Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3469: The true face of the spirit of the eye

Chapter 3469 The True Face of the Eyes of the Eyes

Emperor Mo Xuanmei is gentle, thin lips smack, revealing a smile: "I know, you are the best."

"Seven seven, help me take care of A Xuan, I will be back soon!" The night fell to see seven seven.

The seven seven tigers screamed and rushed to the emperor.

The night fell to the emperor to reveal a bright smile, and the body shape moved toward the horizon, the species like the dragon and dragon, quickly approaching.

In this period of time, she was enshrined in the sacred heart of the gods and phoenixes.

It seems to have been a long time.

In fact, it is only a few minutes.

At the horizon, there is only one medium left in the black light ball.

That one, already blended with the dragon-like dragon species, is nearly half.

"As long as the final medium is merged with the spirit of the eye, the power of the spirit of the eye will be fully awakened! The power of the soul-seeking method will also be maximized! The soul in your body and the spirit of the emperor will be Forced to take it away and be sucked by it!"

The old man said eagerly.

The night cleared the fingertips.

The fan fan in the hand unfolds, and a mysterious self-phasing flame fan shoots out and turns into a curved blade!


The sharp blade is cut directly on the black light ball and blended with the spirit of the eye.

The two collided and made a sound that shattered the air.

However, the sharp edge does not prevent the fusion of the black light ball and the spirit of the eye.

The night is clear and charming, and the mysterious force is lifted.

One after another, the blade is like a flower of the sky, flying out.

With this company, the shape of the night clear, quickly approaching the spirit of the eye.


The spirit of the eye, his mouth wide open, and an angry roar.

The strange head that had been formed twisted toward the night.

The black scorpion can't see half of the emotions at all, and the sly is scary.

The black giant animal of the Eyes of the Eyes is staring at the night.

It’s like going to kill the night.

When the eye spirit turned around.

The night is clear and clear, to see the face of the behemoth.

Like the dragon's body shape, it is indeed like a dragon, very long and long.

But the most amazing thing is...

This kind of dragon-like dragon species has no neck.

Below the head is an extremely fat body.

It's a bit like... camel, high and low body.

After the body, it is a tail like a dragon.

There is also a pair of wings that are like black air.

The wings flapped from time to time.

Drive the black evil spirits, floating and floating.

At night, I noticed that there was a huge black horn on the head of the Eye Spirit, and the corners were very sharp, and the black awns flashed.

It’s impossible to see the night clearing. What kind of monster is this?

When that weird and terrible head, when it is clear to the night.

The blood basin is a big mouth.

A black, intense evil erupted from its mouth.

The black evil spirits exude a chilly chill.

It is like the heart of a person who can stir up the willpower.

The night fell and looked at the evil spirits that spurted on the face, and did not go away.

It is a fingertip.

The fan of the fan in the hand rotates quickly in the palm of your hand.

With the speed of rotation, Xuan Li has increased more and more.

Then, I saw a whirlwind, and the self-sucking flame fan shot out!

At the same time, the body shape of the night clear, and quickly rushed toward the black evil spirits that came forward!



(End of this chapter)

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