been found!"

"I didn't search it out? After that?" The night fell and the eyebrows shook slightly.

"After... they left." Lao Lie scratched his head.

At night, the hands of the hands were slightly lifted, the slender fingers, and the chin were stroking, and half of them smirked: "That is, after they searched, they left directly? Then Master Joe told you that I went to the west. Cliff Hill, are you coming over again?"

Lao Lie: "It's true. How come you come out so quickly? At least wait for me to save your life!"

Clear at night: "..."

After saving her.

Is it representative that the **** government owes her love and pays off?

The night cleared the direction of the eyelids and said: "First return to the treasure, settle down and discuss this matter again."

In fact, in the clearing of the night, the reasons for the Lucheng master have already been guessed.

Things can't be so coincidental.

Gu Yu was picked by the herb, and the Warcraft of the Guardian Herb flew to the Soulguard.

The blood-colored mercenary group went to the medical center to ask her for help through the words of "Gu Yu".

She entered the West Cliff Mountain and entered the Soul Mask.

When Lao Lie came to help, he was stopped by Lucheng.

This is obviously to stop the old fierce.

I want to delay the time and trap her in the soul-seeking law...

What kind of person is the black man in Joe Yu’s mouth?

What is deliberate is to deal with her?

"Emperor girl, today you saved the blasphemy, it is my blood mercenary squad owe you a kind of love, if there is anything that needs **** help, even mention." Xu Qingbing said.

The night fell to her and smiled at her: "Hey is my friend, the person who knows the aunt's most care, I save, and has nothing to do with the **** mercenary group."

The smile of Xu Qingbing’s mouth is slightly stiff.

The night fell to her politely nodded: "It is me, thank you for the care of the **** face, we will take the lead and leave, goodbye."

After all, he and the embarrassed, a few old people, crossed the **** mercenary group, and left.

The mercenaries looked at the back of the three people, and the heart was still mad.

Until the night, the figure of the three people disappeared completely.

The deputy head of the squad swallowed: "Head, if I am not mistaken...that old man, is the man of Hell House?"

Xu Qingbing nodded with an unpredictable look.

The mercenary on the side was shocked: "What is the emperor in the end? Even the people in the Hell House are respectful to her? She will not be the best man who travels up the upper bounds?"

Xu Qingbing hangs his eyes: "No, the mysterious force on her body is not strong."


Still one chapter + the third hundred monthly ticket to make up, after eating a nightingale, continue the code word~

(End of this chapter)

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